Monday, 2024-07-01

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rburtonJPEW: nice08:14
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Jones42is there any smart way to seperate the kernel from the rootfs? I'd like to build my kernel-fitimage after I know my rootfs's dm-verity hash, but do_rootfs has some depenencies on my kernel recipe.10:22
Jones42(namely: populate_lic, packagedata, package_qa, create_[runtime_]spdx, package_write_rpm)10:23
rburtonkhem: absolutely loving that every distro shipping fts for musl has a different name for the .pc file10:24
rburtonkhem: we use upstream, musl-fts.pc.  alpine uses fts.pc.  gentoo uses fts-standalone.pc.10:24
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Jones42It looks like my kernel is added as package but I can't find out why and how to avoid that10:27
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Martin12345Using meta-clang and CLANGSDK="1" when generating the SDK on the x86_64 SDK sysroot only "" is installed. Does by chance anyone know how to add "" to x86_64 sysroot as well?11:26
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emrius_the_seconHey, when starting bitbake using kas I run into the following error stack:13:43
emrius_the_seconERROR: PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted13:43
emrius_the_seconDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:13:43
emrius_the_seconTraceback (most recent call last):13:43
emrius_the_secon  File "/home/mk/qs-kas/poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker", line 268, in child13:43
emrius_the_secon    bb.utils.disable_network(uid, gid)13:43
emrius_the_secon  File "/home/mk/qs-kas/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/", line 1653, in disable_network13:43
emrius_the_secon    with open("/proc/self/uid_map", "w") as f:13:43
emrius_the_seconPermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted13:43
emrius_the_seconERROR: PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted13:43
emrius_the_seconDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:13:43
emrius_the_seconTraceback (most recent call last):13:43
emrius_the_secon  File "/home/mk/qs-kas/poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker", line 268, in child13:43
emrius_the_secon    bb.utils.disable_network(uid, gid)13:43
emrius_the_secon  File "/home/mk/qs-kas/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/", line 1653, in disable_network13:43
emrius_the_secon    with open("/proc/self/uid_map", "w") as f:13:43
emrius_the_seconPermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted13:43
emrius_the_seconERROR: Task (mc:orange-pi-zero:/home/mk/qs-kas/build/../poky/meta/recipes-core/meta/ failed with exit code '1'13:43
emrius_the_secondo you have an idea how to work around that?13:43
mckoanemrius_the_secon: messing around with user root ?13:44
emrius_the_seconThe cache was mounted from a mounted volume which had to be chmod*ded which I did as user root13:46
marexemrius_the_secon: hold on13:47
marexemrius_the_secon: running in container, are you ?13:47
emrius_the_seconstraight on ubuntu13:47
marexemrius_the_secon: then ubuntu 24.04 ?13:47
emrius_the_secon20.04.06 LTS13:48
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marexread the thread, could it be that's what you're hitting ? sure looks like uid_map issue13:48
emrius_the_seconwhoops yes 24.04! sorry got confused by terminal tabs13:49
emrius_the_seconsudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/unprivileged_userns did the trick! Thanks marex!13:49
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dYalibHi dev folks! I guess you know already the newest OpenSSH vulnerability CVE-2024-6387 called 'regreSSHion'. Do you know if there is already a patch available?14:32
rburtondYalib: can't see it on the list yet.  fancy sending it?14:34
rburtonoh i know the vuln14:35
smoogeits a /c14:40
smoogeoops my apologies14:40
dYalibI am using yocto 'kirkstone' (legacy, i know...) and i try to figure out what is best way to patch it asop.14:41
smoogeit looks like a 2 line patch for openssh before 9.3 and 4 lines after that14:41
dYalibYes, it seams so but i am not 100 percent sure.14:41
smoogethat is from the head openssh coder14:42
dYalibgreat! many thanks!14:43
smoogeyou are welcome.14:44
dYalibbtw: also a big thank you to this great (yocto) project to everyone!14:45
khemrburton:alpine and perhaps gentoo had it before it was finalized so that might be the reason14:46
khemRP: yeah the issue is seen with LLD linker, because lld defaults to not allowing undefined syms perhaps gold will behave same too since it has those defaults too14:47
Martin12345Does anybody know why meta-clang in the default config only install "" into sysroot of x86_64 (native) and not "" when using -c populate_sdk?14:54
khemMartin12345:is a symlink ?15:36
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Martin12345khem is usually a symlink onto (example version on langdale). The question is more, is for c compilations, is for c++ linkage.16:14
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zapadosHas anyone replaced redis.conf with a bbappend?17:57
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* patersonc Hi all, just curious, is there a target release cadence for dot releases of YP? Looking at 5.0.x in it seems a bit random.19:30
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mbuluthey folks, for some reason my SIGINT handler doesn't kick on a kirkstone build -- is there anything obvious i should know (but don't)?22:25
mbulutusing python signal: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)22:26
mbulut"outside" it works as expected...22:26
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