Wednesday, 2024-05-01

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sotaoverridedumb question but what should I be look for in a recipe to see if the generated package would be called lib32-package-name or just package-name02:08
khemtoric: I think the tool is versioned along with poky or meta-rust branch in use03:43
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landgrafsotaoverride: that's multilib, not in the recipe probably08:15
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Guest67Hi, trying to use Bluetooth on a board but getting "No default controller available" in bluetoohctl. Any idea?14:01
rburtonyou don't have the right kernel modules installed14:02
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Guest67rburton wifi firmware installed and seems like also *_bt file in it.
Guest67bluetooth can be separate then14:10
Guest67also, kernel-module-bluetooth-6.6.28 available in image manifest.14:13
RPAny people literate in devtool around? If S=WORKDIR is no longer allowed, does oe-local-files serve any purpose or can we remove that?14:15
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nickwhitlockHow does yocto decide what .so files are required by an RPM? I guess that's where I get confused.14:44
rburtonnickwhitlock: same as most other linux distros: extract the NEEDED tags in every ELF executable in the package, turn those into rdepends14:45
nickwhitlockhm. interesting.14:47
nickwhitlockyeah so best I can tell, NVIDIA provides some .so files in their .run file and those have dependencies that get picked up14:47
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JPEWRP: Sent the bitbake RFC16:17
JPEWI also have a patch to change the taskdepdata to use named tuples, because the indicies are getting a little ridiculous :), but I'll send that later16:18
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alperakhdmi works until u-boot loads the kernel. then it stops working, what could be the reason?16:34
alperakwrong channel for this question, sorry.16:35
RPJPEW: can you show what we'd do with this data? I'm a bit nervous about whether this breaks some of our assumptions about how hashes are constructed16:46
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JPEWBasically, if the task dep we are looking at is not in taskhash_deps, we skip linking them together in SPDX16:52
JPEWWe can do better in SPDX 3 than skipping it entirely16:52
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RPJPEW: oh, right, yes. That should work16:59
RPJPEW:  I worried this was doing something different17:00
RPJPEW: lets keep the indicies for now just so we can fix scarthgap17:00
JPEWRP: That was my plan17:01
RPI'm fine with improving later17:01
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JPEWI probably shouldn't have pushed that as an RFC; I tend to be a little overly cautious about the bitbake patches :)17:03
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RPJPEW: I've been known to merge RFCs :)17:57
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vmesonkhem: I forgot that it's May Day and a long weekend holiday in China so help with meta-clang / kirkstone is delayed even longer. :-(20:26
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RPwonderful. I fixed the failing devtool testcase but I now have 7 other failures20:44
RPrburton: I'm tempted to simply call the commit "devtool: Choppy choppy!"20:45
RPmeanwhile the source_date_epoch change testing on the autobuilder is throwing warnings :(20:46
vmesonheh, a person I used to work with would occasionally say that they were, "feeling particularily stabby today!" I keep people from interrupting them at least.20:47
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RPvmeson: the paperwork for the aftermath was annoying to deal with otherwise?20:50
* RP notes that the warning for at least one of these is a genuine issue :/20:51
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khemvmeson: no worries, I am down sick anyway21:53
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