Monday, 2024-06-17

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bqanyone using `kas` knows how to get it to perform submodule clones? xyproblem here is I'm kassifying an old 2016-era stack and it requires bitbake to be cloned inside oe-core. This creates an ordering problem with kas, so I thought maybe I could add bitbake as a submod on a private branch of oe-core instead...04:20
bqAlas it doesn't perform a recursive clone/checkout, so submods don't appear to work around the ordering problem04:21
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Guest13hi. im still having problems with my package not being included inmy rootfs.08:31
Guest13RDEPENDS:${PN} += "abc"08:31
Guest13if i build image, it does not build it.08:31
Guest13however, if i build it manually bitbake abc, it builds, but still not being included into my rootfs08:31
Guest13how can i debug it08:31
Guest13the rdependsis on my packagegroup08:33
qschulzGuest13: check that your packagegroup actually have abc in its RDEPENDS08:35
qschulzGuest13: check that your image actually install the proper packagegroup package08:35
qschulzGuest13: check that you don't have multiple recipes named abc and yours is not picked08:35
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Guest13and how do i check that08:36
Guest131. rdepends ... += "abc" is a line in my packagegroup, so im assuming yes08:37
Guest132. how08:37
Guest133. dont think so, but how can i check this with bitbake tools08:37
qschulz1. I think you could use bitbake-getvar for this08:38
qschulzbut if you cannot bitbake -e will do (pipe to a file, you get millions of lines)08:38
qschulzyou want to pass the name of the packagegroup recipe to it, not the image08:39
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qschulz2. the easiest I know of is to just remove the recipe and see if your image still builds08:41
qschulzotherwise probably bitbake -g <image> and look into one of the generated files, it's probably something like installed-packages or something like that08:42
qschulzif your packagegroup is in there, you're good08:42
qschulz3. bitbake-layers show-recipes -m should be enough I guess08:43
qschulzthough I am not sure how it handles differently named recipes that PROVIDES the same recipe /me shrugs08:43
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Guest13interesting. package shows in recipes.txt (bitbake-layers show-recipes) but it DOES NOT show in task-depends and pn-buildlist09:04
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rburtonGuest13: build the packagegroup, does that build the recipe?09:30
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mdb977Hi there, I have an python function (do_foo) added to ROOTFS_PREPROCESS_COMMAND. Now, I want to make an inter-task dependency and wrote "do_foo[depends] = "somerecipe-native:do_bar". But, this seems not to work, somerecipe-native is not added to my buildlist. Where is my error in thinking?14:08
rburtonmdb977: depends are between tasks, and a preprocess command isn't a task14:20
mdb977rburton: Thanks. Is there another way of expressing something like this?14:23
rburtonadd the dependency to do_rootfs when you add the preprocess command14:23
mdb977Thanks. I'll try.14:24
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Jones42OnkelUlla: a colleague recently pointed me towards . So now I'm a bit confused regarding the differences between that one and your proposed bbclass and why you made the effort of writing your own. Could you maybe enlighten me with a line or two?15:10
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khem FreeBSD rocks !18:44
khemI wonder if it was done on distros with newer kernels like Archlinux18:45
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