Wednesday, 2024-06-26

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landgrafIs this expected: runqemu - ERROR - Failed to run qemu: /build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/qemu-helper-native/1.0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ?06:57
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luc4rburton: the solution you suggested to remove that systemd service worked, thanks!06:59
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dvergatalquestion: why fstrings are not being used in yocto?08:21
rburtondvergatal: because until recently we supported python releases which didn't support them08:33
dvergatalrburton: thx that is what I wanted to hear08:33
rburtonthey _are_ used, just not a lot for that reason08:34
dvergatalrburton: ok08:51
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TyakuFinaly we decide to implement busybox. Currently we have a stupid issue and we would like to know if it can be related to busybox or not:09:55
TyakuWhen we "past" some text in the SERIAL console OR SSH, for example: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' the first 10 characters are dropped.09:55
dvergatallandgraf: thx09:56
dvergatallandgraf: you've convinced me to switch to this notattion in my code09:57
rburtonTyaku: what are you actually doing09:57
Tyakurburton: I have a linux board, running with busybox (shell + tools) instead of bash/coreutils, When I connect to the SSH of this linux devuce or when I use the serial console of this linux device, If I past some text it always remove the first 10 characters.10:00
TyakuFor example, if I past: 'echo "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"' it receive 'efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"'10:01
rburtoneasily tested by running bash, surely10:01
TyakuI don't have bash anymore, you mean install bash, start bash over busybox and try to past ?10:03
mckoanTyaku: let's analyze SSH. What happens if you manually enter chars instead of 'pasting' them ?10:05
mckoanTyaku: what is the SSH client you are using on the host and what OS you have?10:06
Tyakumckoan: If I write the bytes one by one, not problems, I am on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS using the default "ssh" command.10:09
TyakuBut I also have the issue using Gtkterm (so serial line instead of SSH), that's why I think the issue is device side.10:09
TyakuIf I past on another terminal (for example in the host) this is correctly pasted.10:09
TyakuBig note: Yesterday we talk about busybox that does not have releases since 13 months, but In fact our version is older (something like 3year, because we are on hardknott)10:10
rburtonnot sure you get to complain about projects not making a recent release when youre using a yocto release that has been EOL for over two years :)10:11
mckoanTyaku: never seen such issue in a busybox based system in my life10:11
Tyakurburton: Yes I know (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)10:11
mckoanTyaku: the problem is not busybox10:11
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TyakuOn the afternoon I will test with another image (with bash/coreutils), it's also possible that we never see the issue (this is a new board), new machine, using renesas meta.10:14
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mckoanwhen I use buildhistory, is it possible to store the builld timestamp/version in the target, amybe in /etc ?10:17
rburtonmckoan: the image-buildinfo class should be useful10:18
mckoanrburton: thx10:19
mckoanrburton: a typical case when you forget your own wiki :-(10:20
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mckoanupdated the page10:28
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phako_Hi - following scenario. I have a piece of software that I want to build in two versions, the versions are selectable through a cmake option. In an ideal world, I would make two .bb which only set EXTRA_OECMAKE and do an include of the common part. however one of the variants is in a dynamic layer part, so its bitbake would not live in the same11:15
phako_folder as the .inc - is there a nice way of solving this? symlinking the .inc file perhaps?11:15
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phako_ok, i also can require full/path/to/ directly but then it fails to find its patches. hmhmhm11:40
TyakuFinally, On previous image (before busybox/coreutils changes) I didn't had the issue. (everytime I past a command, I loose the first 10 bytes (SSH or SERIAL)). very strange issue.11:42
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phako_ok, it helps if you write FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend correctly. Thanks for rubberducking :)11:52
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rburtonphako_: no problem12:40
kilobyte_chHello, I have the special need to get the DTB from linux (linux-rockchip) in my bootloader u-boot (u-boot-rockchip). So basically I need to get this file within a bbappend in u-boot: ./build/tmp/work/px30_device-kochos-linux/linux-rockchip/6.1/linux-px30_device-standard-build/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/px30-device.dtb12:50
kilobyte_chIs there any way to get to such a path with variables? I don't want to hardcode it.12:50
kilobyte_chAnother Idea is to use the deploy dir with something like `cp "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${DTB_FILENAME}" ${B}/dts/`. But it looks like this happens later, thus it fails as the file is not there yet. This even happens with DEPENDS += "linux-rockchip".12:50
phako_How can I use a SRCREV that is not on any branch? I have a repository where tag only exists on a revision that was never pushed to a branch -.-13:02
phako_Currently I am using the tarball from gitlab instead but that is a QA warning13:02
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rburtonphako_: nobranch=1 iirc13:04
phako_rburton: yep, thanks13:13
phako_can I somehow undo a do_install:append in a bbappend()?13:17
rburtoneasiest is another append to reverse it, like delete the file that was installed13:19
phako_yeah that does not work since it installs docs I did not build (because it pulls in rust-native) - so I will stick with my do-install:append() that just creates an empty folder13:20
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phako_can I disable ERROR: omniorb-native-4.2.5-r0 do_patch: QA Issue: Missing Upstream-Status in patch in a bbappend while I wait for the author to update the repository?14:59
rburtonphako_: i have this in my local.conf:15:05
rburtonWARN_QA:append = " patch-status"15:05
rburtonERROR_QA:remove = "patch-status"15:05
rburtonto make it a warning again15:05
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phako_ah that goes to local.conf. ok No wonder it didn't work. thanks15:06
phako_I will add it to our README15:06
rburtonyou can do it in a recipe15:06
rburtonor your distro15:06
phako_oh hm15:06
rburtonmy local.conf is... not recommended for production use15:06
phako_oh wait it was complaining about native while I was having a .bbappend for the non-native15:07
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JaMaphako_: why don't you just add Upstream-Status in the .patch file? Even Pending is better than nothing15:20
JaMaat least it will prevent more new .patches being added without any Upstream-Status15:20
phako_Because its not my layer. I'm adding that for everything I do15:20
phako_I am pinging the person responsible for the layer, but that is about as much as I can do here.15:21
phako_I'd even provide a PR, but there are no PRs taken if I see that correctly.15:21
JaMaok, I see15:21
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rburtonphako_:  if the layer wants to opt out they can use layer overrides in layer.conf to remove patch-status for their layer15:25
phako_I can suggest that, thanks15:25
phako_but then again it has been unnoticed that the central piece of software in that layer does not build anymore -.-15:25
phako_so my hopes are not too high15:25
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Guest48What could be the reason why CXXFLAGS is passed to Makefile but CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS are not? I have to pass it with EXTRA_OEMAKE variable.15:27
rburtonGuest48: none of them are passed to makefiles directly. they're all exported, but if a makefile assigns to them then the makefile assignment wins.  passing it explicitly in EXTRA_OEMAKE will then _overwrite_ the value set in the makefile.15:28
rburtonthis is why i say makefiles are terrible15:28
Guest48Thanks, is there any chance that I can append to defined CFLAGS in the Makefile? For example like this:15:30
Guest48EXTRA_OEMAKE = "CFLAGS+='${CFLAGS}'"15:30
Guest48I tried += and := but didn't work.15:31
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tlwoernerlet's say you're using yocto to generate a binary distro and a package feed your users can use to update their systems21:19
tlwoernerthe image includes busybox, but also includes real "bash" which yocto will use in place of busybox's /bin/sh when generating the image21:20
tlwoernerat some point an update build occurs and the repository now includes an update for busybox, but not for bash21:20
tlwoernera customer does a package update, updating busybox, which replaces /bin/sh → /bin/bash.bash with /bin/sh → busybox21:21
tlwoerneris there some automated way of preserving the /bin/sh symlink without resorting to manual intervention?21:22
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Guest5711make a write protected bind mount21:33
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