Thursday, 2024-07-18

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khemjohndunet: add kernel-module-veth to IMAGE_INSTALL00:03
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applepikhem - I just build the image (.xdi in this case)00:05
applepiIt's a xilinx board, they provide the fpga logic, software, etc, what they need and all that, I configure the builder and all that00:05
applepiSorry I keep getting disconnected, I like IRC but I wish I didn't keep getting disconnected / got my messages when I logged back in later lol00:06
khemapplepi:hmm how will it be used by your users00:06
johndunetError: Unable to find a match: kernel-module-veth00:06
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applepikhem - I'm not sure what you mean, how will the image be used?  Or how will the library?  The image just has all their stuff on it and gets loaded onto the board, the library will be linked and used to report sensor values from the board in the messages it sends out00:09
khemlibrary itself cant do it, so there must be some app which will use the library I suppose00:10
khemand I thought you were building the libs+headers and someone else was building the app needing them00:10
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khemjohndunet:how did you enable it in kernel .config00:11
johndunetwhere can I find this file ?00:11
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khemin the kernel build tree00:12
applepiTheir main application (32 bit by necessity) which will be running on the board will link against libsensors and use function calls to read those values00:13
khemyou can create a file called say veth.cfg with CONFIG_VETH=m and add it to file00:13
khemin SRC_URI00:13
applepiThat's why I'm building it into the yocto image, so their application can use it00:14
khemapplepi: how will it link ?00:14
khemdo they dlopen it ?00:14
applepiTheir application is built in another yocto recipe, it doesn't currently use those function calls but it's being added00:14
applepiSo yocto just pulls it from git and builds it00:14
johndunetI found CONFIG_VETH=y on builds/build-genericx86-64/tmp/work/genericx86_64-poky-linux/linux-yocto/5.15.72+gitAUTOINC+441f5fe000_0b628306d1-r0/linux-genericx86_64-standard-build/.config00:15
khemjohndunet: ok if its set to =y then its part of the kernel itself not module00:15
applepiThis is being enough of a pain that I'm debating saying just write a 64 bit application that reads the sensors and sends that over localhost to your application or something, though I doubt that would fly since their program is pretty time sensitive00:16
johndunetok but when I run the docker file, it say that CONFIG_VETH is missing00:16
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khemapplepi: maybe do =m instead of =y00:17
applepiI'm not sure what you mean00:17
khemoh that was meant for johndunet00:17
applepiOh duh00:17
applepiSorry, that was obvious lol00:17
khemapplepi: how will your app guys develop stuff, do you commit your changes to your layers and they check it out and get stuff ?00:18
khemor will they build using something else and then hand pick the binaries  into a running system00:19
applepiNo, they develop their app separately and then there's a yocto recipe to go clone + build + install it, so when they need a new release that yocto recipe just gets updated00:19
khemso they dont use yocto to develop the app ?00:21
applepiNo, the recipe just git clones and builds it00:21
khemI still fail to understand how you exchange artifacts between your team and app team but it seems to be working I dont need to know00:24
khemin any case, you are making progress and if you are including 32bit apps on a 64bit system you can surely do it, but it does have cost in static size and runtime too since now you will load two versions of common runtime e.g. glibc etc. wont be shared between 32bit apps and 64bit apps00:25
applepiWell my team is just me, I just maintain the yocto stuff for them.  They write their C application and so I just update the yocto recipe to build whatever git sha / tag / branch etc that they want and build the image and they get the .xdi00:25
khemyour workflow is clear, how other teams develop is not clear00:26
applepiThey have a cross compiler they can use to build their application for ARM and drop it onto their board and test it until they want an actual image00:27
applepiUnfortunately it has to be in 32 bit00:27
applepiSo I'm just waging war on yocto trying to figure out how to get libsensors on there in lib32 without it trying to also install a ton of other things in 32 bit as well00:28
DvorkinDmitryhow to do a patch only if libpam-plugin-X installed?00:28
applepiLike systemd and etc00:28
applepiMaybe I can just figure out how to manually cross compile the library + few actual requirements (like I think perl is required for runtime?) and just stick that somewhere that my yocto recipe can just grab the already made binary..  ugly but maybe it would work?00:30
khemno dont do that, dependency handling by hand is fraught with errors00:31
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applepiYeahhhhh I know...  but digging through the recipe I'm just not sure what other options I've got..  maybe I can make another recipe that strips out most everything else?00:31
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khemyou have two ways, 1. Build an sdk and hand that over to app guys and keep modifying to their needs with every version00:48
khemsecond option is everyone builds from common yocto setup, in that case you make changes push them into repository everyone else checks out and gets them00:48
khemanything in between is going to be more troublesome00:48
khemIf app teams are not yocto savvy perhaps devtool is good interface to learn for them it will only take couple of hrs to know it00:49
khemDvorkinDmitry: conditional patching is no-no00:50
DvorkinDmitrykhem, I'm thinking how to apply the patch to /etc/pam.d/su only if pam-plugin-wheel is installed OR if distro features contains "mysec". What solution is better?00:52
DvorkinDmitryit is not just simple libpam_%.bbappend with SRC_URI = mysu.patch. it should be applied only if DYNAMIC package libpam-plugin-wheel is installed OR the distro variables contains some substring... hmm.00:54
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khemcheck distro feature01:01
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DvorkinDmitrykhem, yes. but how to aply patch to the file in bash do_install() if DSTRO_FEATURE var is defined?01:17
DvorkinDmitryThe URL: '{@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES",' is invalid and cannot be interpreted01:21
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DvorkinDmitryhow to apply patch at do_install:append() step01:43
DvorkinDmitryhow to apply patch at do_install:append() step?01:43
DvorkinDmitryand skip it at do_patch01:43
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applepikhem - I meant what options I've got for getting lib32 libsensors on there other than creating a separate recipe for it that doesn't try to rebuild systemd and whatnot as well03:33
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johndunetHi everyone, I'm trying to install Docker on my Yocto project, but I'm having trouble configuring the kernel (Yocto Linux) correctly. Specifically, I can't get the veth module to load. I have enabled it in menuconfig, but after building the kernel and the image, it is still missing from my system.08:48
johndunetI've already spent more than ten hours trying to figure out why it doesn't work, but I haven't been successful. More details are available on the following Pastebin (tree of the recipe directory, recipe, execution, uname -a):
johndunetAny help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!08:49
johndunetCONFIG_VETH is enabled on menuconfig08:51
Jones42johndunet: not sure, but have you checked the .config in the build folder? that would show you which config was actually used for building08:57
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Jones42(i.e.: build/tmp/work/*/linux-yocto/x.y/build/.config)08:59
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johndunetyes on the file /home/builder/builds/build-genericx86-64/tmp/work/genericx86_64-poky-linux/linux-yocto/5.15.72+gitAUTOINC+441f5fe000_0b628306d1-r0/linux-genericx86_64-standard-build/.config I have a line with CONFIG_VETH=m09:00
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Jones42(I'm hoping, someone knowledgeable will pass by eventually to actually provide useful information...)09:07
Jones42but you have CONFIG_VETH=y in your fragment, right? so maybe that's the first indication that something is off?09:08
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Jones42are you sure, your layer is picked up by bitbake?09:09
Jones42have you tried manually setting up a veth?09:10
johndunetyes my layer is set on layer.conf09:10
johndunetwith modprobe ?09:11
johndunetroot@chargehub:/tmp# zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_VETH09:12
johndunet# CONFIG_VETH is not set09:12
friederjohndunet: not sure, but would the SRC_URI for the fragment need something like "type=kmeta;destsuffix=meta" at the end? And would you need to enable fragment.cfg in KERNEL_FEATURES?09:13
johndunetI make a try just before with SRC_URI += "file://fragment.cfg;subdir=git"09:14
friederjohndunet: still doesn't explain why .config has "CONFIG_VETH=m" and you see "# CONFIG_VETH is not set" in the final kernel, though. This should match even without your fragment being applied.09:15
friederjohndunet: subdir=git looks wrong, but I'm not a regular linux-yocto user so I might be off09:16
Jones42according to , it should just work like that.09:18
johndunetThank you, I will check your link now09:19
friederI guess I'm wrong with my suggestions above. Even official docs imply that what you did should be enough. (
mckoanjohndunet: which MACHINE (cpu) are you using?09:24
johndunetintel i309:24
mckoanjohndunet: so the fragment should work09:24
mckoanjohndunet: SRC_URI += "file://fragment.cfg"09:25
johndunetokay, but do you have any idea why the module is not available on the target system?09:26
Jones42are you sure, the kernel you've built is the one running on your system?09:31
mckoanjohndunet: I don't have detail about your configuration09:31
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johndunetJones42 How can I be sure ?09:34
Jones42johndunet: you could diff the kernel from your build folder with the one you extract out of your image09:36
Jones42if you have a fitimage you could use dumpimage for example09:36
Jones42or just try the "nuclear option", delete the tmp folder, -c cleanall and give it a fresh try.09:37
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Guest74Hello, I met a issue when I try to build extended sdk, it seems to have mistake with cve checker: ERROR: Task (/home/yoctouser/build_nanbield/tmp/work/custom_machine-poky-linux/custom-image/1.0/sdk-ext/image/tmp-renamed-sdk/layers/poky/meta/recipes-core/meta/ failed with exit code 'setscene ignore_tasks' . Have09:43
Guest74you any idea to solve it?09:43
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Jones42Guest74: you can check the tasks log/run files: (log|run).do_fetch10:04
mcfriskanyone else seen zstd fetch errors? 'Unable to fetch URL from any source.', 'git://;branch=release;protocol=https'10:18
rburtonwhat's the actual error?10:18
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mcfriskerror: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8)10:21
rburtonmcfrisk: does a manual fetch of that repo work on the same machine outside of bitbake?  wondering if there's a interop problem with your curl and github10:23
mcfriskI had a working build with latest poky, meta-arm etc and now running meta-arm kas build to test patches, and that failed. odd10:24
marexor a borked corporate proxy ...10:26
mcfriskhmm, git clone works on machine, and in kas shell.10:29
mcfriskoh relative path to kas DL_DIR, need to use absolute. user error then :/10:30
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derRichardis it only me or is git:// dead?10:33
mcfrisklooks dead, no response here either10:34
RPmcfrisk: did you have any thoughts on the openssl relocation patches? I see upstream are thinking of closing the bug :(10:34
marexderRichard: cgit seems down too10:35
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marexderRichard: reported in fdo irc if they didn't know yet10:37
* derRichard goes and tells customer why local mirrors are great10:38
marexderRichard: because you dont waste bandwidth of the internet and upstream projects uplinks ?10:40
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marexderRichard: I dont even wanna know how much bandwidth must be spent on constant re-downloads of the same stuff by poorly set up CI hosts10:41
marexI can imagine it would be in the 9x% ...10:41 is dos'ed on a regular basis because of bad ci/cd :-D10:42
mcfriskRP: non-default feature doesn't sound good, using openssl-native.bbclass in my projects now
marexderRichard: #surprise10:42
RPmcfrisk: that works for some uses but not others. I'd still like to get it fixed upstream somehow. Even if it is non-default, we'd use it so it would get well tested10:43
neverpanicRP: can you give me a link to the upstream openssl bug?10:48
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mcfriskto me openssl upstream doesn't want to change the current difficult behavior of finding modules. I don't think these are security boundaries, but of course someone may disagree. using these as non-default feature is just like applying the patches, or using workarounds like openssl-native.bbclass.10:59
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RPmcfrisk: I can understand there is inertia against change but it doesn't look to be insurmountable to me...11:12
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neverpanicHm, yeah, that PR won't go anyway since it's Linux-only11:18
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RPneverpanic: I'm hoping someone could pick it up and move it forward though11:24
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JaMabtw for rust reproducibility we might need (mentioned in
Guest74Hello, Is there a way to merge these 3 commands: bitbake ${IMAGE} -c build && bitbake ${IMAGE} -c populate_sdk && bitbake ${IMAGE} -c populate_sdk_ext ?11:49
neverpanicRP: Seems like Yocto is pretty alone in wanting to relocate OpenSSL, so if you want it you'll probably have to do it yourself.11:53
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Guest74Jones42 the issue come from do_populate_sdk_ext12:14
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Guest74Jones42 in ./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/cve-update-nvd2-native/1.0/temp/log.do_fetch all seems ok12:20
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Guest74Hello, I met a issue with do_populate_sdk_ext, it seems to have mistake with cve checker: ERROR: Task (/home/yoctouser/build_nanbield/tmp/work/custom_machine-poky-linux/custom-image/1.0/sdk-ext/image/tmp-renamed-sdk/layers/poky/meta/recipes-core/meta/ failed with exit code 'setscene ignore_tasks'.12:21
Guest74cve-update-nvd2-native:do_fetch is ok. Have you any idea to solve it?12:21
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hubiHi while building yocto project i have an error:13:55
hubi| /build/tmp/work/var_som_mx6-fsl-linux-gnueabi/linux-variscite/5.15.71+gitAUTOINC+meta_machine-r0/temp/run.do_compile.1268578: 158: cannot create /keys/serial: Directory nonexistent13:55
hubicould anyone help with it?13:55
Jones42hubi: probably there's no /keys directory ?13:57
vmesonhubi: no one will be able to help unless you explain the problem a bit more. Look at the log file, summarize what's going on. Mention what version of YP you are using and whether you have layers  that are not public (such as a BSP).13:57
Guest74Hello, I met a issue with do_populate_sdk_ext, it seems to have mistake with cve checker: ERROR: Task (/home/yoctouser/build_nanbield/tmp/work/custom_machine-poky-linux/custom-image/1.0/sdk-ext/image/tmp-renamed-sdk/layers/poky/meta/recipes-core/meta/ failed with exit code 'setscene ignore_tasks'.13:57
Guest74cve-update-nvd2-native:do_fetch is ok. Have you any idea to solve it?13:57
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vmesonGuest74: does the error occur with just oe-core/bitbake (poky) ? If so what version? Also, if it is reproducible, you could report a bug.13:59
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khemRP: I have few busybox patches on ml pending for long time now14:38
khemRP: they are primarily CVE fixes and one is to fix with 6.9 kernel headers14:38
khemsee top 3 patches on
kheminfact top 4 if you want to consider GCC CVE fix as well14:39
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moto-timoI've got a variable HDF_PATH that I need to change a substring in, so I tried HDF_PATH = "${@d.getVar('HDF_PATH').replace('bad', '')" but I get a RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded. This is on sumo (I have no choice, it has to be sumo).15:30
moto-timoAny ideas how to work around the recursion depth issue?15:30
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Jones42moto-timo: i'm confused by your syntax, but have you tried doing it with sed or bash parameter expansions?
JaMamoto-timo: cannot you modify the original HDF_PATH assignment?15:37
moto-timothe syntax is in-line python
moto-timoJaMa: it is in a BSP layer... I'm having to do some rewriting of local.conf to make the project build in a docker container (sumo is ancient).15:38
JaMais it some xilinx stuff?15:39
moto-timostrangely enough, if I do `HDF_PATH_TMP = "${@dgetVar('HDP_PATH')}"` that resolves. so it is the .replace that is the issue.15:40
moto-timoJaMa: indeed... old MEL metadata from 201815:40
JaMaHDF_PATH_TMP = "${@dgetVar('HDP_PATH_TMP')" would fail as well15:40
moto-timoimmediate expansion maybe and then do the replace?15:41
JaMawhat I meant was to look at the original HDF_PATH assignment and just assign the new value instead of trying to replace itself15:42
moto-timoJaMa: yeah, I know. But I am trying to be fancy and have the script work on multiple BSPs. You are probably right that I should stop being fancy.15:43
JaMaand those multiple BSPs are assigning some hardcoded string directly?15:43
moto-timoJaMa: yes. Perhaps I can change how the layers are setup, because it is an extra couple of path elements in the middle of the hardcoded path that are the pain point15:44
moto-timolegacy code that probably should be done differently, but for now I just need to get it building again with slightly different tooling15:45
moto-timobefore I strap a rocket to it and upgrade it to scarthgap.15:45
moto-timoheh. immediate expansion is of course "None". lol15:47
moto-timomaybe I can use `LAYERDIR_bad-bsp` instead.15:53
moto-timothanks you'all for the ideas15:53
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moto-timoI did it with a python function added to an external-hdf.bbappend, gated on whether CONTAINERIZED_BUILD is set or not. So local.conf drives whether the change happens or not.16:27
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RPkhem: they were testing in abelloni's queue, they just merged16:30
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danieltakHello, I have a question on SO
danieltakBitbake failed with exit code '1' when using multiple cores16:59
danieltakI wanted to know if it is a Bug that should be reported on Bugzilla16:59
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vmesondanieltak: thanks for asking. Can you check the system logs to see if you just ran out of memory (dmesg)? If you didn't and if you can reproduce the issue using just poky on a supported branch, then yes please report the bug .17:06
danieltakok, ty17:13
danieltakWill try to reproduce it17:13
vmesondanieltak: excellent! Good luck.17:49
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frayI'm working on a fix for various issue with static-library processing in  I'm still working on test-cases, but figured I'd post this to see if anyone had feedback..18:30
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rburtondanieltak: i do builds with -j32 and i know people who do builds with -j48 so its not a problem in bitbake.  you're quite possibly OOMing.18:32
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tlwoernerwhy are my master builds exploding? bmaptool-native, python3-six-native, and u-boot all failing so far20:16
tlwoernerhmm... looks fishy20:17
tlwoernerprobably something on my end20:17
frayI've not seen that on master...20:18
fraybut I'm only running some target selftest builds currently20:18
marextlwoerner: logs usually help20:22
tlwoernersometimes just putting that out there might illicit a quick "yes, we're aware"-type response, which is helpful20:27
tlwoernerin my case two separate build machines were doing the same-ish master build, one was failing all over, and the other completed without issue just after i asked20:27
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