Friday, 2024-05-10

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* landgraf wants to add mount by label to wic instead of hardcoded 'ondisk' parameter (which defaults to /dev/sda :-/). Does it make sense?06:19
Xogiumlandgraf: label, like fs label ?06:20
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XogiumI mean personally I don't use labels or partlabels because what if you have the same image on more than one disk on the same machine ? How do you make sure it mounts the right one and doesn't mix up things ?06:21
Xogiumnot that sda and sdb are any better, mind you06:22
landgrafXogium: Right. It should be second configurable option, not the only one. like if "--ondisk == labels" use labels, otherwise continue with disk names06:23
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Xogiumhmm. Yes. What about partuuids / fs uuids though ? Is there even a good way to determine those during a build ?06:24
landgrafXogium: in my usecase I don't expect users to have multiple instances of the same image but they have /dev/sda /dev/nvmeXXX /dev/vda already06:25
Xogiumright, makes sense06:25
landgraffs uids may work too06:25
Xogiumhere I don't expect it either, although I try to make things accomodating just in case. So on arm we got a way to make the dev nodes for mmc devices stable now, using aliases, that way mmcblk0* is always mmc0 and so on06:26
Xogiumdo have to admit that I don't know how such a thing could be handled otherwise06:27
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JaMais it known that if I have a recipe with inherit externalsrc, EXTERNALSRC = "${TOPDIR}/shit/bsp", EXTERNALSRC[vardepsexclude] += "TOPDIR"; then the vardepsexclude doesn't seem to work, because of the d.setVar('S', externalsrc) from ?09:33
rburtonJaMa: not afaik.  can you file a bug please?09:38
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Guest18Hi all,13:09
Guest18I want ssh server, sshd to be installed on my target and i have added following line in my local.conf but i dont see /etc/ssh on my target after booting13:09
Guest18EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "ssh-server-openssh "13:09
Guest18also tried with IMAGE_INSTALL_APPEND = "openssh "13:09
Guest18How to install sshd ?13:09
mckoanGuest18: EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "ssh-server-openssh" is ok13:11
Guest18but then i dont see /etc/ssh as a part of rootfs13:12
Guest18Am i missing anything here ?13:12
mckoanGuest18: ps | grep ssh13:12
rburtonGuest18: do "bitbake-getvar -r [your image name] IMAGE_FEATURES"13:13
Guest18no running process13:13
mckoanGuest18: probably someone is replacing your EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES13:13
rburtonif an image recipe sets IMAGE_FEATURES then it overwrites any EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES13:14
mckoanGuest18: bitbake -e YOURIMAGE | grep ^EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES13:14
rburtonno no, just use bitbake-getvar13:14
mckoanrburton: +113:15
rburtonthe grep won't show the variable history which is key to understanding where the problem is, and if you pipe through less then you've got a huge file to search13:15
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Guest18It is displaying the EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES="ssh-server-openssh "13:21
Guest18i believe which is telling that is a part of image13:22
rburtonyou want to know what IMAGE_FEATURES is13:23
mckoanGuest18: do "bitbake-getvar -r [your image name] IMAGE_FEATURES" as said rburton13:23
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Guest18I believe bitbake-getvar is unavailable on warrior branch13:25
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Xogiumthat is old, isn't it13:25
rburtonEOL june 202013:26
Xogiumokay make that positively OLD13:26
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rburtonGuest18: then use bitbake -e and search for IMAGE_FEATURES=, but whilst doing that consider how urgently on a scale of "now" to "yesterday" you should be moving to a newer release13:26
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Xogiumwell put13:32
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Xogiumwhich makes me think, what options do people have if they're stuck with vendors that don't bother updating their bsp at all ?13:32
rburtonswitch vendor13:33
Guest18bitbake -e mp1som-qt-image | grep ^IMAGE_FEATURES=13:33
Guest18IMAGE_FEATURES="eclipse-debug hwcodecs package-management ssh-server-openssh tools-debug tools-profile"13:33
Xogiumhah, thought so. Too bad it's way easier said than done13:33
rburtonXogium: if they already have something resembling a bsp already then it might be easier to just port what you need to a new release.  you might be stuck on their ancient kernel or uboot but you can make your own recipes to build their patches and ditch everything else13:34
mckoanGuest18: do youhave any IMAGE_FEATURES string in ?13:35
Guest18Yes, actually i am including this there itself13:35
Xogiumso, how is a bsp supposed to be made, exactly ? As in, are you meant to base yourself on poky with your bsp, or are you meant to glue things together like poky is ? I figure if you don't use poky at all then it means your customers cannot use poky to build, since your layers are not meant for poky13:35
mckoanGuest18: including this there, what?13:36
rburtonXogium: poky is oe-core, so i don't understand the question13:36
Xogiumrburton: I was under the impression poky was a whole bunch of separate layers glued together including oe-core13:37
rburtonoe-core + bitbake + meta-yocto-bsp13:37
Xogiumah, I see13:37
rburtonentirely for convenience, and unless your BSP inherits from a bsp in meta-yocto-bsp then there's no meaningful difference between using poky and using bitbake+oe-core13:38
Xogiumah ! That makes more sense to me now13:38
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rburtongenericarm64 is a reasonable example of a lean BSP in  the machine configuration is mostly the qemu integration, and whilst that machine uses kconfig fragments you could just set a defconfig.13:40
XogiumI did try to use st's bsp with poky, but that exploded rather badly, and I was told to just use their openstlinux distro with their bsp because that works better. I guess they didn't do the proper thing that makes sure you aren't forced to use their distro if you use their bsp13:40
rburtonif my talk gets accepted at OSS later this year, i might ask you for some more comments13:40
Xogiumsure :)13:40
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Xogiumfrom what little I recall of this, trying to build core-image-minimal with it exploded nastily because it was trying to pull in stuff it should not, including mesa13:41
rburtonexactly the sort of thing i want to make users be aware is not acceptable13:42
ldywickiSadly its quite common that small quantity vendors ship mix of build tools. I got a board which rely on buildroot shipped inside 20 GB ubuntu VM. It kinda works, but doesn't help at all when it comes to CI/CD. Not hat I have any yocto-ized build running day and night with CI infrastructure, but yocto+kas proves to be a good set to run containerized builds outside of developer bubble.13:43
Guest18Yes, including all these packages into mp1som-qt-image.bb13:45
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mcfriskif there any existing machine config in poky, meta-arm, meta-security which would be building UEFI firmware for qemu? systemd uki bbclasses etc would need some tests and I guess qemu is the best option14:02
rburtonGuest18: odd.  build the image and check the .manifest file alongside the image to see if "ssh" is in there at all14:02
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Guest13lets say I build an image for a TEGRA device with machine set to X14:05
Guest13however, when flashing, im gonna flash for machine Y, with its kernel device tree and configurations (dtb, etc), BUT im gonna flash the prebuilt EXT4 ROOTFS from machine X14:05
Guest13will this cause me trouble in the hardware part?14:05
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JookiaGuest13: if only the dt and boot has changed then probably will work fine14:10
Guest13├── bootloader14:13
Guest13│   ├── t186ref14:13
Guest13│   │   └── BCT14:13
Guest13│   │       ├── tegra234-mb1-bct-padvoltage-p3767-hdmi-a03.dtsi14:13
Guest13│   │       └── tegra234-mb1-bct-pinmux-p3767-hdmi-a03.dtsi14:13
Guest13│   ├── tegra234-mb1-bct-gpio-p3767-dp-a03.dtsi14:13
Guest13│   ├── tegra234-mb1-bct-gpio-p3767-hdmi-a03.dtsi14:13
Guest13│   └── tegra234-mb2-bct-common.dtsi14:13
Guest13└── kernel14:13
Guest13    ├── dtb14:13
Guest13    │   └── tegra234-p3767-0000-p3509-a02.dtb14:13
Guest13    └── Image14:13
Guest13this is what "changes" technically14:13
Jookiaif the kernel isn't shared you may have issues14:15
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Guest13so the rootfs is not "independent" ?14:18
Jookiathe rootfs can contain kernel modules14:18
Jookiathese are tied to the kernel image14:19
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rburtonif your kernel is outside the rootfs and has no modules in the rootfs, then the actual rootfs is unchanged.  but that's on you to verify thats how your system is designed.14:30
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khemRP: I have built a local uninative (only x86_64) with gcc14 and it is working ok in local builds thus far -
khemGuest13: check for signing etc. if its doing that sort of thing then it might expect exact same boot artifacts14:48
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JookiaRP: kanavin: FWIW apologizes if i upset you the other day. it really wasn't my intent. i'll try harder to communicate better. i am autistic so a lot of things i say can come off as blunt sometimes :\23:37

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