Wednesday, 2024-05-29

khemRP: here are processed files -
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mckoangood morning06:55
RPkhem: there are still logs missing, the mainloop and the main cooker log :/07:05
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RPkhem: the mingw patch fixes the gcc failure but not the gettext/curl/diffstats ones:
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lquirion@Guest13 I think that the .manifest file generated by Yocto covers your needs11:11
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JaMaanyone seeing "error[E0464]: multiple candidates for `rmeta` dependency `core` found" for various dependencies in rust recipes (after the update from yesterday), libstd-rs now provides multiple versions in incremental build (unless you explicitly rebuild from scratch after -c cleansstate) kanavin_ have you seen this before?11:24
JaMabuildhistory-diff -p buildhistory11:24
JaMapackages/raspberrypi4_64-webos-linux/libstd-rs/libstd-rs-dev: PKGSIZE changed from 304061571 to 160359626 (-47%)11:24
kanavin_JaMa, incremental builds in rust are broken11:24
JaMawhole buildhistory-diff after rebuilding with cleansstate
kanavin_it doesn't clean itself properly11:25
JaMaok, haven't seen this one before, so I guess I was lucky, thanks11:25
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RPkanavin_: do we know what isn't cleaned properly in the rust builds?11:36
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kanavin_RP: I'm not sure. If JaMa can provide a reproducer I can take a look.11:42
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JaMain my case today it was libstd-rs (I had to cleansstate all its users as well after rebuilding it, but the culprint was duplicated files installed and staged by libstd-rs)12:07
RPI've seen this kind of issue before but couldn't reproduce it :/12:08
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JaMaI'll try, because I'm pretty sure I've built libstd-rs from scratch yesterday and today it was rebuilt because of the last 4 commits currently in master (so I guess if I checkout HEAD~5, build libstd-rs, checkout master, build it again than I might see the issue)12:09
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JaMahmm this trivial reproducer didn't work12:28
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JaMalibstd-rs-1.75.0-r0 was rebuilt from do_fetch after updating oe-core (and cleaning dirs while doing so)12:29
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RPJaMa: sounds like what I ran into last time :/12:58
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* RP doesn't know the best way to try and fix/improve the cached unihash esdk problem :(13:10
* RP keeps going around in circles on the right thing to do13:11
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zeddiiJaMa: fyi. my first round of tested fixes are no master-next of m-virt as of a minute ago13:30
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JaMazeddii: thanks, will add that to my world builds14:42
JPEWRP: Good news! The patch to do batch processing of queries for the hash server is actually simpler than I though; it's just on the client side and pretty isolated in bitbake so, backports should be pretty easy14:42
JPEWPatches will be sent today14:42
* JPEW didn't have to break the server for once :)14:43
RPJPEW: nice, that sounds good! :)14:45
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RPconnection timed out? :/15:21
RPJPEW: with your patch15:21
JPEWhmm, ok15:22
RPJPEW: my other build without your patch hasn't got past init :(15:22
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sakomansmurray: Just a heads up that this patch is breaking the scarthgap meta-agl-core autobuilder test:
smurraysakoman: okay, I'll need to rebase our local change16:59
sakomansmurray: It will be in the patchset that I send out for review in the next day or so, so won'17:00
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sakomant merge until early next week17:00
smurraysakoman: okay.  We just finished a bump to 5.0.1, I'll likely have to do an interim bump on our side to pick that up when it gets merged to scarthgap17:02
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JaMaanyone seeing longer-than-usual delays between push to git+ssh:// and the update on (now it's couple hours)17:56
JaMaI've pushed jansa/kirkstone twice today and still shows last change from 13 days ago17:58
JaMakhem: is spirv-llvm-translator building for you after last few fixes? I still see failures with gcc18:00
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JPEWRP: Can you clarify "not past init"?18:21
RPJPEW: I mean that with the batched queries, the build ran and died before the other one without the batched queries had even started executing tasks18:22
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JPEWOh, well that's promising that it's faster at least18:23
RPJPEW: definitely, massively faster!18:24
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RP vs - 1343s vs under 60s18:25
RPover 30s, under 60s, I don't have an exact time as the logging didn't trigger18:26
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JaMakhem: I'm seeing for native as well as target18:27
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khemJaMa: yes seen that but I was assuming its only with clang trunk but seems to be with clang18 as well it seems19:36
khemJaMa: is it on latest master of meta-clang where you are seein it -
khemI was hoping that should have helped19:39
JPEWRP: Sent a V2... I couldn't see any logic bugs, but tried to handle a corner case anyway. If this still has problems, we might need to look at the server side19:39
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JPEWRP: Sent a server patch that will helpful if we are maxing out the server CPU19:40
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RPhalstead: you might want to look at the above!19:51
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RPJPEW: thanks! I'll try another test19:51
JaMakhem: yes this is the latest meta-clang (5397003 libclc: Fix build errors)19:51
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halsteadRP: JPEW Thank you. Is this ready for testing? I have a test spot.19:52
JaMahalstead: and when you have some spare moment can you please check why isn't updating in last few hours?19:53
halsteadJaMa: Sure.19:53
JPEWhalstead: No need to update the server for this test. The new change to the server adds support for SO_REUSEPORT so you can run multiple servers on the same port to take advantage of multiple CPUs. I don't _think_ we need it yet19:53
JPEW(unless you want to try it preemptively of course)19:54
RPJPEW: - list index out of range?19:55
JPEW..... ug19:55
* JPEW looks19:55
RPit got there fast though :)19:56
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JPEWOh, I bet I know20:00
RPJPEW: it is possible I'm calling that with an empty list20:00
JPEWNo, I bet it's related to the reconnect logic; hang on20:01
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JPEWThis was probably the bug last time too :)20:12
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RPJPEW: I was just thinking the timing sounded right20:15
JaMakhem: with Revert "[Backport to 18] Support SPV_INTEL_maximum_registers extension (#2344) (#2388)" it seems to build fine again20:17
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JaMakhem: testing
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JaMakhem: sending PR20:24
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vermaeteIf I would like to add ptest to python3-flask and it runs just below 60sec at qemux86.  Where should I add the test?20:26
vermaetein ptest-packagelists.inc20:27
vermaeteSlow I assume?  Or do I leave this to the maintainers?20:28
vermaeteok, found it: not!  because it's in different layers.20:32
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JPEWRP: Ok, I was able to reproduce that one and fix it. V3 sent20:40
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RPJPEW: thanks, trying another test build20:45
JPEWRP: I'm wondering if this makes the client pool (parallel code) unnecessary and we should remove it.... maybe something to think about20:52
JPEWThis is way better, and probably nicer to the server :)20:53
RPJPEW: I was wondering about that too. The speed improvements should make it unneeded. It also makes my runqueue changes I can't get working obsolete too which is probably for the btest20:54
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RPJPEW: currently the parallel code doesn't work so we can't use it. Removing it may be the better option21:00
RPJPEW: completed the image build in around 10 mins :)21:16
RPJPEW: :/21:34
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RPJPEW: should the code compare to len(msgs) as a sanity check too?21:48
JPEWCan't if it's a generator21:49
JPEWWhich is why it keeps the running tally21:49
RPJPEW: ah21:49
JPEWI'm trying not to make it use gobs of RAM :)21:49
JPEWOh, I think I see21:50
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RPJPEW: any luck working it out?22:41
JPEWYa, I was trying to see if I could reproduce it to test, but I'm pretty sure I got it (it's tricky to make happen synthetically)22:42
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RPJPEW: If you have a patch I can stop the current build and run overnight22:43
JPEWK I'll prep it22:43
RPJPEW: I'm asking only as I'll be falling asleep soon! thanks :)22:44
JPEWThat's fair, you should get some sleep :)22:44
RPJPEW: thanks, I've started
RPJPEW: I think the issue is what I was wondering about but I still don't quite understand the async code :/22:53
RPI guess a failure and reconnect is handled somewhere else I'm not quite seeing, its the missing exception handling I'm missing22:54
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JPEWYa, it tries to reconnect pretty aggressively, which is normally fine, except when you are trying to track multiple commands with their results22:56
JPEWState tracking was off a little bit; it was pulling a message, sending it, then adding it to the pending list. Need to add it to the pending list before trying to send in case it reconnects22:56
RPThat makes sense22:59
RPJPEW: I'll see how this looks in the morning. Some meta-* failures are expected, the rest should pass23:00
RPJPEW: thanks again, this should make a huge difference to the builds23:02
RP(and in turn my sanity)23:02
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