Monday, 2024-07-22

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mbulutdoes anyone know about a recipe providing docker native for running the docker daemon at build time?10:04
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rburtonmbulut: there have been people trying to beat enough assumptions out of podman that you can actually build and run it as a normal user, but we're not there yet. no way to _install_ docker as a non-root user to use at build time.  If you desperately need docker during a recipe build first reconsider and find an alternative, or just rely on the host having docker.10:14
rburtonif you desperately need this then fixing podman so a normal user can install it into their $HOME and it works entirely inside the home directory shouldn't be _too_ difficult, just need to fix the assumptions.10:15
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mbuluti think podman is out of the race as my end goal is to pre-populate /var/lib/docker for offline container usage in the field. having docker on the host (docker-in-docker in my case) was the method i was going after but before starting with that i just wanted to hear if there's anything recent providing a docker-native...10:21
rburtonyou'll have more luck if you use podman instead of docker, i expect. its the same but without horrible license.10:24
rburtonand meta-virt has OCI container image types, so you might be able to just drop the images in the right place.  zeddii might have more input when he's awake.10:25
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mbuluti was looking at this proof-of-concept layer to begin with:
mbuluti don't know too much about podman tbh and our current container deployment infrastructure is based on docker, so i'm reluctant to switch if there's a viable way to do this in a way that's compatible with docker at runtime10:33
mbuluti might take a look at meta-virt though10:34
rburtonpodman and docker have identical runtime interfaces10:34
mbulutso podman would look for/populate layers in /var/lib/docker?10:35
rburtonno, but the commands you'd use are identical10:35
rburtonuse docker if you prefer, it's just more annoying10:36
mbuluttoo bad, would have been nice if i could use podman to populate /var/lib/docker at build time and use docker at runtime10:36
rburtonif you're populating with podman just run with podman too. the podman docs explicitly say you can alias docker=podman.10:37
rburtonor just use docker if you want to use docker :)10:38
mbuluti think i should read a bit about podman10:38
mbulutgotta figure out compatibility with container registries, docker-compose, etc...10:38
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simonlHi! Sorry if this is a dumb question - I want to file a bug in Bugzilla (for the 'pseudo' tool - have script to reproduce the issue and a patch to fix it), but I can't find anywhere that I can create a Bugzilla account. At e.g. it says 'click on "New Account" in the footer area', but there is no such link. Does anyone know11:27
simonlhow you actually should go about to get an account?11:27
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rburtonyeah that needs fixing!  halstead, how does one create a bugzilla account now?11:37
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Jones42If I change the path prefix of some package from /usr to /foo, the package itself builds nicely, but other packages that depend on it, can't find the pkgconfig file anymore, since it's now in recipe-sysroot/foo/lib/pkgconfig, which isn't in PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Is there an elegant way to fix this?11:56
RPsimonl: in the meantime you could email with an account request and mention there is no link on the bugzilla11:56
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simonlRP: Ok, thanks!12:06
RPsimonl: please do send the patch for pseudo to the list too. I'm curious what you found!12:10
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rburtonJones42: don't change the prefix?  why do you want to change the prefix?12:36
rburtonit keeps on coming up and i've never understood why12:36
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Jones42rburton: because I want to split out an application into an own partition. (which i want to be able to individually replace/update with rauc)12:42
rburtonyou'll need to extend PKG_CONFIG_PATH in recipes which want to use that app12:45
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CrazyGeckolol, i wanted to ask the same question as @simonl about account creating. @RP should I send a account request too or should I wait for the website to be fixed? How long does this usually take?12:47
Jones42rburton: thanks, that's what feared... there's a surprising amount of hardcoded paths in bitbake.conf12:48
rburtonwell it's all variabled, so not really hardcoded12:48
rburtonif you want to carve a system into two pieces then that's your choice.  your distro could globally add to PKG_CONFIG_PATH and that might be all you need.12:49
CrazyGecko@simonl found that regarding the account creation. It seems, like it is intended, but the link should nod be missing. so better write an E-Mail there for the account12:49
Jones42rburton: that could work, will give it a try. thanks!12:50
Jones42rburton: I'm open to alternatives, however. using rauc and having the app in its own image seemed to be the easiest way12:51
zeddiimbulut: I'm about 90% of the way through cross container install at build time. I have it slightly hacked and working for liboci users (podman, etc) and have a few final issues to deal with on the docker front.12:56
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mbulutcool, i'd be interested in that work. for now i'm working on a solution for my specific use case on the basis of that savoirelinux poc-layer. if i manage to get a viable recipe together, i might take a look at rootless docker ( as the savoirelinux approach involves sudoing and stuff which i'd like to avoid...13:02
zeddiithat particular document won't really help you. I've been through it about a hundred times, you just run into the guid/uid mapping that requires setup and permissions, I've been working on modifying the docker source code to not require it in an install configuration.13:03
mbulutyou mean the rootless docker one?13:04
zeddiiI also have a custom native docker registry (helps in some cases, not all), as well as various other tools have done to manipulate the vfs store13:04
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zeddiithe savoirelinux type approach is ok if you are hacking something together, but I've already gone on the record several times as saying that it just won't fly in m-virt13:05
rburtonthis is why i suggest podman: it had support for running entirely in $HOME for longer so _should_ be easier to translate to a rootless build environment13:06
zeddiirburton: you don't even need podman for the cross container install part, I can already install meta-virt OCI images for podman that "appear" and are runnable on boot without needing podman on the host13:07
zeddiibut docker, because they refuse to use the oci based VFS is a harder nut to crack, and I won't put it into m-virt until both are working,.13:08
rburtonmeh ignore docker13:08
zeddiidon't make me haul up my presentation that says "won't crown a runtime king"13:08
zeddiiplus, RH is annoying in their own way with podman.13:08
rburtontheir licensing fiasco made that choice for me ;)13:08
zeddiithey won't play nicely with the rest of the CNCF tools, madly replacing bits with their own creations. very systemd-like.13:09
zeddiimaybe I can just to a presentation @ vienna where someone just says things to wind me up and gives me the mic!13:09
zeddii"fireside rant" ?13:10
rburtonyeah do it13:10
mbulutyeah agree, the savoirelinux thing is nothing that could ever be upstreamed as something generally useful because of its assumptions on the host tools but yet currently still my best hope to get the job at hand done without stirring up too much dust in our infrastructure//13:10
rburtonthat would be great13:10
mbulutzeddii, is there any gh repo or sth i could watch to see how your thing goes so i might come back to it some time?13:12
RPCrazyGecko: feel free to send a email about an account as well13:12
mbulutoh, i guess meta-virt is where i should be looking, right?13:14
zeddiimbulut: I maintain meta-virtualization, when ready the stuff either goes there or goes into a WIP branch, but I put it down about a month ago to do oe-core kernel stuff and package updates in m-virt, I'm back to it again shortly. I expect to push at least the minimal infrastructure in August so it'll be ready for the fall release.13:15
mbulutcool, thx13:16
zeddiiit must be Monday. half my infrastructure is busted, I'm going to go see if I can revive some machines.13:16
mbulutconfirm: it's monday (at least in my tz)13:16
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johnjohn28Hi all13:33
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johnjohn28I'm still struggling to add the VETH kernel module to my Yocto image, and I can't understand why it's not working.13:40
johnjohn28I enabled the kernel module via menuconfig (bitbake virtual/kernel -c menuconfig), then created a fragment with the modified config (bitbake -c diffconfig virtual/kernel which created the file builds/build-genericx86-64/tmp/work/genericx86_64-poky-linux/linux-yocto/5.15.72+gitAUTOINC+441f5fe000_0b628306d1-r0/fragment.cfg).13:40
johnjohn28I then created a recipe using recipetool appendsrcfile -w ../../layers/meta-my-layer/ virtual/kernel path/to/fragment.cfg. I cleaned and recompiled the kernel with bitbake -c clean virtual/kernel then bitbake virtual/kernel.13:40
johnjohn28After that, I built my image and installed it, but the module is still not installed:13:40
johnjohn28root@device:~# zcat /proc/config.gz | grep VETH >> # CONFIG_VETH is not set13:41
johnjohn28I'm desperate, I've been trying for hours to add this module by all means, and nothing works. Yet it's a relatively simple module without any dependencies. Do you have any idea what might be causing the problem?13:41
rburtonJones42: did you install the kernel module?13:42
rburtonenabling a module does not install it into the image13:42
rburtonalso double-check the .config in the build tree to verify your setting actually stuck, kconfig is a fickle thing13:43
johnjohn28with kernel-module-veth on IMAGE_INSTALL ?13:43
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rburtonoh you checked the on target config, so you can blame your fragment not being sufficient (or not being used at all)13:43
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johnjohn28No match for argument: kernel-module-veth13:45
rburtoncheck the .config in the build tree to see if your assignment stuck (bitbake virtual/kernel -c showconfig)13:48
rburtonif it didn't then double-check that your append is actually working, you can check the SRC_URI with bitbake-getvar -r virtual/kernel SRC_URI13:48
zeddiijohnjohn28: assuming my build server revives shortly, I can help as well. but I'll need a few more to get an initial build started.13:49
johnjohn28The output of the command bitbake-getvar -r virtual/kernel SRC_URI does show my fragment.13:52
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Jones42johnjohn28: does your .config in the build folder still say "m", while you have "y" in your fragment?13:54
johnjohn28builder@707b406ad0f5:~/builds/build-genericx86-64$ cat /home/builder/builds/build-genericx86-64/tmp/work/genericx86_64-poky-linux/linux-yocto/5.15.72+gitAUTOINC+441f5fe000_0b628306d1-r0/linux-genericx86_64-standard-build/.config | grep VETH13:56
rburtonsounds like your target isn't running the same kernel...13:57
Jones42johnjohn28, how do you get the image on the target? can you give us some information on your config?14:00
johnjohn28oh you're right, I use RAUC to update my device, but it only updates the rootfs and a data partition.14:05
johnjohn28I'm really stupid.14:06
vvnshould I add to vardepsexclude the direct variable used in the value or all variables recursively? i.e. FOO="${BAR}" BAZ="${FOO}", should I add BAZ[vardepsexclude] = "FOO" or  BAZ[vardepsexclude] = "FOO BAR"?14:09
Jones42johnjohn28: we've all been there, glad you found the issue!14:10
rburtonkanavin_: fyi "python3: drop deterministic_imports" breaks the build of python3-meson-python14:12
rburtonwhich is fun14:12
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rburtoni wonder if empty directories are breaking things14:13
RPrburton: ah, I was nervous about dropping that :/14:13
RPrburton: there is an upstream bug saying it should all work so we need to tell them about it most likely14:14
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rburtonyeah commenting now14:16
shoraganjohnjohn28, so you're not updating your kernel? i'd suggest configuring rauc to update it in lock-step with the rootfs. if you're not using secure boot, it's often simpler to just have it in the rootfs.14:16
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johnjohn28yeah it's work14:20
johnjohn28I'm torn between the joy of finally succeeding and the shame of having spent so much time searching for such a simple mistake ^^14:21
johnjohn28Thank you all for your help.14:21
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johnjohn28shoragan, yeah, I only update the rootfs and some other partition but not the kernel.14:30
johnjohn28I make : losetup -Pf --show image.wic14:30
johnjohn28dd if=/dev/loop35p1 of=/tmp/boot.img14:31
johnjohn28mount -o loop /tmp/boot.img /tmp/boot14:31
johnjohn28scp /tmp/boot/bzImage root@
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johnjohn28on the device cp /tmp/bzImage /boot/bzImage14:32
johnjohn28and it work, the module is here14:32
johnjohn28after a reboot14:32
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Guest12Hello, I report a yocto bug here. the `INHERIT += "cve-check"` is incompatible with do_populate_sdk_ext with core-image-sato (I suppose it is the case for all images) on scarthgap `7fb368604c5c7` : `ERROR: Task cve-update-nvd2-native.do_fetch attempted to execute unexpectedly` . thank you in advance. (PS: I didn't open a bugtracker ticket, I let15:11
Guest12you have the pleasure)15:11
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halsteadsimonl: rburton: I'm sorry the account request instructions keep getting hidden. Can you email and we'll get it made.16:04
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mbulutin a recipe that does sudo (with sudo in HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL) i get `sudo: /etc/sudo.conf is owned by uid 65534, should be 0` and `sudo: /workspaces/sandbox/build/01047/tmp/hosttools/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set`17:17
mbuluti can do the same sudo command from a devshell but inside the recipe it fails.... any idea what could be causing this?17:18
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mbulutalso i checked who owns /etc/sudo.conf and it's owned by root (uid 0) so really don't know why bitbake claims it's owned by 6553417:24
mbuluti found some hints but they're all related to ansible -- nothing bitbake related..17:25
mbulutvery similar to my situation and post suggests an issue "introduced somewhere between dunfell and kirkstone" ... if that's true i might very well be hitting the same problem as i'm using kirkstone 4.0.217:35
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khemwhich recipe is doing sudo operation, that should be looked into18:32
rburtonmbulut: guessing this is your docker experiments.  _this_ is why its a terrible idea to sudo docker inside a recipe18:35
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rburtonso I'm back to thinking that our splitting of the python modules is too granular to be actually useful18:39
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mbulutrburton, khem, yes it's the docker experiments. just running a build off master to check if it's down to fakeroot/pseudo and not a bug present in 4.0.218:43
mbulutnot claiming at all that doing sudo docker inside a recipe is a good thing but before exploring the implications of using podman instead, i wanted to see how far i get with this18:46
mbulutseems like at the time when that article was written (dunfell), it used to work so i wanted to give it a shot18:47
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RPmbulut: it could be pseudo interacting really badly with sudo20:45
mbulutyeah, i'm not pursuing that further (though the master build still running just for the sake of being sure it's by design and not a bug)20:49
mbulutshifted myself towards rootless-docker instead -- let's see how that goes20:50
vvnwhat's your view on setting PACKAGECONFIG:pn-foo in the distro conf vs. setting PACKAGECONFIG:distro in bbappend?20:52
RPI'd have said distro conf file20:52
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BrianLIs there any way to change the disk label used for mmcblk0p1, so that it is not boot-mmcblk0p1, via config or otherwise, when using wic to package the image?21:54
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mbulutzeddii, u around?22:25
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mbulutBrianL, have you tried --use-label in the .wks?22:47
mbulutstuck on the rootless docker as well... :/22:53
mbulutso my build env is a docker container itself, that's for the record22:54
mbuluti added the bits suggested in to my dev container and can run the daemon using from normal shell and also bitbake shell22:56
mbulutbut freaking not from within a build task22:57
mbulutnewguid fails while setting up the UID/GID map:22:58
mbulut[rootlesskit:parent] error: failed to setup UID/GID map: newuidmap 36572 [0 1000 1 1 100000 65536] failed: newuidmap: write to uid_map failed: Operation not permitted22:58
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mbulutthis isn't down to the headroom for nested uids, i tried increasing it in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid23:00
mbuluti admit this might be a too specific problem to raise here but since it only fails when running the build task i'm kind of lacking knowledge of what happens behind the scenes that might cause the EPERM23:05
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