Thursday, 2024-06-20

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kanavinrburton, I suspect busybox has exhausted maintainers. My patches had no reaction to them. I only hope they don't hand it over to Jia Tan, one could do a *lot* of damage that way.08:19
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kanavinhonestly I'd rather not have a non-gpl alternative at all, and force device vendors to think how they can respect the users' freedoms.08:22
kanavinor they can go android, and be at the mercy of google08:23
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Jookiaexhausted maintainers and no response to patches is kind of the norm for a lot of projects, it's not a sign that things are dead though08:27
kanavinit may be common, but it's not the norm (in the sense of being okay)08:28
kanavinI got no reaction from openssh-portable either, which is also worrying08:28
kanavinboth in the pull request and in the ticket08:29
kanavin(I mean, no reaction in months)08:29
Jookiadid your email go through08:29
kanavinthere was no email. they have a bugzilla and a pull request system.08:29
Jookiaseems like openssh-portable is actively worked on08:31
Jookiamaybe they just don't find your patch interesting or something08:31
kanavinI might resend it directly to the committers by email if they can't be bothered to react.08:32
kanavinoh and are you sure 'actively worked on' is not coming from openbsd openssh?08:33
kanavinthat's the 'upstream' for openssh-portable, which adds things that make it portable08:33
kanavinmy patch is specifically for the portable part08:33
Jookiaopenssh-portable repo has commits from 8 hours ago, so yes08:34
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JaMait gets worse when your patches aren't reviewed and merged by your co-workers :/08:48
Jookiaat least with open source you can run your own forks with patches08:48
mbulutso, after looking into python_setuptools_build_meta from poky master, i decided to not backport to kirkstone but instead added a to my python package source repo for compatibility with older Yocto releases08:52
mbulutbut i'm stuck on a different problem that is my python project is not hosted on PyPi and I can't seem to find an example for a python package built from just a git repo08:54
mbuluti can see the wheel being built, the dis-info is there in the package directory but the python modules are not installed08:56
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mbulutI played with pointing the PYPI_SRC_URI and/or SRC_URI so pypi/setuptools fetch the sources from my repo instead of PyPi, which works but I guess sth in my recipe's not playing by the rules08:59
mbulutI can imagine I'm not the only one trying to integrate a non-public, non-pypi hosted python package into yocto, am I? there's gotta be examples...09:00
mbulutor do I have to put together a full do_compile()/do_install() on my own?09:01
kanavinmbulut, it's hard to help without being able to look into what happens in your build directory. You can hire me as a consultant ;)09:02
mbulutkanavin, :D and who pays me to pay you with :P09:03
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kanavinmbulut, presumably you are working on 'proprietary stuff', so if they pay you, they can pay me too09:03
mbulutyeah but they don't pay me enough09:03
kanavinotherwise, ask them if you can push that python item to github, and provide steps to reproduce09:04
mbulutwell, i could equally just push some foo project demonstrating what i'm trying to do but thought there's gotta be other people gone through this before09:05
mbulutlike dis dude for example:
mbulutbut unfortunately the answer is 404 today...09:06
mbuluttracked down the ironman recipe in the end but 6 years later.... maybe i can find sth in the history09:08
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mbulutby now ironman is on pypi too :D09:09
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rburtonmbulut: the pypi class just handles the fetch, so set SRC_URI to wherever the sources are (tarball, github, whatever) and inherit the right building class10:21
rburtondon't inherit pypi if you're not fetching from pypi10:21
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mbulutyeah I figured that already... and also that my problem is not the recipe but the that me C/C++ dude that learnt python from the street have put together in some imperfect way...10:27
rburtonwell if there's custom crazy then that's entirely your problem to sort out, sorry10:27
mbulutjust on my way narrowing down the problem -- in the end of the day I hope I'll be a better python person10:27
rburtonpython with cross-compiled C modules are "fun" because python doesn't really handle cross10:27
rburtonfwiw, if the makefiles do the right thing, then it should just work10:28
rburtonby which i meant setuptools can cross-compile C modules out of the box without too much effort10:29
mbulutno, I just meant that some people call me a C/C++ crack but no one calls me a python crack -- hence my python packaging skills are limited and I'm learning it the hard way10:29
rburton might be useful10:31
rburtonhow to build C modules with setuptools. do that and the yocto classes will just work.10:31
mbulutI have a baseline that project now that seems to work -- all what's left is to narrow down what part in the working sample is missing from my actual project10:34
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mdb977Hi, I added a inter-task dependency to do_rootfs via 'do_rootfs[depends] = "some-recipe-native:do_foobar"', even if the task only contains a print I get the following error on do_rootfs: Exception: FileNotFoundError: "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ldconfig'", issued by ', function: create_rootfs'. Unfortunately, I do not understand why.12:01
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rburtonmdb977: that's not adding a dependency, that's replacing all the existing dependencies12:45
rburtonadding would be +=12:45
mdb977D'oh! Right. Thanks.12:47
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Jones42is there any documentation where I can read up on how the custodian trees work? I'm a bit confused regarding the branching/merging process (next-next?)14:21
Jones42ah, sorry, wrong channel14:22
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tgamblinrburton: CC'd you on the RFC patch15:11
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alejandrohsHello folks, Im trying to reproduce an oe-selftest error that happened on the autobuilder15:59
alejandrohsBut, no matter how much I've tried, oe-selftest succeeds for me16:00
alejandrohseven running the manual steps that the test is doing works well too16:00
alejandrohsDoes anyone have any clues on what I could do to reproduce the AB oe-selftest error?16:00
rburtonhey alejandrohs16:01
rburtongot a link to hand?16:01
alejandrohsoe-selftest failed on debian,fedora,centos and ubuntu, which seems consistent enough to believe there is an actual error16:02
rburton2024-06-19 11:15:26,109 - oe-selftest - INFO - RESULTS - spdx.SPDXCheck.test_spdx_base_files: FAILED (150.23s)16:03
alejandrohsSo my guess is that there  must be something wrong with my config16:03
rburtonthats not you, surel16:03
alejandrohsThats what was replied on the patch I sent16:04
rburtonsmells like that build had JPEW's test patches too? abelloni?16:04
alejandrohsbut I get: 2024-06-20 09:17:34,072 - oe-selftest - INFO - RESULTS - spdx.SPDXCheck.test_spdx_base_files: PASSED (61.86s)16:05
alejandrohsplus the file exists for all the oe-selftest build directories that were created16:05
JPEWYa, it does for sure16:06
alejandrohsI checked the AB settings and it does seem that my patch is on top, but when I checked it the abelloni/master-next branch had changed already and couldnt see what else was there16:07
alejandrohsCan this be re-tested? rburton abelloni16:08
rburtonabelloni: do you still have ede8311127f3cf7a72c219387eae866caf3af358 in your local repo? curious what commits were in that branch16:09
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abellonirburton: it desn't seem so16:40
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abelloniI replied16:49
abelloniand I'll retest16:50
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rburtontgamblin: that patch worked for me (apart from it installing a .a into a non-staticdev package)18:16
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tgamblinrburton: hmm, that's odd. I'm assuming you're not on F40?18:17
rburtoni'm not, ubuntu220418:18
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xtopherI only just found this awesome Yocto diagram:
xtopherwhoever did that did excellent22:22
xtophera similar one could be done for building images too, which would be good, but I don't want to take away from how good this one already is - I hope people find it.22:25
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