Friday, 2024-07-19

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Guest22hi everybody05:52
Guest22In yocto eSDK, I have a lot of local source code after devtool modify, which needs to be developed in the workspace, but the modify needs to be manually synchronized to my local source code directory. Even though I recently learned about devtool modify -x, it did not substantially improve my experience.05:53
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DempseyDoes anyone have richer and more detailed eSDK documentation? Including actual cases or usage scenarios? Thank you very much05:56
guest92Can anyone tell me how to deal such an error : do_package_qa: QA Issue: package installs files in /var/volatile, but it is expected to be empty [empty-dirs]. I am upgrading a recipe to a newer yocto. In older yocto it has worked. Thank you for your assistance in advance05:58
DempseyHave you checked that the directory is valid?06:00
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guest92Dempsey older version of yocto let it build and I could see directory structure on my device. However with new yocto it gives me error06:06
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DempseyCheck the operation of the directory in the new and old versions respectively to check the cause of the error06:24
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guest92Dempsey I see no difference on directory structure between old and new yocto build. Both have same content /tmp/work/........./1.0/image/etc/default/volatiles/package06:32
DempseyI have only one suspicion, other than that I don't know. </3   Check the installation timing of the recipe.06:37
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guest92Dempsey do you mean the order at which it is build by yocto?06:40
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Dempseyguest92   year  ,  Wrong order will cause image or rootfs abnormalities.......07:27
guest92Dempsey can I influence the order yocto makes packages? I thought it's done by yocto itself when it sets scenes.07:28
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Dempseyguest92  The inheritance relationship between recipes determines their order07:32
guest92Dempsey it's an independent package!07:33
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marexfix the software to not put stuff into /var/volatile on install, that's suspicious already08:33
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rburtonguest92: if it has no dependencies then does it matter when it runs?09:10
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guest92rburton actually not! the problem is I am unable to understand the root cause of this error. Since it does work on old yocto as it is, however not in my new yocto. There could be a chance if I clean/build complete yocto, it works. I however don't want to take chance at this moment because I am middle of upstreaming and not all of recipes are09:14
guest92working at this moment.09:14
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rburtonits not related to that :)09:15
rburtonlook in image/ in the build tree for that recipe and you should see it ships a file in var/volatile.  don't do that.09:16
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guest92rburton should I install a file somewhere else i.e. /etc and not under var/volatile? Since it was done in old yocto09:49
rburtonputting a file _in_ /var/volatile won't have ever worked afaik09:50
rburtonbecause the first thing volatile does it mount a tmpfs on it09:50
guest92rburton maybe it was wrong in the old recipe. I'll change it and then get back if problem still persists. Thank you09:54
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kanavinanyone else yawning massively, watching the news about crowdstrike?12:02
kanavinI mean it's not funny, but it's a kind of told you so situation on a global scale12:02
rburtona friend is cursing whoever it was in IT that thought auto-upgrading across the entire fleet was a good idea12:21
rburtonobviously lots of people don't do staged rollouts of upgrades...12:22
neverpanicThis was a definition update, not a software update, so chances are crowdstrike falcon does those without asking you…12:23
abelloniI have been in charge of rolling out upgrades on the DSL gateways of the leading provider in France12:23
kanavinyes, some major explaining is due about not doing staged rollouts for this12:24
abelloniI can tell you I was never upgrading 4.5 million gateways at once12:24
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kanavinI feel for IT people, their weekend is majorly *expletive* - requires physically rebooting systems one by one most likely12:24
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marexI have a quick question about meta-oe/libgpiod ... it contains both libgpiod 1.x and 2.x ... is it possible to build both into an image AND use 1.x as DEPENDS for one recipe and 2.x and DEPENDS for another recipe ?13:18
marexor should I go down the PREFERRED_VERSION route ?13:19
kanavinmarex, not impossible but tricky. There are numerous places where the two versions can clash if they share filenames or directory names13:19
kanavineasier to just port everything to latest version maybe13:19
marexkanavin: oh hum, ok13:21
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rburtonmarex: _if_ libraries are designed to be parallel installed then fine (like gtk2 and gtk3 and gtk4 can all be installed at once). but most libraries don't do that.13:26
marexrburton: then I guess PREFERRED_VERSION it is, with some porting, that's fine13:26
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pasherringHey folks =) I have a bbclass that uses BB_ORIGENV to get a few values from it. I had to remove this variable from vardeps for it to work, otherwise, I had varying hashes and it failed. The exact mechanism of why this fails I don't understand... I'd expect if this happening if the host env var change throughout the task execution, but, this doesn't seem to be the case.15:58
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pasherringI tried using BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH (BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE in my case, I am stuck in the past) but maybe I was doing something wrong with it.16:00
pasherringI was fishing for a word on how this hashing happens, to understand why it is changing if I use that variable.16:01
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guest78is there anyone who has worked with wlan qca9377 module? It doesn't build with latest yocto. Any help would be appreicated19:05
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marexa good starting point is the failure log20:54
marexpatience longer than 30 minutes also helps20:55
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marexa good starting point is the failure log21:00
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