Tuesday, 2024-07-02

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YoctoNoob79Anyone can help me with this: How can I add a generic file to the sysroot/x86_64 of the SDK?06:09
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mckoanYoctoNoob79: a recipe have to provide it06:43
YoctoNoob79mckoan and thats exactly where I fail ^^ could you point me to an example?06:45
mckoanYoctoNoob79: describe "a generic file"06:54
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YoctoNoob79mckoan the file is not generated by any compile step, its just present in the git repository of the package, its ignored by the compile steps, and shall just be deployed ONLY into the x86-64 part of the SDK. The file can be anything, lets assume simple text like *.md or similar.06:56
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mckoanYoctoNoob79: not easy and never tried. the x86-64 part of the SDK meand you need a -native recipe. The recipe has to do_install() the file somewhere.07:06
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YoctoNoob79mckoan would that be do_install() or do_install:class-nativesdk() ?07:18
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rburtonYoctoNoob79: most sensible way would be a recipe that BBCLASSEXTENDS native and nativesdk, and installs that file in do_install. you can then add it to the sysroot with TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK or TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK08:08
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YoctoNoob79thanks rburton and  mckoan :-)08:57
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Jones42_KanjiMonster: thanks!09:33
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rburtonevery time i look at the TAP protocol i'm reminded why someone should have just told them to stop and make something sane10:00
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andreasufertHi, has anyone ever had to define extra dependencies for a event handler in Yocto/Bitbake? I know how to define depends for a single task but this doesn't seem to work for event handlers... Take this example, defined in a class "myclass.bbclass" inherited in local.conf:14:15
andreasufertpython my_eventhandler() {14:15
andreasufert    bb.note("Test for bb.event.BuildCompleted")14:15
andreasufertaddhandler my_eventhandler14:15
andreasufertmy_eventhandler[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted"14:15
andreasufertNow, I want my_eventhandler to import requests. The naive approach would be to simply add14:15
andreasufertmy_eventhandler[depends] += " python3-requests-native:do_populate_sysroot"14:15
andreasufertThis doesn#t work. Anyone can help, please?14:15
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yoctonandreasufert: Never played with eventhandlers but aren't they run in the bitbake python environement? Maybe you need to install python3-request (via pip or distro package manager) on your build host?14:23
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andreasufertSounds good. Problem is, I'm using crops docker images so there's a fixed set of packages baked in14:25
yoctonI usually build my own docker image with "FROM crops... + install the 2 3 packages I need over that"14:26
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abellonikanavin_: what is super interesting is that 2038 also contains a GPS rollover16:03
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abellonidon't expect me to take a plane that year16:04
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khemcontinuing on from discussion here is analysis that debian has done - https://adrien.dcln.fr/misc//armhf-time_t/2024-02-26T12%3A07%3A00/compat_reports/16:06
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kanavin_GPS rollover?16:45
joekaleI'm currently trying to get an electron app to build on kirkstone and I'm a bit confused on when an npm-shrinkwrap.json file should be used. The app is supposed to be fetched from a git repo, but when I add a npmsw fetcher parsing of the src_uri fails (error thrown at bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py", line 1212).16:45
joekalesrcrev is set to be16:46
joekale${AUTOREV} currently but even a hard commit fails parsing.16:46
kanavin_joekale, npm fetcher isn't well maintained. It's well possible it's broken. I know one company which had 'given up' trying to do 'npm with yocto' and instead runs node stuff in a debian container inside a yocto image :-(17:06
yoctonabelloni: Let's also add a negative UTC leap second at the same time, nobody will notice :o)17:06
yoctonkanavin_: there is week counter in the GPS system that overflow in 2038 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_week_number_rollover#2038_occurrence17:07
kanavin_face meet palm17:09
kanavin_10 bits!17:09
kanavin_32 bits for seconds is facepalmish too, but at least I kinda see the excuse for it17:10
joekalekanavin_, that's good to know. I'll see if I can narrow it down. thank you for the response.17:10
kanavin_(seconds since 1970 that is)17:10
kanavin_joekale, starting with the tip of poky master is a good idea17:10
joekalecan do. I'll start there.17:12
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tgamblinfray: have you encountered 'Failure expanding variable S, expression was ${UNPACKDIR}/git which triggered exception RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded' when working with meta-xilinx?17:28
tgamblinI'm running into it today, but I can't find the actual failure point17:29
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abelloniyocton: hopefully, we re going to have a negative leap second before 2038 so whatever has t crash will crash before ;)18:54
abellonikanavin_: GPS epoch is 6th of january 198018:57
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yoctonabelloni: fun fact! It is currently discussed to redefine UTC to avoid this never-seen-before negative leap second to avoid any surprises. The idea would be to add/remove a leap minute once a century (our kid, not us, will have to handle this :D)18:59
abelloniI guess the latest plan discussed at the CGPM was simply to allow the absolute dfference between UT1 and UTC to be greater than 119:03
abelloniinstead of 0.9 now19:04
abellonibut they never said why they want to do this19:06
abelloniso there are two assumptions, either this is to avoid negative leap seconds and cancel them with the subsequent positive leap second19:07
abellonior indeed, they want to group leap seconds and update less frequently19:07
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abelloniI found the link in english: https://www.bipm.org/en/cgpm-2022/resolution-419:16
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abelloniother fun fact, the same day, they decided yocto was not the smallest prefix anymore: https://www.bipm.org/en/cgpm-2022/resolution-319:23
abelloniwe should probably start quecto project19:23
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yoctonabelloni: ^^ (I'll gladly admit that I've been out-nerd'd :p)19:37
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vmesonyocton: abelloni: let's stop this incrementalism and just go for PlanckLinux !19:47
vmesonThe Planck length LP is defined by taking the constants of nature and combining them in such a way that their units combine to give a length.   This defines the Planck length, which is 1.6 x 10-35 metres.19:48
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rjones2Hello, is the correct IRC channel for questions that relate to SPDX?21:03
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JPEWrjones2: Depends. Are you talking about SPDX in Yocto, or SPDX in general21:46
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rjones2JPEW specifically Yocto. I noticed that after running create-spdx, every component in my SBOM has OpenEmbedded listed as both the author and supplier. I'm wondering if there is anything additional I could do to improve the accuracy of these fields.21:59
JPEWrjones2: There are a few variables you can tweak. They are documented at the beginning of create-spdx-2.2.bbclass22:01
JPEWThe one you may be interested in is SPDX_SUPPLIER22:02
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rjones2JPEW: Thanks I will try this. Also would you happen to know if SPDX2 will still be supported after SPDX3 is released?22:31
JPEWrjones2: Yes, that is the plan. It probably won't get a lot of new feature work though22:32
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khemRP: https://github.com/vacancy/PreciseRoIPooling/issues/39#issuecomment-56912102022:41
khemit seems relevant to the error I am seeing with lld/riscv6422:42
khemso I do wonder if these flag munging somehow creating this problem22:42
RPkhem: in the bcrypt case it was trying to get it to use bfd via '-fuse-ld=bfd22:51
RPkhem: I assume you have ptest enabled in DISTRO_FEATURES22:51
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RPkhem: I don't really understand the difference this makes. If you revert just the change to the bcrypt recipe does it work again?23:02
khemRP:yes Ptest is enabled23:19
khemyeah thats what I am going to do23:19
khemI still feel that real issue is elusive23:23
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khemRP: fixed for clang/lld case here - https://github.com/kraj/meta-clang/pull/96223:54

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