Tuesday, 2024-06-18

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Guest6633Hello everyone, I'm looking for the information about performing builds on Ubuntu 24.04. I had some issues with building Kirkstone based images there which I resolved but now I'm trying the Dunfell builds and I'm stuck... Do you know what's the official status of support on that distribution?08:07
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kanavinGuest6633, dunfell is end of life and isn't supported, especially on newer host distros08:10
Xogiumeven older than kirkstone afaik08:13
Guest6633Thanks @kanavin. What about other releases like Kirkstone and Scarthgap - are those officially supported or not yet?08:14
Guest6633You're right @Xogium. LTS'es are Dunfell -> Kirkstone -> Scarthgap and Dunfell is already eol, while other 2 are still active (until 2026 and 2028)08:15
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kanavinlewicki-pk, not yet. 'Officially supported' means 'are a part of the test cluster', and that takes some time to bring up.08:21
kanavinlewicki-pk, but eventually it should happen08:21
lewicki-pkThanks Alex08:26
kanavinlewicki-pk, you can see the current distros used for testing here https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/workers08:28
kanavinlewicki-pk, I'd suggest you stay with 2204 for now08:28
ldywicki@lewicki-pk do you fire oe-scripts directly from host or use some wrapper such as KAS?08:30
lewicki-pkThanks for the link. Regarding staying - it's too late now. I got a new laptop and spend a day configuring it so I'll stick to 24.04LTS - maybe this will make me contribute something :D08:30
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lewicki-pk@ldywicki - I fire oe-scripts directly. Using KAS is being discussed in my team but not yet started.08:31
ldywickiif you are stuck with older yocto branch you can always try to fire kas-docer, it will get you older tools and effectively chroot you back ;)08:31
lewicki-pk@ldywicki - Thats great tip and I'll do that since I have to support the devices in the field for 15/20 years so it would be nice to have possibility to rebuild in the future :-)08:32
ldywickiJust remember to cache container image somewhere :-)08:33
kanavinlewicki-pk, if you can build master on 2404, and there are fixes to be done for bitbake/core/poky/etc, those would be welcome08:34
ldywickidocker made some changes to their policies so if you rely on dockerhub images can disappear after few years. Pushing them to internal or external repo (ie. google contaienr registry or github registry) will keep you covered.08:35
kanavinlewicki-pk, presumably support for 15-20 years will happen through field updates to newer, supported yoctos?08:36
kanavinthen there's no acute need to rebuild ancient stacks, although it should still be possible08:36
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PoppyHello guys, stupid question, I'm working on custom image (with bbclass) I have added SRC_URI += "part.config" in image recipe to "configure" the new image creation. But the file is not copied inside WORKDIR (maybe because of noexec of image.bbclass) what is the best way to perform this operation ? thanks and have a good day09:29
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mbulutgm gents09:45
mbulutsay i have a core-image-minimal.bbappend for production builds09:46
mbuluthow would i ideally define another image recipe that has all what core-image-minimal has and some extra sugar on top?09:47
mbulutif i create a core-image-minimal-dev.bb and require core-image-minimal.bb from that, I lose my packages defined in core-image-minimal.bbappend09:49
mbuluti cannot require core-image-minimal.bbappend either...09:49
mbulutmaybe I should share the packages in an .inc file and include that from both...09:50
kanavinmbulut, core-image-minimal is a sample recipe, if you want to tweak it, copy into myproduct-image-minimal.bb first09:51
kanavinand then you can define bbclasses and .inc files as you please without needing bbappends09:52
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rburtonmbulut: yeah the answer is don't define "your images" by reusing core-image-* and bbappend.  copy-paste if you need to, but make your own images.09:57
mbulutoh, ok that's good to know09:57
mbulutI was thinking it might be good practice to append the minimal images that are provided by upstream in case I wanna switch to a different poky release09:59
mbulutbut maybe i was wrong10:00
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rburtonthat's why you don't just append the example images10:00
rburtonthey'll change10:00
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rburtonif you're using yocto in production you want to control the images and distro, don't just extend poky.  upgrade, poky changes, and your product changes.10:01
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mbulutyeah, makes sense if you think about it10:02
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lewicki-pkJust a comment to what we talked about at 10:30- Thanks again @kanavin and @ldywicki. I'll try KAS. Regarding updates in 15 years: this is not so easy, because we might need to get the exact build with just one small bug fixed. If we were to deliver the completely new software (e.g. through swu) this would require recertifying everything -> huge costs, etc. It might be required in some cases but in some11:17
lewicki-pkother ones (like adding a sleep to the bash script) would allow us to skip full suite of retests...11:18
kanavinlewicki-pk, but how do you fix security issues?11:18
lewicki-pk@kanavin depending on the client - either I don't (if thats requested) or through software update to much newer version...11:19
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PoppyIs it possible to use SRC_URI inside a recipe image (inherited of image class)?11:59
JaMameta/classes-recipe/image.bbclass:do_fetch[noexec] = "1"12:07
JaMawell you can use it, but it won't do what it does in other recipes :)12:08
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DvorkinDmitryI have two MACHINE=x1 that is alias for MACHINE=x0. In Nanbield the recipe found the file at /recipename/x0/myfile, in Scarthgap it doesn't. Why?13:19
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mbulutdoes anyone know if there's a bbclass or examples for python packages that use pyproject.toml and pdm build backend?13:33
mbulutmeta-python in meta-oe doesn't seem to have any..13:34
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kanavinrburton, can you push https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/tree/meta/recipes-sato/settings-daemon/files/addsoundkeys.patch into settings-daemon repo?13:46
mbulutlooks like i should be using setuptools3 ...13:49
kanavinmbulut, if you point to a repo which uses that I can take a look13:49
kanavinor pypi package13:49
mbulutit's a python package in our organization github i'm afraid...13:51
mbulutit uses pyproject.toml with pdm build backend13:52
mbulutthis is what the pyproject roughly looks like:13:57
mbulutname = "os-settings"13:57
mbulutversion = "0.1.0"13:57
mbulutrequires-python = ">=3.8"13:57
mbulutdependencies = ["dnspython", "netifaces"]13:57
mbulutreadme = "README.md"13:57
mbulutlicense = {text = "CLOSED"}13:57
mbulutrequires = ["pdm-backend"]13:58
mbulutbuild-backend = "pdm.backend"13:58
mbulutdistribution = true13:58
mbulutdev = [13:58
mbulut   "pytest>=8.2.2",13:58
mbulutbut maybe I'm better off blueprinting from another package that's built by just inheriting setuptools313:59
kanavinmbulut, I think python3-jsonref in meta-python shows how to do it14:00
kanavinsetuptools3 works only if you have setup.py in the tree, and that's considered obsolete14:00
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mbulutoh, cool - that's using pdm too! :)14:03
mbulutthx for helping me find the nugget i was looking for14:04
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mbulutkanavin, the pypi bbclass doesn't seem to work just by its own as it doesn't provide any compile or install function -- the jsonref recipe you found hence also inherits setuptools314:41
kanavinmbulut, which branch are you on?14:42
kanavinmaster please14:42
kanavinkirkstone is old and obsolete :-D14:42
mbulutI can't just yet -- we14:43
kanavinyou can clone it separately14:43
mbulutwe're locked on kirkstone atm and can't change it right now14:43
kanavinyes, but you can clone meta-oe master separately14:44
kanavinand set up a build with it and poky if you want14:44
kanavinthe key part is that it inherits python_setuptools_build_meta14:44
mbulutwon't that collide with meta-oe kirkstone?14:44
mbulutI can't replace it just yet14:44
kanavinhow? if you clone a repo to a separate directory14:45
kanavinjust make a whole new separate directory and clone meta-oe to that14:45
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mbulutyeah, sure but what about bblayers.conf? wouldn't i have to specify the layer that has the newer pypi.bbclass so my recipe can find it? (and wouldn't that collide with the kirkstone layer?)14:47
mbulutor am i just lost and don't understand you? :)14:47
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kilobyte_chMaybe dumb question, I'm building a JS application in a Bitbake recipe. Basically it is a Bitbake which inherits npm. In the do_compile() I'm doing a few npm things and in the do_install() I do a copy of the built files onto the target fs. This works great, but it results in nodejs getting build after it performed my bitbake. But I don't need nodejs. I have no r/depends with nodejs or similar. Is15:37
kilobyte_chthere a best practice to not build nodejs in such a case?15:37
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kanavinmbulut, I was only suggesting that you set up a master build with meta-oe and poky, to see how it's done in a newer yocto. If kirkstone doesn't have the needed classes, you have options: replicate what the classes do in a recipe directly, or backport the classes into a custom layer etc. The point was to establish a working reference point with an upstream recipe (python3-jsonref), then consider how you can bring that into your16:51
kanavincustom build.16:51
rburtonkanavin: pushed to xsettings-daemon16:58
kanavinrburton, thanks. I'm triaging more pending patches :)16:58
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mbulutkanavin, now I got you. I'll look into master and pick the approach that gets me going for now -- probably backporting the classes into sth like a temporary mypypi.bbclass in my layer will be the better way to go so I don't have to change a lot in the recipes when I'm able to upgrade17:14
mbulutthx a lot17:14
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DvorkinDmitryI have MACHINE=x1 that is alias for MACHINE=x0. In Nanbield the recipe found the file at /recipename/x0/myfile, in Scarthgap it doesn't. Why?20:36
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JaMaDvorkinDmitry: is the FILESPATH the same?20:51
DvorkinDmitryJaMa, in Scarthgap it searches in recipename/x1/, but doesn't even try recipename/x0/20:52
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mischiefany way to shut up 'references may fail if not absolute' from the git fetcher?21:19
mischief(for git submodules)21:19
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DvorkinDmitryJaMa, I'm wrong. it is started from Longdale. Before longdale URLs gave the warning for files that is not in x1 dir, they where taken from x0. But for Liongdale it just gives the error whithiut attempting the /x0 dir21:28
JaMais x0 in MACHINE_OVERRIDES of x1? check how FILESPATH is constucted and debug from there21:30
DvorkinDmitryMACHINEOVERRIDES =. "x1:x0:"21:32
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DvorkinDmitryJaMa, I can't debug with -e, it fails before creating the log22:27
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