Tuesday, 2024-05-28

DvorkinDmitryis VIRTUAL_RUNTIME_xx compatible with Dunfell?00:26
mbulut_is there an elegant way to select files in SRC_URI for dev/rel builds?00:27
DvorkinDmitrymbulut_, probably better to do it at do_install()00:29
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Saur_Home86DvorkinDmitry: I assume you mean VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_xx? It is just a variable. What you do with it is up to you, though typically it is used in RDEPENDS:${PN} (or RDEPENDS_${PN} in Dunfell)...00:30
mbulut_yeah, that's an option of course but thought maybe there's some handy feature similar to machine based selection...00:31
DvorkinDmitrySaur_Home86б thank you00:34
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rob_wis it straightforward to just update the wic tool from a older toolchain ?07:41
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Jahhas someone any clue regarding to error I am having07:44
Jahdo_rootfs: Postinstall scriptlets of ['rfkill', 'sysvinit', 'shadow'] have failed. If the intention is to defer them to first boot,07:44
Jahthen please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN} ().07:44
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mcfriskJah: check do_rootfs logs. and the script in question. it is slightly annoying that on some packaging systems (opkg/ipkg) those scripts don't run with "set -x" to see the actual error right away.08:00
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Jahyes as you identify, it is hard to grab from error what needs to be done. The for rfkill looks like08:07
Jah+ set -e08:07
Jah+ update-alternatives --install /usr/sbin/rfkill rfkill /usr/sbin/rfkill.rfkill 6008:07
Jahupdate-alternatives: Error: not linking /home/Build/tmp/work/core-linux-gnueabi/core-image-main/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/sbin/rfkill to /usr/sbin/rfkill.rfkill since /home/Build/tmp/work/core-linux-gnueabi/core-image-main/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/sbin/rfkill exists and is not a link08:07
Jahmcfrisk do you have any idea how to resolve this error08:10
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mcfriskJah: check what is providing the other rfkill binary. update-alternatives needs to be enabled for both so that a link is used to select between the providers of the file. To resolve the issue, either fix both to use update-alternatives, or remove the second provider of rfkill from image.08:25
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Jahmcfrisk would you do the same as I do to find who else if providing rfkill "bitbake -e rfkill | grep ^PROVIDES". Or is there other approach you would use to find all providers of rfkill. My search giving me nothing08:38
RPabelloni: thanks, I pulled in a decent chunk of -success. Can you confirm the rust patches pass testing?08:39
mcfriskJah: buildhistory, git grep sbin\/rfkill packages08:40
mcfriskwhen creating products, i would manage target binary and rootfs contents very carefully, e.g. with buildhistory and manual review after all changes to content, installed packages, on rootfs. sizes also matter when trying to fit to HW budget. and licenses. and cves...08:42
Jahmcfrisk that's a great tipp however I can't lead it back through git because it doesn't create installed packages information08:52
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mcfriskpackage manager is used to generate the rootfs, e.g. install packages and their dependencies. So answer is inside the binary package repo, and bitbake extracts this metadata to buildhistory when building from scratch. So you can try to query the package database for the owner of rfkill binary. It's often visible in bitbake recipes scripts too. util-linux, busybox and rfkill recipes provide rfkill binary,09:04
mcfriskfor example. Some of these get pulled into the image somehow.09:04
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qschulzzeddii: https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/tree/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass?id=004da4c6c6029bb2bdcea6da8afa70368ddd1bca#n134 shouldn't this read "patched" instead of "unpatched"?09:18
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qschulzzeddii: cmp returns 0 if the files are identical. So the defconfig in WORKDIR needs to be different from the one in-tree (i.e. patched) for this message to appear, but we say it's unpatched09:20
qschulzhttps://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/tree/meta/classes-recipe/kernel-yocto.bbclass#n161 for the link in master09:20
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RPabelloni: it is scary how much time bitbake is spending in "rehashing": https://valkyrie.yoctoproject.org/#/builders/60/builds/29/steps/11/logs/stdio :(10:19
Jahmcfrisk would there be only solution to filter out rfkill from utillinux and busybox through menuconfig ? Do you have any guesses which binaries can provide sysvinit and shadow?10:56
mcfriskJah: sure, adjust the recipes and features in your build. Some of the rfkill variants is not using update-alternatives, hence the error. add that back. Or disable rfkill feafure e.g. from busybox if util-linux version is used. Or stop install rfkill package from rfkill recipe if some dependency is pulling that in. everything depends on your setup.10:59
Jahmcfrisk thank you very much for your help! Do I have to do the same with sysvinit and shadow11:05
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mcfriskJah: possibly, these all depend on your config. Be careful when adding layers and SW components to the build and rootfs. Some of the dependencies may not work correctly in the config that you use.11:10
Jahmcfrisk I guess I'll have to research to tame it well. Thank you for your assistance11:12
mcfriskJah: you're welcome. buildhistory helps once you have builds from scratch which provide the data for all source and binary packages, and images.11:16
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qschulzdoes anyone have a hint on how to debug the packaging code?12:59
qschulzI have two kernel recipes, one populates kernel-src package, the other not12:59
qschulzand obviously, the one that does has a build-path QA issue in it :)13:00
qschulzboth recipes include the same inc files, inherit the same bbclasses, etc...13:02
qschulzno notable difference in machine conf file and recipes for variables13:03
qschulzthe files in question are built in both cases, they only make it to the kernel-src for one recipe though13:04
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Guest13hello. i want to create a tool/program that gets all the software versions i have on the yocto image. is there a "general" approach for this?15:38
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jonmasonJPEW: I think you'd be horrified at what my build setup for CI looks like :)15:39
JPEWjonmason: We've all been there; held together by bubblegum and good intentions :)15:40
jonmasonI actually have a Orange Pi gitlab CI runner15:40
jonmasonI'm actually going through and measureing the power and performance of the random systems.  I think it'd make an interesting presentation15:40
JPEWYa, that would15:41
qschulzGuest13: i'm wondering if this isn't something our spdx mechanism could handle (or already handle)?15:41
JPEWGuest13: Ya, SPDX can tell you all that if you want. you'll currently need a custom tool to parse that (because SPDX 2.2), but it should all be there15:42
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jonmasonI had systems so slow that it could only do 2.8 clean qemuarm minimal builds...a day15:45
jonmasonoh, and mac mini m1 seems to be the most efficient builder when it comes to power/time to do a clean build15:47
jonmasonwhich might matter if you are in the UK and doing builds during the day (those electric prices are insane)15:48
RPjonmason: as someone with a large build machine in the UK.... :/15:49
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jonmasonUsing Ross's rates, it'll cost 5p to do a build (of qemuarm, no sstate, core-image-minimal) on AMD 3950 (32 cores) with 32G RAM15:52
jonmasonit costs 0.7p on a mac mini m115:52
jonmasonthe time is 3700s for m1 and 2200s for 395015:53
jonmasonI have data for roughly a dozen systems15:53
jonmasonthe worst in every aspect was RasPi515:53
RPjonmason: It'd be interesting to know how "bad" my Xeon box is for that15:54
jonmasonI used a kasa plug, which can monitor the power usage15:54
jonmasonI want Ross to use one on our big iron inside the company15:54
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jonmasonI even have data on using multiple dockers15:55
jonmasonhad a fun instance where 32 dockers were 10x faster..then I looked and saw OOMs and killing of containers :)15:55
RPjonmason: I should plug a power meter into my system. I can tell what the overall house consumption is...15:56
RPheh, sounds like fun15:56
jonmasonit can be commandline controlled via python-kasa15:57
jonmasonthere are strips too, but it only monitors the usage for the whole strip, even though the plugs are individually addressable for on/off15:57
jonmasonI'm going to put a stip on my build systems, but I'm scared to see how much it's using.  my electric bill was 1/4 when I was on my sabbatical (with all the computers off and no electric cars being charged)15:59
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RPI can tell when mine is running from the house monitor16:00
jonmasonlol, turns into a fan because it's spinning so fast?16:01
RPIt has orange and red bits on the usage chart16:02
RPI've wondered about trying the switch functionality on these to do things like power up/down a compressor but I'm not sure they'd handle a large resistive load at 13A that well16:02
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tgamblinkanavin: do you use the testimage feature with AUH?19:52
kanavintgamblin, no19:52
kanavintoo brittle for mass-updates in oe-core19:52
tgamblinkanavin: ah. I'm running into an error when testimage tries to start :)19:52
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kanavintgamblin, it's also not entirely obvious how to make it useful when the goal is to go over every recipe in core and try to update them one by one19:53
kanavinI kind of inherited auh from someone else, I fixed it up to serve that goal in okay-ish kind of way, but I'd probably write it entirely differently myself.19:55
tgamblinkanavin: it'd be useful for me at least since a lot of the recipes with my name on them are Python modules that have (or could have) ptests added19:55
kanavintgamblin, patches welcome (and without hidden meanings or irony :)19:56
tgamblinkanavin: indeed, I'm sure I'll be sending more19:56
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khemRP: master-next bitbake is showing long time between parse and starting task execution20:11
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RPkhem: I think it has been doing this for a while20:38
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khemRP: I am just startting to see it since yesterday21:52
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RPkhem: is this with or without a hashequiv  server?21:54
khemBB_HASHSERVE = "auto"22:01
khemBB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "OEEquivHash"22:01
RPkhem: so just a local hashserve. I'll look into it tomorrow, I've probably broken something else :(22:03
RPkhem: I'd be interested to know if current -next is any better or not22:05
RPI potentially fixed one issue but I'm not sure if I've done well enough or not22:06
khemstill similar22:06
RPkhem: Can you run bitbake with the -P option unti the tasks start , stop it and share the profile data?22:07
RPkhem: I'm not interested in the parsing ones but the others22:07
RPkhem: I queued a mingw test btw. Will the gcc fix just fix the gcc failure or the other failures too for mingw?22:09
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khembitbake -P fails after a while before starting the task executions - https://snips.sh/f/lZEUt1AhkA22:27
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RPhmm, it doesn't do that for me :/22:33
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RPI did some local tests and can't spot any particular slowdown :/22:37
khemsecond run worked - https://busybox.net/~kraj/bb-profile.tar.xz22:38
RPkhem: was there no mainloop or plain cooker log? those look to be the parse logs22:39
RPkhem: the .processed ones are the ones with the human readable output too22:40
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