Sunday, 2024-07-21

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vvnIs it better to assign the CI/CD build number to BUILDNAME or IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX?00:29
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khemRP: I sent RFT patches for glibc 2.4018:02
temp64Hi, I've been reading about Yocto all day but I'm not quite sure if it's the proper tool for my use case. I need to find an automated way to create a very minimal Linux image for a bunch of (slightly different) ASRock DeskMini PCs where I get to control the kernel configuration, what init it runs, compile-time configuration of packages, etc. Is it18:07
temp64possible to accomplish with Yocto without too much friction?18:08
temp64Asking because the learning curve seems to be steep and I'm not sure if there's an equivalent of Docker's "FROM scratch", so to say.18:08
khemtemp64:welcome to the community ! I must say yocto is very much a fit for what you want to achieve18:11
khemfor learning curve, I would suggest to go through quick guide
khemand then try to build a core-image-minimal for say qemux86-6418:13
khem is also good18:13
khemthen the mega-manual is something you want to keep handy for reference and ask questions here18:14
khemthere is also mailing list where you can find discussions in past which may solve some issues you might be seeing or you can ask quesitons there too18:15
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temp64Thanks, I'll check those out. I actually already built core-image-minimal and ran it in QEMU, worked perfectly fine. I then started going through the files and it seemed like all of those reference images inherit from core-image, which made me wonder if there's a minimal set of "untouchable" packages  all images have to contain.18:32
temp64Hence my "FROM scratch" concern above, on the surface (and looking at some random blogs), it seems like the go-to way of creating a custom image is to start from core-image and add recipes on top of it.18:37
marextemp64: you can bend the result whichever way you see fit, the flexibility is usually overwhelming to newcomers18:45
marextemp64: minimal is empty image18:45
marexquite literally18:45
temp64How does it boot if it's empty :D18:47
marextemp64: you can build kernel and write it into some flash memory for example18:48
temp64If I can do that and then just add packages on top one by one as if it was LFS then that's good enough for me.18:51
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