Tuesday, 2024-06-25

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khemyudjinn_:which release are you on00:44
khemI wonder where func_usage_message comes from, is your project using upstream00:49
khemor some vendor provided layers00:50
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yudjinn_khem: kirkstone, this is using the libtool recipe from poky02:46
yudjinn_from what I could gather, func_usage_message is supposed to just be... understood? idk I can never see a definition of it in any of the other software I found using it02:47
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destmasterAfter updgrading my build from Kirkstone to Scarthgap I'm getting this error with SWupdate08:00
destmasterdo_swuimage: swupdate cannot find image file08:00
marexmissing .root somewhere in image name ?08:00
marex    26d97acc7137 ("image-artifact-names: include ${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX} directly in both ${IMAGE_NAME} and ${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}")08:01
destmasteryes, new image have the rootfs suffix... I suppose that I need to add ".root in my bb , right?08:01
marexprobably, I would assume your layer does use the image name somewhere, so that's where it has to be updated08:02
marexthe aforementioned oe-core commit should also give you a hint what to grep for to find it08:03
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luc4Hello! I noticed that, for some reason, /dev/ttyS0 is not readable by tty: crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 64 Sep 20 11:25 /dev/ttyS0. Any idea why? I tried to create a udev rule to make it readable, but something keeps resetting it. What is the proper way to do this? Thanks!10:57
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luc4Hello! What is the proper way to disable or remove the service serial-getty@ttyS0.service in my image? Thanks!14:17
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RPluc4: probably the SERIAL_CONSOLES variable?14:27
luc4RP: I tried that, but did not seem to work. Do I have to clean something maybe after adding it?14:28
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rburtonluc4: thats a standard systemd service. you can bbappend the recipe to disable it14:37
luc4rburton: I tried adding this: sed -i -e "s/enable getty@.service/disable getty@.service/g" ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system-preset/90-systemd.preset, but did not work. Is this what you are referring to?14:39
rburtonluc4: i meant to use systemctl to disable it with the tooling14:39
luc4rburton: the image is readonly, can I do that with a command?14:40
rburtonluc4: you should be able to use systemctl to disable it inside do_install14:41
luc4rburton: you mean in a file named systemd_%.bbappend?14:41
luc4rburton: I'll try that as well then, thanks!14:42
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luc4rburton: do you think I should disable serial-getty@ttyS0.service? Do you think that service is known while building the image?14:53
rburtonyes.  you _might_ need to do that in a new postinst but that can happen at rootfs time.14:53
luc4rburton: isn't there a way to disable all those services? Cause I also see the same for ttyAMA0.14:56
rburtontbh you can probably just delete serial-getty@.service14:57
TyakuHello, Recently we talk about how to replace bash (GPLv3) by something else. We said that busybox was not a good option because it has not been updated since some times and then we talk about zsh.14:58
TyakuQuestion about zsh: does the package zsh provide ls, mkdir and this kind of functions ?14:58
rburtoni still disagree that busybox isn't a good option: if you're refusing to use software because it's not made a release in less than a year i expect you'll struggle to get a bootable system14:58
rburtonno, zsh is a shell, like bash14:58
JookiaTyaku: busybox is a very good option and GPLv2, it provides those functions14:59
rburtonnote that its not sh compatible and unless you rewrite a lot of code you'll still need a provide sh, which is normally busybox14:59
TyakuBecause these functions are defined in busybox14:59
rburtonTyaku: "BusyBox is a software suite that provides several Unix utilities in a single executable file. "14:59
Jookiashells are meant to let you type in commands and run programs15:00
rburtonbusybox provide sh, ls, grep, etc etc.  its small and lean.  the "proper" gnu implementations of those are in coreutils, findutils, etc.15:00
rburtonTyaku: if  you don't want gpl3 then don't install bash.  busybox sh is good enough for most things, and if you find scripts that need bash then you either need to change your opinion on gpl3 or rewrite the script to be posix sh not bash15:03
luc4rburton: it seems I cannot call "disable", I'm getting systemctl: error: argument command: invalid choice: 'disable'.15:03
rburtonah our stub systemctl doesn't support disable, shame.15:04
rburton'rm' :)15:04
luc4rburton: the file does not seem to be there15:05
luc4It seems weird that removing an unwanted systemd service is this complex. I lost a day for it.15:08
rburtonhard to tell when i can't see what you're doing15:10
luc4rburton: can I maybe simply remove this recipe from IMAGE_INSTALL? https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/plain/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty.bb15:11
rburtonluc4: are you installing that recipe?15:11
rburtonits ot on by default15:11
luc4not explicitly15:11
rburtonfollow the dependencies, it's not on by default15:11
rburtonthe service file is in the systemd recipe, just delete the file15:12
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Tyakurburton: I have to watch it, because some days ago here, somebody talk about a couple of vulnerabilities reported and busybox not updated since long time.15:17
luc4rburton: you mean this one? ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/serial-getty@.service15:17
rburtonluc4: yes15:17
luc4rburton: rm: cannot remove '/home/lcarlon/test/build/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi/systemd/254.4/image/usr/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service': No such file or directory15:18
rburtonTyaku: i never saw what the vulns were so can't comment15:18
luc4rburton: I'll use rm -f, but I guess it is not useful.15:19
JookiaTyaku: FWIW there is always going to be vulnerabilities in software, we just don't know about them. what matters more is the overall architecture of your project, not individual components15:20
luc4rburton: according to that code however I'd say the SERIAL_CONSOLES trick should be sufficient... weird...15:20
Jookiain practice most projects will never even let people run busybox commands on their hardware15:21
rburtonluc4: there are two implementations of the serial gettys - either the ones in systemd or the ones from the standalone systemd-serialgetty recipe15:21
luc4rburton: at this point, I'll probably go with killing the service when the image starts, can't find the proper way. Thanks for your help!15:24
rburtonluc4: are you enabling serial-getty-generator in systemd?15:24
luc4rburton: I'm doing nothing related to this explicitly.15:25
luc4rburton: maybe a consequence of something else... not sure.15:25
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rburtonluc4: ah the use of the external one is the default, that's why.   bbappend systemd-serialgetty to add a postinst and mask out the unit, or just change the depends in the systemd recipe to not pull in the systemd-serialgetty package at all15:28
luc4rburton: I'll try both, thanks!15:30
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moto-timovmeson: the branch for openjdk-bin-native I mentioned https://github.com/moto-timo/meta-java/tree/timo/jdk-binary-native16:02
moto-timovmeson: getting that to work will make a lot of cleanup of old ecj -> icedtea7 -> openjdk bootstrapping become "obsolete" (unless people are still actively using openjdk8)16:03
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Guest0how can i run yocto built binary amd64 unit tests for custom application on an ubuntu amd64 machine?16:06
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khemGuest0: well technically you can not, they are built for different OSes, but if you build it statically you have more success or perhaps build a container might be another option. Supported option would be to build for qemux86-64 and launch the image under runqemu with kvm enabled so it runs near native speed17:04
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Guest0Thanks khem, will try that18:55
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wdouglasswhen i try to do a build with SSTATE_MIRRORS set, i get an error `Exception: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google'`. My sstate mirror is not in google cloud, i'm not sure why it's trying to do that. Where do i tell bitbake how to install the `google-cloud` python module?20:12
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yudjinnjust wondering if  anyone had an idea on my earlier question about libtool-native failing to build; really at a loss and I cant find anything in  my searching21:15
yudjinnfor ref: http://irc.yoctoproject.org/irc/%23yocto.2024-06-24.log.html#t2024-06-24T22:37:5621:15
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absurdist i got some psychedelic file access permission errors using yocto on wsl2, perhaps the fs doesn't support xattr or something weird is going on21:42
absurdistshould i store my yocto project on a ext4 disk image, mounted in wsl2? or is this xattr limitation of wsl2 a kernel limitation?21:50
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rburtonyudjinn: pasting more of the log than that would be useful, and also saying what your usual host distro is, and what release21:52
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jonmasonRP: about to update 15526 with a "works on my AMD system" and data dump my info.  Anything you want me to try out?22:15
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absurdist?Subprocess output:error: No file attributes configured??22:16
RPjonmason: just to confirm that was qemux86 with kvm for a core-image-sato ish image with testimage ?22:29
RPjonmason: /proc/cpuinfo might be helpful for comparison22:29
RPjonmason: not sure what to try yet or what the issue is :/22:30
jonmasonminimal and not testimage, jsut runqemu22:33
jonmasonI had to build differently than normal because I can't use kvm inside of my docker setup22:33
jonmasonso no sstate....22:33
jonmasonlet me try it with both of those22:34
jonmason(sstate mirror wasn't working because websockets wasn't in my path....just noticed that)22:36
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RPjonmason: minimal doesn't seem to reproduce it as it can't "fetch" the logs from it if you're using my parselogs change22:41
jonmasonbuilding now...it'll be a little while22:41
RPjonmason: runqemu should show it but isn't how the autobuilder is doing it22:41
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jonmasonRP: still works.  testimage passed and I was able to use runqemu to get to prompt and login23:10
jonmasonKVM is enabled (and was very fast)23:10
jonmasondinner now, but I can try stuff in a bit (if there are things you want me to look at)23:11
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