Friday, 2024-06-21

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dvergatalhi guys is it possible to run function in distro configuration files?08:54
rburtondvergatal: to do what? you can inherit a class that adds event handlers09:06
dvergatalrburton: oh nice :D09:17
dvergatalrburton: thx09:18
dvergatalrburton: because what I wanted to achieve is to establish a secure connection with my secure server get some secret and set with it the DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD variable09:20
rburtonwrite a class that has a function to get the secret and do DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD := "${@getsecret()}"09:22
rburton:= so it evaluates once09:23
dvergatalthat is what i was thinking about to have such function and if i can call it from distro configuration files09:23
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rburtonkanavin: did you know the only reason we still have berkeley db in core is for apt (from a quick grep, may be wrong)09:42
rburtonand its for a cache that we don't even use09:44
kanavinrburton, I absolutely did, and looked into debian source code to see if that can be disabled and thrown away09:49
kanavinalas, at the time it was hardcoded09:49
kanavinbut we do have a new 'inactive-upstream' champion, it's tcp-wrappers :)09:50
kanavinlast release in 1997!09:50
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kanavinI would happily drop it from core, because I'm certain there are better, modern ways to filter network traffic, but I'm sure all kinds of beards would show up to crucify me10:14
rburtoni'm curious where it is still used and if better solutions are available now (for sysv)10:14
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khemI think tcp-wrappers has had its run, we should remove it, rshd is one which needs it at runtime, I think we can disable rshd in this day and age14:56
khemusually I am averse to removing things but this one I not so much14:56
khemthere are nftables firewalld etc. now a days14:58
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khemlooking into inetutils recipe we disable rshd so I guess that dependency is also not a concern anymore14:59
khemperhaps just remove rshd from PACKAGES15:00
rburtonwe disable rshd anyway15:01
rburtonso nuke it15:02
khemlibwrap might be subtly linked especially to sshd but due to RSS I think we perhaps are already clar of it15:04
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kanavinkhem, can you propose that in response to my tcp-wrappers patch?17:53
kanavinon oe-core17:53
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reatmonWe had some power outage event this morning our prserv/hash  server and now are getting errors connecting to it.  The prserv log file keeps saying KeyError: ‘history’ and a python trace back    Any ideas?18:52
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