Monday, 2024-06-24

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mckoangood morning06:58
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TyakuHello, I am in the process of removing meta-lgplv2 with incompatible licence of GPLv3, so I discover issues for each softwares that i have to fix with bbappends, sometimes it's just a bbappend that disable some PACKAGECONFIG, sometimes it's more complex.07:27
TyakuBut I have a question because there is something strange07:28
TyakuThere are software, like openssl, they have a RDEPENDS on "perl", with RDEPENDS_${PN}-misc and RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest but what is strange is that i don't specificly say that i need the package openssl-ptest and openssl-misc07:29
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TyakuSo, I see two options here:07:29
Tyaku1. The pacakge openssl-ptest and openssl-misc are installed and I didn't know it07:29
Tyaku2. The mechanism that check licences when we start bitbake is checking the RDEPENDS of software even if the "sub target" is not included in image07:30
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TyakuPACKAGES =+ "libcrypto libssl openssl-conf ${PN}-engines ${PN}-misc"          ---> The openssl-misc package is provided by, but i search "openssl-misc" using "ag" in my yocto project, and it doesn't seems to be explicitely installed.07:37
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dvergatalrburton: regarding "11:22 < rburton> write a class that has a function to get the secret and do DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD := "${@getsecret()}" should the function be written as "def function_name() {...}" or "python function_name() {...}"?08:36
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dvergatalrburton: because in case of `def ...` I'm gettint unparsed line error and in case of `python ...` I'm getting that function is not defined...08:41
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kanavinTyaku, the first step is to set INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE per image, and not as global setting08:42
kanavinsetting it as a global thing is more or less unfeasible without meta-gpl208:43
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Tyakukanavin: Yep, I agree with it, the "DEV" image does not have this restriction.08:46
TyakuDid someone know how to remove a package defined by a .bb in a bbappend ? For exemple in openssl: PACKAGES =+ "libcrypto libssl openssl-conf ${PN}-engines ${PN}-misc"   PACKAGES:remove = "${PN}-misc" doesn't seems to work for example08:47
kanavinTyaku, why would you need that? Defining packages doesn't mean they will be installed onto the image.08:47
kanavinIt helps if you show the error you're getting, and not your interpretation of what is happening.08:48
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dvergatalechh I'm a morron... didn't notice that it is suppoused to be written differently...08:53
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Tyakukanavin: It seems that after configuring the incompatible licence on the image file, suppress some GPLv3 errors, I had it set in local.conf, but i was building only the "prod" image, (image wihtout the devtools) I was expecting that it only check for what is currently installed but probably not.08:59
kanavinTyaku, error please.09:00
TyakuSo Now it's building !09:00
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Guest89Hi, can i ask my doubts regarding Yocto project here?11:43
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Guest15Hii, can I ask my doubts here... can anyone see these messages !!11:46
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Guest15I was trying this performing automated runtime testing on BeagleBone Black, and I am getting this error of11:52
Guest15Exception: AttributeError: Unable to load BeagleBoneTarget from available modules: ['oeqa.controllers.controllerimage', 'oeqa.controllers.testtargetloader']11:52
Guest15I debugged and found that the path variable in code is /home/ubuntu/tabish/poky_beagle/meta/lib/oeqa/controllers, meaning it is searching for controllers in meta layer only. How do I make sure it searches in meta-yocto-bsp layer too ... because module is present in that layer!11:52
Guest15I can provide additional info required.. please help me out on this.11:52
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kanavinGuest15, I guess this code ( hasn't been used for a while (or maybe ever), and so it has regressed. Which means it's not easy to give a quick answer, but you can try to understand how other controller paths are meant to be in that list.12:03
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kanavinsadly, we do not perform testing on physical targets12:04
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Guest15Okkk, will try that .. but for time being i copied that to meta/lib/oeqa/controllers dir and tried running bitbake , then some other error came, which has also been raised as a bug in ur bugzilla platform, here's the link
Guest15Yeah, I tried doing many changes and sadly it was not working... but for qemu it works :)12:06
kanavinwe just don't have capacity to test either that or the grub controller, and if no one's using that, it will stop working :(12:07
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Guest15I was just trying out to see if we could perform some testing using features provided by Yocto itself... if not, is there some alternative we can use to do testing on custom hardwares?12:09
kanavinGuest15, if you can fix what we have that would be most welcome. Otherwise, LAVA is the industry standard, sort of.12:09
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Guest15For now, we have paused this exploration and will continue in near future. Also, I am not sure a being a fresher I could fix a source code problem, but yeah I will give it a try :) . Ok, will explore LAVA now.12:11
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JPEWRP: Left a e-mail on the SPDX 3.0 patch chain that explains why I had the "ppt out of extending sysroot" patch. I won't be on the tech call tomorrow, so if you get a chance to read it over that would be great. I think I have all the rest of the SPDX 3 stuff fixed up now, so I can resubmit later this week14:38
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RPJPEW: I did read it, my instinct is to hardcode it for now14:50
RPJPEW: we do have a few things hardcoded like that for better or worse14:50
JPEWhard code the exception to do_create_spdx in staging.bbclass?14:51
RPJPEW: we should probably fix the binutils recipe name too14:51
RPJPEW: yes. spdx will become part of the standard workflow IMO14:51
JPEWOK, I'm fine with that14:51
RPJPEW: I just hadn't got to replying yet but this was the direction I was thinking at first read14:52
JPEWYa, binutils is just a bug; I'll rename it binutilscross-testsuite maybe? Unless khem has a different option14:52
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JPEWkhem: Or would just binutils-testsuite be appropriate?14:54
RPI'd go with binutils-testsuite14:54
RPI think that may then match glibc?14:54
gmorell~/w 214:55
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khemRP: JPEW I think binutils-testsuite is ok even though its not a pure target package but toolchain does have quirks15:07
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JPEWRP: Arh, stupid typo. Don't apply those SPDX patches, sorry15:23
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JPEW"I just did a build, surely it was after I made that change"... no it was not :/15:25
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qorinHi everyone, I am trying to add kernel-module-ip6t-reject to my yocto image. however I am getting an error saying that nothing provides this kernel module needed by the package-core-boot. I have added kernel-module-ipt-reject in my image and that worked but not the ipv6. anyone familiar with this issue ?16:40
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khemqorin: you might want to check the .config file in kernel build tree and see if this module is enabled if not then modify kernel defconfig to enable the module with 'm'16:49
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khemhere is how to modify kernel config -
Guest36I have a packagegroup whch I use to group some of our software packages, my expectation was that building the packagegroup would run all tasks for all packages in RDEPENDS, however I found out that the package_qa task is not run, it only runs if the package itself is built, is this by design or would you consider it a bug?16:53
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khemGuest36: rdeps would ensure the package is built but since its not needed during build it might not run complete list of tasks on the recipes builing the rdeps, packagegroups are sort of meta-packages better suites for adding to images16:57
khemwhat happens if you add the packagegroup to an image via IMAGE_INSTALL16:58
qorinah yes of course. I forgot about the kernel config file. thank you!!! I will give it a try17:05
Guest36Yes, adding it to an image calls the package_qa on the rdeps17:06
Guest36I was hoping to decrease17:07
Guest36CI time by only building the packagegroup17:07
Guest36I will build a complete image now, thanks khem17:07
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JookiaRP: i just learned that git submodules pin commits, which is good news17:56
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JPEWOK, V4 of the SPDX changes should be good19:32
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abelloniI just tried v319:35
abellonibuild explosion ;)19:35
JPEWabelloni: Sorry19:35
JPEWabelloni: V4 works in all my testing19:36
JPEWI guess we'll see how many other things the AB finds wrong (although I did run all the tests that failed the last time it was tried, so those should be fixed)19:37
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abellonithis will have your answer19:38
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yudjinn_I'm hitting "func_usage_message command not found" issues when trying to build `libtool-native`. I've tried this both in my native arch OS as well as a ubuntu 22.04 container, both have the same issues; any ideas? kinda at a loss22:37
yudjinn_I've tried fully nuking my tmp and cache, same issue22:38
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yudjinn_false,  matrix, I'm still here22:39
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