Wednesday, 2024-05-08

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khemJaMa: yes, more beers != less grumpiness sadly, but build less images certainly might help :)03:13
khemJaMa:btw. I am seeing illegal instruction durin nodejs build
khemI wonder if Nehalem is not least common denominator anymore with gcc-1403:16
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HubiHi everyone, i have tryed to build chromium with x11 and i get a problem with deps:07:20
Hubi| C linker for the host machine: aarch64-fsl-linux-gcc -mcpu=cortex-a53 -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security --sysroot=/build/tmp/work/cortexa53-crypto-mx8mp-fsl-linux/waffle/1.7.0-r0/recipe-sysroot ld.bfd 2.38.2022070807:20
Hubi| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 10.2.1 "gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110")07:20
Hubi| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.35.207:20
Hubi| Build machine cpu family: x86_6407:20
Hubi| Build machine cpu: x86_6407:20
Hubi| Host machine cpu family: aarch6407:20
Hubi| Host machine cpu: aarch6407:20
Hubi| Target machine cpu family: aarch6407:20
Hubi| Target machine cpu: aarch6407:20
Hubi| Run-time dependency threads found: YES07:20
Hubi| Library dl found: YES07:20
Hubi| Found pkg-config: /build/tmp/work/cortexa53-crypto-mx8mp-fsl-linux/waffle/1.7.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/pkg-config (0.29.2)07:20
Hubi| Run-time dependency gl found: NO (tried pkgconfig and system)07:20
Hubi| ../git/ ERROR: Dependency "gl" not found, tried pkgconfig and system07:20
Hubi| A full log can be found at /build/tmp/work/cortexa53-crypto-mx8mp-fsl-linux/waffle/1.7.0-r0/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt07:20
XogiumHubi: use a pastebin next time instead of flooding the irc channel, please07:21
Xogiumas for deps, what are you using to build ? As in, which release are you on for yocto, is it a vendor fork or is it poky, the official reference distro ?07:23
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HubiHi yocto kirkstone, and freescale distro for imx807:37
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Xogiumit might be a possibility that they have messed up, since vendor forks are generally meh. Maybe it would be possible to try building with poky ?07:38
Hubiand actually I'm working with wayland, and I try to switch to x1107:38
XogiumI don't know, just another random user here, but07:38
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mcfriskHubi: as the error says, it's not finding gl (opengl?) so check how your target machine can have that and then adjust the build time dependencies for chromium accordingly. vendor layers should have instructions how to setup and use the graphics stack.08:00
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EmantorRP: Has slipped through the cracks because of the missing [OE-core] tag? Should I resend?09:29
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RPEmantor: I'll take a look again and try and queue. The big problem with these is the lack of tests for that class, I have trouble knowing if any change is good/bad :(09:55
EmantorRP: At the moment it doesn't work at all without the patch, but I feel your pain :/09:56
RPEmantor: could you help write some tests?09:56
RPTests tend to encourage me to merge patches...09:56
* Emantor imagines RP wriggling his eyebrows09:56
EmantorI'll see what I can do, my schedule says I should investigate some downstream kernel driver errors.09:57
EmantorSomehow writing yocto tests sounds a lot more appealing…09:57
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EmantorRP: Turns out there are tests and all initramfs-examples inside oe-core just IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX ?= ""12:03
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EmantorI'll now try to find out how to document this…12:03
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RPEmantor: perhaps we need to add another test case for that other situation?12:32
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ThomasRoosHi, do have a cmake yocto sdk question - am I assuming correct that there is no way to pass a CMAKE_C_FLAGS to a ExternalProject_Add lib?12:36
ThomasRoosThis is because of the OEToolchainConfig.cmake in the sdk resetting to env CFLAGS var?12:36
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ThomasRoosI guess this is the only chance set(ENV{CFLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS})12:56
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RPJPEW: I think websockets 9.1 does break, at least on ubuntu 2204 :(13:31
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Guest85Hello, quick question:13:35
Guest85# Generic Distro Configuration file generated by OpenEmbedded13:35
Guest85LABEL X Distro Base13:35
Guest85    KERNEL ../Image13:35
Guest85    INITRD ../initrd13:35
Guest85    APPEND ${cbootargs} root=/dev/mmcblk${devnum}p${distro_bootpart} rw rootwait ${bootargs} isolcpus=13:35
Guest85i had to add isolcpus= to /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf inorder to enable 2 denver cores. How can I do this automatically while building the image?13:35
rburtonadd it to APPEND in your local.conf or similar13:35
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JaMakhem: yes, the nodejs work around from my branch switches from Nehalem to Skylake13:42
JaMakhem: I have diffoscope diffs trying to figure out what changed in node-v20.12.2/out/Release/node_js2c but haven't found which instruction causes this13:43
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Guest85i have to do this everytime i flash my board: ip link delete dev dummy013:54
Guest85how can i automate this when building with yocto aswell?13:54
rburtonis that on your build host or on the board?13:55
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Guest85on the board13:59
Guest85In a github issue the BSP maintainer talks about "kernel config fragment" but im not sure how to do it.14:02
Guest85also everytime i reboot the interface goes up again :|14:03
rburtondefinitely something your bsp provider has done14:03
rburtonten seconds of grep suggest you want to disable CONFIG_DUMMY14:05
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rburtonthe yocto kernel docs show how to write a kernel config fragment14:06
Guest85rburton where is CONFIG_DUMMY that you found set? cant find it in meta-tegra14:15
gmorellI'm packaging a piece of software that requires, I've tried adding a number of permutations of libstdc++6 to my RDEPENDS, but none of them have been correct14:29
mckoangmorell: what's the problem?14:32
rburtonGuest85: that ticket said its an upstream nvidia thing, so it might be a tegra kernel thing, not thing meta-tegra changes14:36
rburtonGuest85: i've never used meta-tegra so this is from about 30s of grepping the kernel tree based on the ticket you linked14:37
legrapsHi all, I'm trying to use the devtool modify/upgrade-recipe workflow on a bbappend with kernel-metadata. It works but adds new patches to SRC_URI in the recipe instead of the .scc file with the previously existing list of patches. --> I was expecting too much magic, was I?14:38
rburtonlegraps: yes.  :). how would it know what scc file to put the patches in?14:39
rburtonthere is no one scc but many. the last machine i created had about fifteen.14:39
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legrapsrburton: thanks for clarifying i didnt miss anything! So I'll update the patchlist manually using git-format.?14:42
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rburtonlegraps: mv the patches to the kmeta tree and manually update the .scc/.bb, i guess14:43
rburtonand file a bug, just in case someone fancies making devtool understand kernel fragments14:43
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legraps:-) I'll give it a go and see if it's worth the effort.14:47
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Guest13trying to add kernel parameters:   APPEND += " isolcpus=" to enable all cpus possible, however15:53
Guest13cat /proc/cmdline15:53
Guest13the option is not there. whats the correct way of doing it?15:53
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JookiaGuest13: isolcpus= is deprecated16:21
Jookiaall cpus should be enabled in linux by default16:21
mckoanGuest13: the recipe responsible to prepare the kernel command line is usually the bootloader, therefore depands on your system architecture16:22
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khemJaMa: qemu execution traces show that illegal instruction happens at vmovq instruction in simdutf this instruction expects avx to be enabled and thats why it fails with Nehalem but works with haswell+16:35
khemJaMa: question then become why avx intructions are being emitted into execution path, and it seems simdutf detection for avx is buggy in the version vendored in nodejs 20.1216:36
khemJaMa: I have sent an update to 20.13.0 for nodejs where I do not see this illegal instruction anymore16:37
khemtry it out and see if it works for you16:37
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gmorellfigured out that my libstdc++ was giving me trouble, my GLIBCXX is too old :(16:59
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gmorelljust gotta wait til scarthgap17:15
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fullstopWith a recipe like:, no files are placed the "main" package.  That is, everything is broken up into sub-packages.17:24
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fullstopWhen I run populate_sdk, the -dev package from that will not be installed in the SDK because there's nothing in the main package.  Is there a way around this?17:24
fullstopIt's a unique situation because only static libraries are produced, but they still have value in the SDK for development purposes.17:25
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fullstopI ended up putting a dummy file in sbin in an append just so that the package would be generated.17:29
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fullstophmm, perhaps this is what staticdev is for.  :-)17:51
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khemfullstop: you can use ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN} = "1"18:05
fullstopthanks, khem, that is a better option than installing a dummy file.18:10
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khemfullstop: maybe you can also use TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK += "foo-dev"18:39
khemwhich can do something similar18:39
fullstopI had to do foo-staticdev18:39
RPsakoman, JPEW: - this is with the spdx change applied so this is probably a rust reproducbility issue :(18:45
RPvmeson: ^^^18:45
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JaMakhem: thanks, newer nodejs seems to build for me as well19:44
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RPkhem: that zip patch needs a description in the patch, that is why I haven't taken it20:37
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vmesonRP: :-( but noted and passed along to Sundeep.20:46
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Jookiai dug through the mailing list and found people have already discussed fixing the qemu host leakage in 2020 and not wanting to change it:
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Jookiaand also in this unreviewed patch series:
Jookiaand in 2015:
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RPJookia: there are pros and cons. "fixing" it would mean breaking the GL support and possibly graphics at all21:41
* RP believes it can all be turned off21:41
JookiaI'm just patching it out of my build21:42
JookiaLooking at the code I think it unconditionally leaks the host environment in without a way to disable it, and breaks the build by default :(21:42
Jookiaat least on arch21:43
RPJookia: - it should be controllable via PACKAGECONFIG21:43
Jookiayes this is unrelated to sdl21:44
Jookiamy glib host libraries are leaking in to the build21:45
RPJookia: ah :(. I'm not sure how we can filter it to only specific pkgconfig entries :./21:46
Jookiaso i assume a patch to remove it would be rejected?21:46
RPalthough it is supposed to search our paths, *then* the host21:46
Jookiayes, it finds libraries in the host that aren't in openembedded21:46
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RPso it should find our glib first?21:47
Jookiayes but it finds other glib stuff afterwards21:47
RPwhich "other glib stuff" ?21:47
RPJookia: we can't just remove it as that will break other usage21:48
Jookiaok, dw then21:48
Jookiai'll just patch it out for now21:48
JookiaJaMa: ^ might be interesting21:48
RPJookia: I am interested in which thing it is finding that it shouldn't21:48
JookiaRP: in this case its /usr/lib/libgdk_pixbuf leaking from my host21:48
Jookiait tries to link with an incompatbile glib21:50
RPprobably from option('gtk', type : 'feature', value : 'auto',21:52
RPwhich is controlled by PACKAGECONFIG[gtk+]21:53
RPJookia: if you have the do_configure log you could share somewhere I can try and work out which option we're missing to stop this happening21:53
Jookiait wants to link my host gdk with the yocto glib, which isn't possible21:54
RPsure, but the question is which configure option is causing that21:54
Jookiai'll unpatch and get you a config log21:55
RPwe should add the missing PACKAGECONFIG entry for that21:55
Jookiathe other bug i found is just a python script mistake21:56
Jookia if you're interested21:57
RPJookia: that is probably reasonable, could you send to the mailing list please with a Signed-off-by: line21:58
Jookiapossibly later this month21:59
Jookiaconfig log meson log
Jookiathere's already vnc options in the PACKAGECONFIG so i imagine fixing that would be hard22:04
RPJookia: thanks. They don't cover gvnc though. I'm trying to see if  I can work out the option but I'm struggling :/22:05
Jookiait's --enable-vnc or --disable-vnc22:05
RPJookia: gvnc is buried in the tests, ideally we could just disable that22:06
Jookiaif you get it working i'll test it22:06
Jookiai'm happy to test patches22:08
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Jookiafor my use case i think just privately patching out the PKG_CONFIG_PATH stuff will work well enough22:10
Jookiai don't want to take up your time trying to help me make a patch i won't be using that's all22:13
RPJookia: we don't like floating dependencies so this is something which needs fixing. I'm just not sure how right now22:13
Jookiai guess one way would be to copy pkg-config files from the host and dumping them in a directory that gets added to PKG_CONFIG_PATH22:15
Jookiainstead of adding /usr/lib/pkgconfig unconditionally22:16
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RPJookia: that could work although the recursive dependency issues might be painful22:18
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Jookiait's only for sdl isn't it?22:21
Jookiaor is the comment wrong?22:22
Jookiamaybe it's worth figuring out what features actually need this and checking if they still need them22:23
RPJookia: I just mean that sdl can depend on other pkg-config components22:26
RPJookia: I'm out of time today but I'll try and find time to look into this further22:26
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JookiaRP: thanks for the help. i'm happy to test and bounce more ideas on how to make the situation a little better. i get the feeling that if i asked for gtk+ it would pull in the library too so removing gvnc would just paper over a deeper issue here :(22:31
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