Friday, 2024-05-24

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JaMaRP: would it be terrible ideal to backport "base/bitbake.conf: Introduce UNPACKDIR" to scarthgap and kirkstone? as it's the same value it shouldn't cause any issues right? I'm thinking about forward compatibility to teach our developers to use UNPACKDIR in e.g. do_install ahead of the upgrade to styhead+ in far future01:19
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khemRP: S is set to default value in bitbake.conf so recipe will inherit that, is that not enough ?04:36
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khemRP: btw. this commit in master-next bitbake: siggen/runqueue: Store whether the hash was present on the hashserver or not05:19
khemis troublesome, see the failure -
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RPJaMa: I've wondered about that for scarthgap. Not sure I'd want to for kirkstone06:30
RPkhem: I did warn about those, they're not stable yet06:31
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JaMaRP: I can add the weak default only locally for kirkstone, but the switch is causing quite a few rebase conflicts, so it would be easier for me (and possibly others) to be able to update the recipes in "no-op" switch in kirkstone instead of with the whole OE upgrade later, but I understand you might not want it in kirkstone06:42
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manuel1985Hi! My shlib makes use of a few other shlibs, but yocto only complains about one. (libz.) Why? What makes libz special?
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RPJaMa: Making it so people might not need to think about some of these things is risky :/07:00
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Guest22can anyone tell me if its possible to take one partition (in between two others) and make two out of it? I've got 8 partitions und want to split the 7th into 7th and 9th (8th must stay in position). that works so far but mbr write command un my uboot script destroys my newly created 9th part in so far that it says start and end sector are far out07:12
Guest22of bounds whats physically possible (and of course its not accesible afterwards)07:12
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ldywickido you do it through scripts during boot or at image level with wic?07:40
Guest22the mbr write command is in my boot.scr script07:45
Guest22if it isn't called in boot.scr a reboot does not destroy the mbr write is the culprit i guess07:46
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Martin42Hey community, I could use an extra pair of eyes ^^ I need to add "mkfs.jffs2" to my image. The mtd-utils package successfully compiles it and places it under "image/usr/sbin" inside its work directory. However, inside my image on party of the mtd-utils package arrives, "mkfs.jffs2" is missing in my image. Any ideas?08:11
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Martin42Found the issue: jffs2 is an extra p08:23
Martin42Found the issue: jffs2 is an extra PACKAGE inside, thus I have to explicitly write: "IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " mtd-utils-jffs2"", not only mtd-utils!08:24
qschulzMartin42: oe-pkgdata-util find-path '*/mkfs.jffs2'08:24
qschulzthis returns the packages that contain a file matching that glob-path08:25
qschulzmanuel1985: is your shlib prebuilt or built within yocto?08:25
Martin42Thanks qschulz (y) my mistake was to not add the split package into my image >.<08:26
qschulzmanuel1985: if prebuilt, you're missing in your RDEPENDS, if built, probably some compilation issue and it's linking to a different so (e.g. so.1 instead of so.1.0 or so instead of so.1.0)08:26
qschulzMartin42: yup, but sometimes it's difficult to know which package contains which file, oe-pkgdata-util is a great thing for that08:27
qschulz(note that the package needs to have been built first, so if nothing builds the recipe generating this package, it won't appear)08:27
manuel1985qschulz: It's prebuilt. Yeah I got that, but why don't I have to add the other to RDEPENDS?08:28
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qschulzmanuel1985: are the other NEEDED of that shlib in DEPENDS by any chance? (i.e. are they in the sysroot of the recipe of that prebuilt shlib?)08:31
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manuel1985qschulz: No, I've got DEPENDS="" in my recipe. The shlib is an unversioned shlib that a business partner gave us. I don't know what's in it. I just need to link some gstreamer element against it.08:37
qschulzmanuel1985: objdump -x on the shlib to know what it needs08:37
manuel1985Things seem to work now that I added RDEPENDS:${PN} = "zlib", but I'm just wondering why this is the only one I had to add08:38
manuel1985did readelf -d /path/to/shlib | fgrep NEEDED and it listed all the ones that are listed here:
qschulzmanuel1985: BTW, please really follow how to package prebuilt binaries, we have instructions on those08:40
qschulze.g., it should probably not make it to redacted-dev package I assume08:40
qschulzmanuel1985: I assume all other packages are always part of the sysroot, because well... which recipes wouldn't need the glibc?08:40
qschulzthough not sure about the c++ stdlib :/08:41
manuel1985qschulz: "BTW, please really follow how to package prebuilt binaries" I do? What tells you I don't?08:41
qschulzredacted-dev complaining about missing shlibs?08:42
qschulzredacted-dev should have an .so, but it should be a symlink, so those warnings/debug messages shouldn't exist08:43
qschulzmanuel1985: also, is this a pre-kirkstone Yocto? if not, we missed updating the error message to the new override syntax08:44
manuel1985"redacted-dev should have an .so, but it should be a symlink, so those warnings/debug messages shouldn't exist" ah I see. Didn't know they are caused by that. In the meantime I changed the recipe to follow the guide on unversioned shlibs, but I didn't check how that affects this log messages.08:47
qschulzmanuel1985: probably changed to redacted instead of redacted-dev now :)08:47
manuel1985Need to check!08:51
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manuel1985btw Yocto is complaining about some installed files not being packaged, that /are/ listed in FILES:${PN}. Does that ring a bell? I'm a bit puzzled. I checked the workdir/temp and AFAIR they don't make it into packages-split.08:54
qschulzmanuel1985: the error message seems to indicate you're using a pre-new-override Yocto08:59
qschulzso this would need to be FILES_${PN}09:00
manuel1985Hmmm it's dunfell so already supports the new override syntax :/09:00
qschulzmanuel1985: not necessarily, the new override syntax was added in the middle of Dunfell dot releases09:01
qschulzmanuel1985: I think Dunfell is now EoL BTW ;)09:01
qschulzmanuel1985: you can check with bitbake-getvar/bitbake -e that your FILES:${PN} is proper09:02
qschulzcan we have the content of the do_install and FILES: variables as well?09:02
manuel1985I see plenty of the new override syntax in our codebase and there were commits changing all recipes from the old to the new, so I assume this isn't it :/09:03
qschulzmanuel1985: no ${D} in FILES09:06
qschulzit's the path relative to the image root's09:06
manuel1985yeah now that you're mentioning it...09:07
qschulzso it for sure won't find this ${D} on your rootfs :)09:07
qschulznot the first to make the mistake, not the last :)09:07
qschulzmanuel1985: to be fair, It's not explained in the docs :)09:08
qschulzmanuel1985: care to send a patch to make this explicit?09:08
manuel1985I had exactly the same problems numerous times already but somehow got Betriebsblind09:09
qschulzI think FILES, CONFFILES, FILES_SOLIBSDEV are good candidates for this fix09:09
manuel1985operational blindness09:09
qschulzhehe, happens to the best of us09:09
qschulzdid a VAR = "something" VAR:override += "else" to get "something else" in VAR for "override"..09:10
manuel1985Does Yocto do GitLab/GitHub already, or need patches be sent through mailing list?09:10
qschulzcoming from someone who presented "demystyfying bitbake operators" twice...09:10
qschulzmanuel1985: ML only09:10
qschulzyocto-docs is the one you want to send patches to,
qschulzmanuel1985: to be fair, **some** layer maintainers use GitLab/GitHub and sometimes both and sometimes both + ML, but the "core" ones (OE-core, bitbake, poky and the docs) are all ML based09:12
qschulzML = mailing list09:12
manuel1985Can't guarantee I'll find the motivation to do that. :/ Was reading a tutorial on sending patches via ML once thought "wtf"09:14
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Jookiab4 makes patch-based workflows a bit more tolerable09:17
qschulzJookia: yes, but yocto is missing things that hooks up well into b4 for now, e.g. b4 prep --auto-to-cc, the upcoming b4 prep --check09:20
qschulzJookia: we do have a maintainers.conf so we could somehow figure out who to notify, but we'd need to do a parse of a world build for each commit to detect which recipes are changed and notifiy their maintainers... the issue being.. what happens when you do a minimal change in one of the core bbclasses?09:21
qschulzJookia: also, which machine(s) to use for world build parsing?09:22
qschulz(we could start with the mailing list to use though, before going overkill :) )09:23
Jookiathe barrier to sending patches can be pretty high for projects like this09:27
qschulz"projects like this"?09:30
RPJookia: we've had a lot of discussion on the mailing lists vs github situation. It isn't an easy answer as the mailing lists do have benefits even if occasional contributors find them hard and more unusual these days :/09:34
Jookiaqschulz: low level projects seem to like mailing lists, like linux/u-boot/barebox/buildroot/yocto09:35
RPJookia: they better enable wider peer review rather than relying on single maintainers to make a decision09:35
Jookiayeah, i can see that09:36
Jookiab4 made working in the kernel/u-boot a lot better because it puts your patch on a single branch and handles sending things off09:37
Jookiai always manage to mess up sending things09:37
qschulzJookia: b4 really helped me manage different versions of the same patchset, that's something I really like about it. But there were other tools before as well, git-series IIRC?09:38
qschulzbut github isn't going to help with how you manage your git history locally anyway09:38
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Jookiapossibly, i can manage different versions but it's more the keeping track of cover letters, versions, to/cc, and sending things off. there's a lot of stuff that i'm bad at09:39
qschulztrue, though we use GitLab (and Gerrit) at work, nobody writes a cover letter, they take the automatically generated one from the first commit, and never update it09:40
qschulzthere's always some discipline you need to have, some habits to build with different tools09:40
qschulzand people usually don't like changing stuff they work with, even if they don't like the current situation09:41
qschulzit goes both ways, maintainers not improving their workflows because they don't have time, energy, willingness to do it (why change something that has worked (maybe not optimally) in the last decades?)09:42
qschulzand it always costs in the short term, so it's difficult to want to experiment09:42
qschulzespecially since we don't know if it's actually going to improve anything09:42
qschulz(from maintainer PoV)09:43
qschulz(I'm no maintainer, only at my company for BSP/embedded components)09:43
Jookiai think i'd be more okay with it if mistakes were tolerated a bit better09:44
Jookiapeople tend to get cranky if you make mistakes09:44
RPJookia: we do try not to get too cranky. That usually only happens if you make them time and time again09:45
Jookiamy first patch to the linux kernel had someone get insulted that i didn't cc them :(09:46
RPJookia: we're not the linux kernel and try to do some things differently09:46
* RP disagrees with some of the things the kernel did/does and tried to model them differently for us09:48
RPthis is one of the reasons I really don't want a maintainers file like the kernel09:49
Jookiais there just one mailing list to send things to?09:49
qschulzJookia: no, we have multiple ones, but they are documented in the README of each git repo09:49
qschulzJookia: to be clear, (I think) we only have one mailing list per git repo09:50
qschulz(well, for patches, you can ask questions on other ones if you want for example)09:50
qschulzJookia: the only exception is poky git repo, because it merges yocto-docs, bitbake, oe-core into one git repo. But poky is a special case in many aspects :/ for the rest, one ML per git repo if I remember correctly09:51
qschulzRP: I'm interested to know what are the complaints about this MAINTAINERS file if you have time one day (or did you write about this publicly already?).09:51
RPqschulz: There was a lot of discussion a few years ago and it will be in the mailing list archives somewhere.09:58
RPqschulz: once you have such a file it changes the dyanmics of our maintainership a lot and people don't really appreciate the impact of it. For example, people can "demand" they be copied on patches, then "demand" to reject changes, or ask things are reverted if they're not copied09:59
RPqschulz: I really don't want to get into such arguments10:00
RPI'd also note that we scale differently to the kernel, we have layers as a way of delegating responsibility10:01
qschulzRP: but if they cannot reject changes on pieces they maintain, are they maintainers?10:02
RPqschulz: I don't mean in that sense. I mean "I wasn't copied on this change, I missed it, it was merged, I now demand it be reverted instantly"10:03
qschulzRP: I'm used to U-Boot and the Linux kernel maintainership model, but don't have experience with others10:03
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qschulzRP: Ah yes, this is mainly because you're the only one merging stuff and there isn't a "hierarchical" model in Yocto/OE?10:03
qschulzso you cannot simply wait for others to ack patches otherwise patches just die in the archives and you cannot keep track of things to be merged/pinged (and it's not your job as a maintainer anyway :) )10:05
qschulzRP: so I'll make sure I put my idea of parsing world builds to generate a cc list for consumption by b4 :)10:05
qschulzsomewhere deep in my brain*10:06
Jookiai've kind of taken up the workflow of using mailing lists as dumping grounds for patches10:06
qschulzJookia: we do have patchwork (I don't use it as contributor (yet?) though) to mitigate some of this I believe10:07
Jookiasince then people can find and use them10:07
Jookiabut i don't know how i'd deal with unwnted patches. i guess just have a github fork10:07
qschulzJookia: welcome to the world of downstream forks :)10:08
Jookiai thought the idea was layers meant you didn't have to fork10:08
qschulzJookia: if you need to do changes to the core of OE/bitbake... there are sometimes no ways around it10:08
qschulzif you don't want to spend the time contributing and making sure things are merged10:08
qschulzbut then, that's your cross to bear, not ours :)10:09
RPJookia: we do have a pretty decent track record of merging a high percentage of patches10:19
Jookiai get it10:20
RPqschulz: I understand why people like the maintainers file idea, I just don't think it would do what people think10:20
qschulzRP: fair enough :) still want to do something so b4 prep --auto-to-cc adds the mailing list automatically so ones doesn't have to look it up :)10:21
qschulz s/ones/one10:22
RPqschulz: I do think that sounds reasonable10:22
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RPas long as we don't end up with a maintainers file by stealth10:23
* qschulz removes his ninja clothes10:23
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mbulutgm gents, i have some weirdness to resolve here.... full image build (with build directory deleted before) runs ok. but followed by another run without clearing the build dir gives me "This recipe does not have the LICENSE field set (linux-yocto-tiny)"11:08
rburtonmbulut: literally "bitbake core-image-something; bitbake core-image-something"?11:09
mbulutsecond run fails in parsing recipes step, so you could replace the second one with anything11:11
mbulute.g. bitbake image-sth ; devtool modify recipe-sth11:11
mbulutI think there's sth seriously broken in the project setup and i'm checking everything one by one but would appreciate any wisdom how to get to the bottom of this11:12
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Jones42What's the most elegant or generic way to move the fitimage pubkey.dtb to the u-boot build directory so it can be picked up and integrated into u-boot there?12:34
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qschulzJones42: do_deploy in the recipe generating the pubkey.dtb, then in u-boot, do_compile[depends] += "otherrecipe:do_deploy"12:42
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qschulzand you get the file from the deploy directory (there are three very close variable names, pick the correct one, I don't remember which one it is :) )12:42
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rburtonkanavin: does your bitbake-setup patch work against scarthgap with no other patches?12:43
kanavinrburton, yes12:44
kanavinnot the initial release though12:45
kanavintip of scarthgap12:45
Jones42qschulz: thanks!12:45
rburtonkanavin: presumably 5.0.1 is good12:46
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kanavinrburton, yes12:47
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qschulzRP: I have sent a basic config file for b4 for bitbake and the yocto-docs13:49
RPqschulz: cool, thanks. I was just wondering whether we should even have something in the different dirs in poky13:50
qschulzI have not sent one for OE-Core nor poky on purpose, because I think we need to play with symlinks for the .b4-config file to store the proper ML to point to depending on which repo we're in13:50
qschulzà-la README?13:51
qschulzthough I don't know how this is handled :/13:51
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RP is interesting. A world build completed yesterday, only DATE/TIME changed and yet a lot of stuff is rebuilding which I'd not have expected :/13:53
RPthis should probably be another bug to look into13:53
RPqschulz: can we not just put those files in the right subdirs for poky?13:53
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qschulzRP: you would have to run b4 from that subdir then instead of the root directory13:54
qschulzRP: AND, there's a sneaky option that can only work at the moment you create the series locally (send-prefixes).. so you'd have to run the b4 binary from that directory to have it properly set13:54
RPqschulz: ah, ok, I assumed it recursed13:54
qschulzBUT I don't think we need this prefix for poky?13:54
qschulz(the --subject-prefix equivalent of git-format-patch)13:55
qschulzRP: what kind of recursion were you thinking about? .b4-config in root but calling b4 from bitbake/ or .b4-config in bitbake/ and calling b4 from root but it takes .b4-config from bitbake/ as well?13:56
qschulznot sure what you meant, sorry13:57
qschulzKonstantin (maintainer of b4 and LF sysadmin) is usually pretty open about feature requests so we could always suggest something :)13:57
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* RP files
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RPqschulz: if b4-config wasn't at the top level, it would look in the subdirs and use from there if present. That would let us handle patches for different bits of poky, at least in theory but probably tricky in some ways as you could have a patch spanning multiple dirs (just make it an error?)14:01
qschulzRP: but if i have a .b4-config in bitbake/, in bitbake/doc (for, in meta/, in meta-poky/... which one is it going to take? is it going to merge all?14:02
RPqschulz: not sure :)14:02
RPqschulz: depends where the patches are from? :)14:02
qschulzRP: ah, do you want a MAINTAINERS file :D ?14:03
qschulzmmmmm but I now understand your comment about a patch spanning multiple repos14:03
qschulzin our case.... I think we should prevent any patch from sending (thinking about poky)14:04
qschulzbecause bitbake/ docs/ and all oe-core directories are in different git repos so should be going individually through those14:05
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rburtonRP: i'm _sure_ i've seen builds rebuild overnight when nothing else changes but its not constant and assumed it was just me. My hunch at the time was distro release changing.14:39
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RPrburton: A build with no change to the hashes all built from sstate. I've now rebased master-next and am trying again14:44
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RPeven with the better sstate reuse, there are still questionable things there: :/14:47
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RPrburton: evidence from my test builds is pretty strong :/14:56
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RPI've never rebased a series so many times with so many conflicts as these runqueue changes15:12
RPrburton: systemd depending on os-release15:19
rburtonRP: which has the version in. that would be it.15:19
RPrburton: testing a patch15:20
* RP has no idea why people haven;t complained about that15:20
rburtonRP: its definitely not on every change though.  because if i switch branch so the core sha changes, it doesn't rebuild systemd every time.  at least i've not noticed it...15:22
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RPrburton: I think it might15:24
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rburtonthis meson/sdk thing is a PITA btw15:25
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rburtonthe same file being used in eSDK and meta-ide is not fun15:25
RPwe could split them?15:26
rburtonnot _easily_, they're both just meson-native's sysroot15:28
RPrburton: ah :(15:28
RPJPEW: see what you make of the runqueue changes, particularly 6/615:29
RPthey seem to work now in testing15:30
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rburtonRP: FYI jonmason definitely said yesterday he'd fix the workdir problem in meta-arm15:43
rburtonproposal: oe-selftest sets ERROR_QA=WARN_QA15:44
jonmasonI have a patch and I think the issue is being based on scarthgap versus master15:45
jonmasonWon't be able to look until Monday15:45
rburtonyeah, its the new workdir changes in master, which is why our CI doesn't see it15:45
rburton(we should flip CI too, feel free to do that next week too :)15:46
jonmasonI was going to ask yesterday but it was a bit of a mess travelling15:50
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khemqschulz: humanity's dilemma is that we hate change and love it at same time, what we really want is for things to remain same but get better17:30
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qschulzkhem: I second that. change is scary17:52
qschulzmichaelo: please hold off my b4 patch for the yocto-docs, I messed up the mailing list mail address in it /me facepalms (got a case of "been a long time i haven't sent patches, how about sending many patches to many different projects the same day? things obviously go wrong then :) )17:54
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JaMa"things to remain same but get better" <- nice, I want that too18:44
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imxWhat is the best way to install a specific version of python? I found already this “PREFERRED_VERSION_python3 =  "3.9.13"” but when I try to build I got the message: “18:59
imxWARNING: preferred version 3.9.13 of python3 not available (for item python3-statistics)18:59
imxWARNING: versions of python3 available: 3.10.13”18:59
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Jones42_imx: I'm still pretty new myself, but you should have the matching recipe somewhere for that to work19:03
Jones42_imx: something like recipes-devtools/python/ in some layer (oe-core?)19:03
Jones42_imx: (at least that's my guess... I'll let Cunningham's Law do the rest)19:05
JaMayes, you would need to revert the upgrades to roll back to 3.9.13 (if this exact version was used in oe-core before) or just provide the recipe in your own layer and it will be automatically picked if your layer has higher priority, but please think before the downgrade, do you really need older version?19:17
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nwhitlockhi. I'm trying to make a Yocto layer and I'm running into this problem with a recipe in my layer.19:51
nwhitlockI'm basically structuring my layer to have a recipe, and the code for that recipe (it's a kernel module) to exist as a submodule within the recipe folder19:52
nwhitlockI'm doing this:19:53
nwhitlockSUMMARY = "My Linux Driver"19:53
nwhitlockDESCRIPTION = "My Linux Driver"19:53
nwhitlockLICENSE = "MIT"19:53
nwhitlockSRC_URI = "file://files"19:53
nwhitlock#S = "${WORKDIR}/git"19:53
nwhitlockinherit allarch19:53
nwhitlockdo_compile() {19:53
nwhitlock#  make19:53
nwhitlockdo_install() {19:53
nwhitlock  install19:53
nwhitlockBBCLASSEXTEND = "native"19:53
nwhitlockIt's throwing this error: "ERROR: /home/test/yocto/poky/meta-mylayer/recipes-driver/mydriver/ Unable to get checksum for mydriver-native SRC_URI entry files: file could not be found"19:54
JaMadid you add "files" file there?19:56
JaMait needs to be in FILESPATH, see bitbake-getvar FILESPATH -r mydriver19:57
nwhitlockIt's a directory20:00
nwhitlockI cloned my repo as a submodule under the directory called "files" within the "mydriver" directory.20:00
nwhitlockIt's just a simple makefile and some source code.20:01
Saurnwhitlock: Why use submodule? Why not let the fetcher fetch the repository?20:03
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marexmore like, why not list the files in SRC_URI as file://file.c file://Makefile ... and that's probably all for kernel module20:21
marexalso see poky.git ./meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/hello-mod20:21
marexoh, its actually even in oe-core
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nwhitlockSaur It's a temporary solution for right now.20:31
nwhitlockUltimately what I want to do is create a KO that links against the current kernel a la dkms.20:31
nwhitlockmarex Yeah I can do that. Just wasn't sure if there was a better way to handle a directory.20:32
nwhitlockI got an error message that wildcards are no longer supported in recentish versions of Yocto20:32
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JPEWRP: I'll look next week; I caught something and don't feel well today21:04
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RPJPEW: np, GWS!21:44
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