Tuesday, 2024-07-09

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alessioigorGood morning06:37
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mckoangood morning alessioigor, all07:02
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alessioigorDoes someone have the patch and/or the bbappend to fix CVE-2024-6387?07:21
mckoanalessioigor: https://patchwork.yoctoproject.org/project/oe-core/patch/20240704105617.130735-1-jose.quaresma@foundries.io/07:29
alessioigormckoan: Thanks Marco!07:31
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adrianphello, how can I add a .desktop shortcut (for eg wireshark) with yocto, on xfce user Desktop?14:37
adrianpand also avoid `Untrusted application launcher` warning14:38
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rburtonwireshark should be installing a .desktop file on its own14:59
adrianpit is installing it in /usr/share/applications but not on Desktop15:00
rburtonactually on the desktop? no idea, ask the xfce channel15:01
adrianpi was thinking about adding a bbappend for wireshark to copy .desktop to /etc/xdg/Desktop/15:01
adrianpyes, to /home/<user>/Desktop to have it visible as a shortcut on the actual desktop :)15:02
marexmaybe some do_install:append() { ln -s ... } and FILES += ... ?15:04
rburtonassuming xfce reads /etc/xdg/Desktop15:05
marexrburton: dunno, I disabled desktop icons on my xfce setups15:06
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ldywickiOut of curiosity, did anyone ever succeed to build bootable BSD image with yocto?15:34
ldywicki[or rather bitbake]15:34
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rburtonldywicki: nobody has tried that i'm aware of15:48
rburtonis bsd happy to cross-build from a linux host?15:48
rburton(i know a number of core linux pieces are very unhappy to build on a bsd host)15:49
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rburtonif you're happy with mandating on-bsd then in theory its just a matter of writing all the recipes...15:49
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vvnhi there -- have you ever used --cache-from and --cache-to to build with docker and reuse DL_DIR/SSTATE_DIR?16:25
rburtonvvn: why not just bind-mount the cache into the container?16:32
rburtonare those options not for building docker _images_?16:34
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vvnI just realized that, I think they are options for layer caching, not volumes backend...16:36
rburtonyou can just mount your sstate into the docker16:42
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rburtonkas-container uses --volume on dldir and sstate dir, just works16:44
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ldywicki@rburton I have no clue about BSD, very little about linux. I've asked cause I've found that Beckgoff offers industrial PCs which can work with Windows or BSD. Since cross platform compilation is a nightmare to me, I wished to piggy back on someone else work. Turns out I'd be one doing it. With my knowledge of make etc. I will simply skip attempt and assume "no". If I will get a chance to play with such device I'll try to boot it with UEFI/linux and16:44
ldywickisee what works and what not. :-)16:44
rburtonif its x86 then you probably just need to fiddle a kernel and you're good16:45
ldywickimost of these devices are based on Intel, so I suppose its going to fly with uefi, its just "unsupported" configuration by them.16:54
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vvnrburton: I was worried about the performance while bind-mounting an S3 bucket for sstate into your build host17:10
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vvne.g. s3fs18:08
vvnI wouldn't be surprised that using a fuse-based fs for downloads or especially sstate isn't a good idea18:13
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rburtonvvn: thats a terrible idea20:05
rburtonif you _have_ to use s3 then use that as a read only sstate mirror over http, and s3sync back to it on success20:06
rburtonour gitlab CI is all docker containers running the kas container in AWS, we use an EFS mount for sstate/dldir instead of messing around with S320:07
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RPjonmason, rburton: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/113/builds/5730/steps/23/logs/stdio - not sure what happened there? :/20:31
rburtonno idea why it decided to enter emergency mode, and the broken locking in qemu makes it even more fun!20:35
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jonmasonlet me try it locally and see if it'll break20:37
RPjonmason: this was with current master-next, not sure what to blame :/20:40
jonmasonI was sort of excited to tell you we had a fix, but different problem.  so now I'm just sad20:40
RPhttps://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/165/builds/583 in genericarm64 is also suboptimal :/20:41
rburtonsbsa-ref is mostly qemuarm64 so if qemu works sbsa-ref should work20:41
rburtonhm ok that's definitely not us20:41
rburtondid that include adrians series?20:41
jonmasonrunning sanity check now on sbsa-ref and poky altcfg20:42
rburtoni'll fire genericarm64 against master-next and verify if we found a bug in adrian's patches20:42
RPrburton: it did, so it could be that20:49
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RPso, systemd patches - failures, util-linux patches - failures and probably issues with the fitimage series. I'll drop them all and retry20:56
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jonmasonsbsa-ref and poky-altcfg on poky master passes my CI21:40
jonmasonpushing that to be part of our CI going forward shortly21:41
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RPjonmason: thanks, that confirms it was something in -next, probably Adrian's series but I guess I need to confirm that22:09
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