Thursday, 2024-05-23

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khemrburton: the issue is that its generating .symver via assembly files and these symbols are not marked as PLTs01:29
khemI am trying to unblock01:29
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RPkhem: - segfault compiling clang on debian11 :/06:45
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX09:03
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mckoanLetoThe2nd: hey09:14
mbuluthey gents, i was just looking at some 3rd party set of layers that have image recipes with lots of `require` directives from other layers in different repos (e.g. poky)........ i was wondering if this is common practice because it feels wrong... any thoughts?09:16
mckoanmbulut: it is common practice and a feature in OE/YP09:17
mckoanmbulut: consider it as "not re-inventing the wheel"09:18
mbulutyeah of course but, what annoys me about that is that the recipe makes assumptions on the checked out repo name09:18
mbulutthe poky repo for instance is assumed to be checked out as yocto.git09:19
mbulute.g. require ../../../yocto.git/...09:21
mckoanmbulut: very likely is is a wrong setting in the 3rd party set of layers. I'd need a real example09:22
qschulzmbulut: no, this is very wrong :)09:22
qschulzmbulut: require directive searches for everything relative to BBPATH if I remember correctly09:23
qschulzmbulut: c.f.
qschulzherre I require the by relative path from the root of any layer09:24
qschulzit should match the one from poky09:24
qschulzthough, I'll get some remarks because specifically for the u-boot recipes these inc files aren't meant to be compatible with multiple versions of U-Boot... but you see the example09:24
mbulutqschulz, i take from that it matches the first occurence of the required path in any of the layers in BBPATH?09:36
mbulutis search order defined by the order or entries in BBLAYERS?09:37
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JaMambulut: it's a combination of how layer.conf uses BBPATH and order of layers how they are in BBLAYERS09:43
mbulutok, i think i got it now (assuming i'm right that require takes the first match if more than one layer has it)09:47
rburtonRP: amazingly pciutils fails to link for x86-64 so don't pull that into master-next10:25
RPrburton: this is what the LDLIBS mess was for :/10:27
RPrburton: thanks for the heads up though10:27
* RP notes abelloni is struggling with builds10:28
rburtonour gcc is built to do -fPIC/-fPIE automatically, right?10:29
RPrburton: I wouldn't swear to that :/10:30
RPrburton: you're aware of - WORKDIR issue in meta-arm ?10:30
rburtoni am now, at least its in a trivial recipe10:31
RPrburton: right, hopefully not too bad10:31
RPmaking it fatal caught a few places out10:31
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RPrburton: did you look at - PYTHONPATH issues on the arm worker related to websockets?10:47
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RPrburton: think I've found it, probably sysroot python3-native leakage11:08
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rburtonRP: v2 sent, also added my input on the 'port to meson' MR because i hate makefiles :)12:01
rburtonRP: have you bottomed out of that pythonpath issue or should i dig in?12:02
Xogiumrburton: who doesn't hate makefile12:02
rburtonpeople who hate people12:02
Xogiumgood point12:03
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Jookiameson really hits that sweet spot of easy to use and does the right thing with minimal developer effort12:08
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JaMaI hate people as well as makefiles12:19
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RPrburton: I have a theory but not confirmed12:32
RPrburton: I'm a bit worried about how/why it is breaking12:32
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LetoThe2ndJaMa: just for you!
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JaMaLetoThe2nd: I hate you too! :)13:19
LetoThe2ndJaMa: that's the spirit!đź‘Ť13:19
JaMakhem: one of your "gosu: Adjust for UNPACKDIR/WORKDIR rework" commits in master-next is actually for "etcd", can you please merge the fixes for etcd, crucible, gosu from master-next to master? these are broken with go.bbclass changes even without the final UNPACKDIR changes and might be useful to have them applied separately ahead of the rest of master-next13:23
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KanjiMonstercan be backported to kirkstone? because that is exactly what I stumbled over when I tried enabling doc-pkgs13:56
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rburtonKanjiMonster: you can be the change you want to see in the world, by which i mean sure, backport the commit to kirkstone and post the patch14:26
KanjiMonsterthat was sort of an implied question, whether just whining about it is enough or if need to send a patch ;-)14:28
rburtona patch is a lot more likely14:28
KanjiMonsterthough I also fund a previous commit which is already enough14:28
KanjiMonsterI don't know enough about oe to tell which one is more appropriate14:30
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khemJaMa: yes will do it shortly, I am waiting on couple of world builds to finish in next hr15:45
khemadjusted the commit msg thanks15:45
khemKanjiMonster: you can do both, it keeps cherry-picking easier as it does not diverge15:49
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RPkhem: you may want to hold off master-next for a bit16:26
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khemRP: you mean master-next of core ?17:17
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khemRP: I have seen some recipes doing S = WORKDIR but actually the recipe is installing a udev rule or some other scripts in do_install, now changing WORKDIR to UNPACKDIR in do_install fixes it, but I wonder if we need to the S = WORKDIR/source UNPACKDIR = S as well ?17:18
khemor just punt S and be done with it17:19
khemis there some later task which would want to look into S pointing to WORKDIR ( old ) and UNPACKDIR ( now )17:20
qschulzkhem: IIRC, S = WORKDIR would become a fatal error?17:23
khemright, I am saying if S = WORKDIR is deleted and not replaced17:23
khemIOW do we need S = WORKDIR now point to S = UNPACKDIR17:24
khemeven if recipe does not use S directly17:24
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khemand has couple of files added via file:// in SRC_URI17:24
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qschulzkhem: S = "${WORKDIR}/${BP}" by default in bitbake.conf17:27
JaMaS = WORKDIR/source UNPACKDIR = S; will make sure the file:// from SRC_URI end "unpacked" here17:27
qschulzso if you don't use it, not sure you would need to redefine it?17:27
qschulzI assume the file:// in SRC_URI would be unpacked in UNPACKDIR and not S17:28
qschulzso you would need to update the tasks/paths that were looking into S/WORKDIR to use UNPACKDIR for those now?17:28
qschulz(Honestly guessing, so probably not that helpful, I barely read the mails yet :/)17:28
JaMaif you have e.g. bbappend for one of these recipes, then you need to use S or UNPACKDIR instead of WORKDIR, because your file:// entries will get "unpacked" there (so do_install with ${WORKDIR}/foo won't work anymore)17:30
JaMaand that breaks even before the default UNPACKDIR value was changed in
JaMaso it's good to triage your world builds before taking this and the insane ERROR for S=WORKDIR (I'm down to 20+ failures now)17:31
JaMawith the UNPACKDIR change it's 100+ build failures17:31
JaMa is also good source of failures if you use go17:32
JaMaand npmsw:// is also a bit broken if you use that17:34
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khemJaMa: this all I understand, I have changed the do_install to pick it from UNPACKDIR already17:42
khemquestion is do we need S/UNPACKDIR dance in such cases17:42
JaMaI guess you can use the default meta/conf/bitbake.conf:UNPACKDIR ??= "${WORKDIR}/sources-unpack" and point S to it instead of the default ${WORKDIR}/${BP}17:46
qschulzJaMa: yeah but what would be the benefit?17:46
khemright my question is do we need to if S is not used in recipe at all17:48
khemis there some implicit task where it will be needed e.g. source package creation or some such17:48
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sa7mfoHello, I want to create python functions that is shared between a bbclass file and a wic plugin. Does these two "entities" have some common area? meta/lib?19:06
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sa7mfoI'm working with this:
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RPkhem: we want to try and keep it standard so please use S as the other recipes20:14
RPkhem: We use S in PSEUDO_IGNORE_PATHS and other places so it does need to be set correctly20:14
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RPJPEW: did you have a patch to implement the unihash parallelism in some of the code?21:15
JPEWRP: I think so21:16
RPJPEW: I don't think that bit merged21:17
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JPEWRP: Ah right, I remember now; the stuff that was easily parallelizable was the hash existence check that we wanted to add for the sstate cache to reduce negative lookups on the CDN. The runqueue is.... more complicated.21:59
JPEWHard to keep it all in my head sometimes :/21:59
JPEWOk, I think this is doable though, let me take a look22:00
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RPJPEW: runqueue is complicated, yes. Don't worry about it for now. I just wanted to make sure you didn't have anything already22:22
JPEWI do not, I was misremembering. Sorry22:22
RPJPEW: 191 queries passing through my code and they take 15s :/22:22
RPNOTE: Initial setup loop took: 3357.571198940277 - so a world build with some hash matches is still slow to start up22:23
RPgoing to need to rewrite this heavily. My patch also has a glitch in somewhere as it breaks :(22:24
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RPI need to sleep, time to leave this for today22:29
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