Monday, 2024-05-06

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khemJaMa: great, I think we will need to add -Wno-error globally for now00:58
JaMakhem: it's not so many recipes and doing it in the recipe at least allows to track which recipes need fixes01:01
JaMaI've seen you've some incompatible-function-pointer-types exceptions also in  conf/nonclangable.conf adding these in the recipes might be useful for clang as well01:04
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khemJaMa: I have cherry-picked your patches for gcc-1401:08
JaMagood, only kea is still failing in my world builds now, I've tried to upgrade it to latest (odd version) and it doesn't seem to help, might have a look next week01:11
JaMathe WIP upgrade if you can guess what might be the root cause01:13
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tlammiHi. Is there a good practice with consuming artifacts of recipes in other recipes? For instance I currently have an image recipe which consumes other images and therefore has a dependency to the "child image" output name. I was thinking about creating a class for this which creates symlinks with "stable" names for the artifacts.05:04
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tlammie.g. instead of depending directly on the artifact name I could have something like `${DEPLOY_DIR}/stable/<machine>/<img-recipe>/image` pointing to the real image and then I could just use that from the wrapper recipe.05:09
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mckoangood morning07:04
Xogiumhello mckoan07:04
ldywickigood morning ;)07:09
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JaMakhem: added a fix or work around for kea as well, will re-trigger the builds later today, probably only the Illegal instruction in nodejs is left now08:22
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:35
mckoanLetoThe2nd: hey08:39
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yoctonHello everyone :)08:41
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JaMatlammi: it's already possible to use "stable" names, see YOCTO #12937 and
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qschulzRP: JPEW: michaelo: sorry for the resend, I just saw I had received a mail last Thursday telling me the mail was denied because I wasn't subscribed to the ML09:02
qschulzI opened the archive on the webgui, but it somehow doesn't go to the most recent messages (i was on page 2 for example) and didn't see it actually reached the ML (a day later than I sent it)09:03
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tlammiJaMa: I'll look into it. Thanks!09:20
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JaMakhem: a work around for nodejs also added in the same branch (to use Skylake instead of Nehalem for qemu wrapper)09:58
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Hammdisthaving errors compiling for riscv32 (from aarch64 host). is this expected?12:04
Hammdistspecifically /usr/src/debug/openssl/3.3.0/crypto/riscvcap.c:91:(.text.startup+0x132): undefined reference to `riscv_vlen_asm'12:04
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RPHammdist: which release?12:38
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HammdistRP: dunno I was following some instructions. I did: repo init -u  -b master -m tools/manifests/riscv-yocto.xml ... so, I guess, "master"?12:47
Hammdistwithout any special configuration I basically just asked for: MACHINE=qemuriscv32 bitbake core-image-full-cmdline12:49
Hammdistwhen I go to the travis for the project all I get is an animated hammer on nail thing that probably indicates under construction12:51
HammdistI'm not even sure how closely this project is related to yocto ... it probably does use the yocto toolchain though12:54
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Hammdistif there is a more official way to build a riscv32 image via yocto, I would like to know what it is so I can try it13:01
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RPHammdist: I'd try just using poky master branch to build MACHINE=qemuriscv3213:16
RPHammdist: I'm not sure you need meta-riscv for that now13:16
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Hammdistok thanks it's runnin'. 3000 or so tasks to go13:49
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kilobyte_chHello! I'm using Yocto/Poky on a Raspberry Pi 4 together with the official 7" Display. I use this meta layer: There seems to be a Bug in the Pi Kernel which results in the Display not working. It is fixed in Kernel 6.6.30. But seems to be just supporting up to 6.6.29. Do I have any other chance other14:26
kilobyte_chthan waiting? :)14:26
kilobyte_chThe yocto-kernel-cache repo is used here:
kilobyte_chTo clarify: I can change LINUX_VERSION to 6.6.30. I can also change SRCREV_machine to the correct commit in the Pi Kernel Repo. But I can't change SRCREV_meta as it just goes up to
zeddiikilobyte_ch. you don't need to bump the meta SRCREV to match the kernel version. That would only matter if there was an option introduced/changed in that version that you needed.14:40
ldywicki@kilobyte_ch maybe bbappend with srcrev could help? ;-)14:42
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kilobyte_ch@zeddii @ldywicki You were both right. It works with the "old" meta srcrev. I have now created a bbappend to change LINUX_VERSION and SRCREV_machine and it works perfectly.15:07
khemzeddii: We need to backport to 6.6 branch to fix selftest builds15:24
khemzeddii: this is because was backported into 6.6 which requires ksft_perror helper but the helper itself was missed15:25
zeddiikhem. no problem. will do it right now and send a SRCREV bump.15:28
khemRP: kraj/gcc-14 can not run core-image-ptest-all and core-image-sato boots/tests ok as well15:35
khemall on qemux86-64 btw.15:36
khemargh s/not/now/ :)15:36
RPkhem: great! :)15:39
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JaMakhem: please update the kea fix in contrib/kraj/gcc-1415:42
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khemJaMa:kea issue seems to be interesting, Can you try to make the getAll functions inline and see if it goes away, I am thinking its GCC issue if its automatically hiding a public function17:23
JaMaI'm done for today and will wait for world builds to finish to see if something else needs fixes (one MACHINE failed in kmscube and virgl but that could be sh!tty proprietary gl)17:30
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khemJaMa: its perhaps -fvisibility-inlines-hidden which is causing the behavior17:53
khemJaMa: I will try with CXXFLAGS:remove = "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden"17:53
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khemJaMa:take a look ar contrib/kraj/gcc-14, gtk4 and ltp on 32bit seems to be only issues left for world builds now18:15
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khemRP:hopefully will be a clean build ( its with gcc14 )19:22
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