Sunday, 2024-05-05

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JaMakhem: I have almost clean world build with your gcc-14 update, with many -Wno-error work arounds and few fixes in and (2 more for meta-security and 1 for meta-virtualization) you should drop cracklib and iproute2 from your assorted recipe fixes10:32
JaMa(cracklib fix is in master and iproute2 imho no longer fails as well)10:32
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JaMakhem: only kea and python3-grpcio from oe-core and nodejs from meta-oe are failing for me now10:33
JaMaand over 150 internal recipes needed -Wno-error work arounds which shows a bit about our code quality :(10:35
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gabriele_00Hi, got a missing dependency when running an image with runqemu:  lbsndio7.0. I am on fedora 40 and cannot find the package anywhere, any tip?14:10
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JaMagabriele_00: changing /proc/sys/kernel/apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns "fixes" the issue with disable_network when running apparmor (ubuntu natively instead of in docker) you've reported16:17
gabriele_00you refer to my previous message? i do not get it, sorry i am not that expert16:20
JaMato your messages from Friday about ubuntu 24.04 support in OE16:21
JaMaif you check dmesg, you would see errors like: [272972.108706] audit: type=1400 audit(1714925501.471:235): apparmor="AUDIT" operation="userns_create" class="namespace" info="Userns create - tra16:22
JaMansitioning profile" profile="unconfined" pid=92643 comm="unifdef-native:" requested="userns_create" target="unprivileged_userns"16:22
JaMaand the release notes explain that 24.04 restricted userns_create with apparmor, you can either disable this completely with /proc/sys/kernel/apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns or create apparmor profile for OE builds (not sure how to do this as comm shows the "recipe-name:" and I'm not very familiar with apparmor profiles)16:24
JaMabut I did test build and indeed did reproduce the issue and then confirmed that disabling this allows me to build again16:25
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