Thursday, 2024-05-09

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khemRP: seeing - on archlinux since it now has gcc14 like f4000:56
khemRP: perhaps we can build a new uninative with the gcc-14 patch I have on kraj/gcc-14 branch before we apply this patch to master00:57
khemsince I dont expect many changes in the gcc upgrade patch itself00:57
khemmost changes will be in other parts of metadata00:58
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khemRP: I have sent a better fix for zip issue, its on ml03:28
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kanavinJookia, for what it's worth I think we can remove looking at the host pkg-config entries, as it is not actually used for anything nowadays - theoretically it can be used with host libsdl, but that's been long obsolete by libsdl-native configured with opengl acceleration07:30
kanavinI think RP also wanted to keep it as an example of how to link with host libraries if/when needed, but if it's causing trouble like yours I'd rather drop that.07:31
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RPkanavin: we still shouldn't have floating pkg-config detection though :/08:02
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kanavinRP: yes, of course. I'll try to find time and bring the set of recipe options in perfect match with upstrema.09:21
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RPkanavin: I couldn't work out how to pass an option to meson to disable gvnc-1.0 detection (it is buried in one of the tests)09:37
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landgrafIf "module" class is inherited then kernel-module-${PN}-${KERNEL_VERSION} dependendency is added to the package while documentation (and example "hello" module) suggests adding RPROVIDES:${PN} += "kernel-module-hello") resulting in broken dependencies :(11:57
RPlandgraf: the documentation is probably out of date :(11:58
landgrafRP: this it NXP documentation not YP (I just googled it). But hello_mod example is ours12:04
RPwe should perhaps fix hello-mod then? Sounds like we might be missing a test too? :/12:05
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pbielHi, I have a following entry in wks file part /boot --source bootimg-partition --ondisk mmcblk0 --fstype=vfat --label boot --active --align 4 --offset 128M --fixed-size 1G --sourceparams="loader=u-boot" --use-uuid12:09
pbielhowever when I boot my linux the -mmcblk0p1 is mounted under /run/media/boot-mmcblk0p112:09
pbielwhy is that?12:09
pbielany ideas?12:10
Xogiummaybe it is mounted in both places ?12:10
mckoanpbiel: see fdisk12:10
mckoanpbiel: I mean, see /etc/fstab12:11
pbielnope in /boot I have a different content12:11
pbielin /etc/fstab there is nothing about mmcblk0p112:11
pbielI was sure that the entry will base added base on wks file12:11
pbielwill be added based on wks file*12:12
Xogiumsounds like er, how's that called again, udisks is automounting stuff ?12:12
Xogiumif you got a desktop env on there, they also like to automount partitions in /run12:13
Xogiumrandom ideas12:14
pbielHmm I think I've got something, there is an udev rule that calls a script that is responsible for mounting, so that's the reason. However I'm still curious, isn't that wic is supposed to update fstab accordingly to wks file? It's even mentioned in the doc here:
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guestkatiHi, I at there is an UNPACKDIR variable and  can't find it in the manuals. The commit msg says about not unpacking to WORKDIR. In my build the UNPACKDIR variable is not set and ultimately searches for a file in root (install -m 0644 ${UNPACKDIR}/ssh_config ${B}/). Is this something introduced in new versions of yocto?13:16
Jookiakanavin: removing it would be great. should i send a patch?13:20
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Jookiais there any scriptable/line-based alternative to thinks like taskexp and depexp? ie to find a tasks's dependencies13:32
smurrayguestkati: the change to UNPACKDIR is a recent thing on master branch, there was some discussion on the mailing list wrt rationale13:38
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RPJookia: bitbake -g generates files which you can process13:58
Jookiayeah i might make a few scripts for this13:58
RPJookia: any patch removing that needs a clear explanation of why it isn't needed. I'm still not 100% convinced we can remove it13:58
JookiaRP: i think removing it because it's broken and leaky is a good reason, but also i don't think it's needed for anything?13:59
Jookiathe documentation is unclear why this is actually needed14:00
RPJookia: I have enough other major problems without merging something I strongly suspect will break several use cases. I'm sorry if I haven't had the time to research and document those use cases in full :(14:01
RPI appreciate it is frustrating not to know exactly what I'm referring to but it is a suspicion I have and it would take work to prove/disprove it :(14:02
RPi.e. I can't easily point at anything :(14:02
Jookiathat's pretty discouraging14:04
RP might give more context14:04
RPbasic summary I'm overloaded and need a break, not more work14:05
Jookiacouldn't you just merge the patch and see if it gets complaints for breaking things?14:05
RPJookia: who is going to deal with the complaints? Do we have the bandwidth in automated testing to take a potential set of build failures from such a change?14:06
Jookiayou can revert if it it's broken. isn't there some kind of -next branch?14:07
Jookiathe complaints would show up on the mailing list wouldn't they?14:07
RPJookia: it sounds so simple when you put it like that :/14:08
RPJookia: I have a little experience at this (a couple of decades) and it really isn't that simple :(14:09
RPIf I ignore the issue you get upset/disillusioned, if I explain the problem you also get upset/disillusioned and also don't believe me :/14:10
RPfeel free to send the patch. We can try and test it but no promises14:10
Jookiai'm absolutely fine with my patches not being merged or sitting in patch purgatory14:10
Jookiathat's generally where patches go in high profile projects14:11
RPJookia: I'd hope the majority of ours don't :/14:11
Jookiait's more disillusioning to get in discussions that have no resolution14:11
* RP notes not to get into them in future then and just stay silent14:12
RPI did say a better more immediate solution that would get merged would be to find out how to configure qemu not to enable that package14:12
Jookiai don't you said that would get merged?14:13
Jookiaor was that implied14:13
RPI would take a patch which added an explicit disable of gvnc-1.0. I just couldn't find the right configure option14:14
Jookiathere's no configure option, it would require a patch14:14
RPI'd take a patch, particularly if it was sent upstream too14:14
Jookiamaybe there's a disable-tests flag?14:14
Jookiaqemu are doing the same thing openembedded is: checking the host for available libraries and linking to them14:15
RPopenembedded is supposed to be explicit, only linking to specific things14:15
RPqemu-native is one of the very few places we let influence in from the host. It is supposed to be safe since we have explict configure options to qemu14:16
Jookiai think removing the host influence would be a better idea, if you can give a list of things you think it would break i'd test them14:16
Jookiathe only thing i can think would break is host opengl but things have changed a lot since 2014 with that14:17
kanavinJookia, I thought RP told you there is no such list? Seriously, why don't you go to your manager, tell them we are struggling, and ask if you can help with the core things instead of micro-focusing on your little issue14:17
kanavinotherwise, dig into qemu source, find how to add an option that disables the thing that leaks from the host, send that to qemu upstream, get it merged, and then send us a backport14:18
kanavinwhile you're at it, get qemu updated to 9.0 too14:19
kanavinor is it all someone else's problem?14:19
Jookiai'm trying to do free work here to fix a bug14:19
Jookiai'm happy to do all the testing and deal with feedback or have my patches in purgatory14:20
Jookiai'm just ASKING if they COULD give me that list14:20
kanavinhow are you using the yocto project?14:20
Jookiai'm using it on arch linux14:20
kanavinare you putting it into a product, and selling that product on the market?14:20
Jookiaif you only want contributions from companies and paid workers and not hobbyists, fine14:21
RPJookia: sadly I don't have the list, I'd have to do some work myself to try and work it out14:21
Jookiathere is no commercial incentive to work on the things i care about14:21
* RP feels particularly bad about this :(14:21
Jookiaif you're asking me to throw money at fixing the bugs i hit, that's impossible. sorry14:21
Jookiai'm happy to throw work at actually fixing things14:22
RPcontributions are welcome, I'm just warning that a patch removing this code entirely, whilst seemingly attractive, is very hard to review/merge safely14:22
Jookiayeah that's fine, i'd just like some concrete objections at some point (next year?) to move things forward with it14:23
kanavinJookia, here's the list of things that need fixing:
Jookiaor a general idea of why it could be broken so i can test it14:23
Jookiakanavin: if you're asking me to fix specific things, no14:24
Jookiaif you don't care about other fixes, that's fine14:24
Jookiai've barely even used yocto/openembedded, i figured trying to fix the first bug i saw that affects all image builds on arch might be a good idea?14:26
kanavinJookia, sure, but it's a qemu bug14:26
Jookiayou're not going to get random hobbyists who don't know the project internals to just jump in and fix large issues like that14:26
kanavinand so you need to fix it in qemu14:27
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Jookiait's only a qemu bug if qemu says it's their bug14:27
kanavinyou need to find out.14:27
Jookiait's not really useful to argue over who owns a bug if nobody wants it fixed14:28
kanavintypically upstream projects are willing to take patches that eliminate floating dependencies14:28
RPwe agree it needs fixing, the question is how14:28
Jookiathe bug i have is only triggered by a floating dependency, it isn't BECAUSE of floating dependencies14:28
Jookiayocto intends to link to an unknown amount of host libraries and mix them with the toolchain14:29
RPJookia: most projects do understand that floating dependencies are tricky for determinism and are prepared to take patches to at least add configure options for them14:29
Jookiait's unclear what libraries they are14:29
RPJookia: the specific ones we're looking for are the ones related to SDL/GL/vnc support but we're not meant to be using gvnc14:30
RPand none of the SDL/GL/vnc options should be working without explicit config regardless of whether they're on the host14:30
Jookiai guess the thing to do is to test if you need host packages for SDL/GL/vnc14:32
kanavinJookia, no. You need to add an explicit option in qemu tree for what is now implicit, and send it upstream.14:37
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khemmeta-oe still has about 9 recipes that needs fixing with gcc-14 -
khemany help fixing this is appreciated15:30
Jookiakhem: a lot of these are old programs, maybe dropping them or bumping them could help15:36
khemJookia:that would be fine too15:38
Jookiait looks like scarthgap has dropped gtk215:38
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Jookiaoh this is meta-oe, my bad15:39
vmesonThe packages ithat fail to compile with gcc14: fluentbit-1.9.7-r0 freerdp-1_2.11.2-r0 gtk+-2.24.33-r0 pcapplusplus-23.09-r0 python3-wxgtk4-4.2.1-r0 transmission-3.00-r0 xkbutils-1.0.5-r0 xlsfonts-1.0.7-r015:54
rburton(in 1.0.8, so upgrade)15:56
rburtonxkbutils is fixed in 1.0.615:56
rburtonif anyone wants to do two trivial upgrades that are genuinely very useful, then those would be great!15:57
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kanavinthis just *might* be the year of gimp 316:01
rburtonwell now you've jinxed it :)16:01
Jookiagimp still uses gtk2, ouch16:01
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Jookiamaybe gentoo has patches for these?16:16
RPthe two patches on top of are close to getting core-image-sato to build with an altered UNPACKDIR16:22
RPI say close rust is breaking and takes ages to retest16:23
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Xagengood day everyone16:32
Xageni have an issue with my sdk toolchain that i'm trying to solve16:32
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tgamblinrburton: I can submit those16:32
Xageni have nativesdk/host tools and the side of the sdk for the target system16:32
Xagenthe make files for the kernel that get packaged for the target system use the host systems gcc when i run the build instead of the gcc from the toolchain16:33
Xagenis there an easy way to fix this without patching the make files?16:33
rburtonpass CC to the makefile, its in the environment16:35
Jookiavmeson: is there a branch for testing gcc 14?16:35
rburtonJookia: iirc16:36
Jookiais it only for poky?16:37
rburtonpoky and oe-core are effectively identical so its not a huge problem if you use oe-core16:39
Jookiai'm still confused on the difference between yocto and openembedded and poky and oe-core16:39
rburtonpoky is oe-core + bitbake + meta-yocto-bsp + yocto-docs, glued into a repository16:39
rburtonyocto is the community/project, not something you download16:40
rburton(look at every poky commit and you'll see it refer to another repo and sha)16:40
Jookiathanks for explaining16:40
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JaMaJookia: you can use jansa/master-gcc14 branch from oe-core-contrib repo as well16:44
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khemI have fixed freerdp18:50
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khemThanks Trevor for GCC14 fixes for couple of recipes in meta-oe19:06
tgamblinkhem: no problem, I gave them a quick test and they're pretty trivial, but if there are any issues let me know19:14
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