Thursday, 2024-07-25

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Guest12Hello, I have a question regarding the default Yocto Linux kernel configuration. I noticed that the systemtap.scc fragment is included in the standard.scc kernel fragment, which in turn enables CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO in the kernel configuration. This setting significantly increases the size of kernel modules and prolongs build times. Could you please07:27
Guest12explain the rationale behind including systemtap.scc in the default configuration?07:27
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rburtonIf anyone wants to make their First Contribution then I have a list of recipes that currently inherit setuptools3 but should be using a different build class.  Easy changes, just need testing.11:18
JaMashared internally :)11:29
rburtoni want to submit the patch to make setuptools3 complain but that list will make khem and/or moto-timo want to kill me11:32
RPrburton: you could put some layer specific warnings in place?11:37
RPrburton: I'm assuming core is good so that could error11:37
rburtonyeah i should just adapt it to be an insane thing11:38
rburtoncore is _almost_ good11:38
rburtonone false positive, one bmaptool should make a new release11:38
RPwe obviously need more insane things11:39
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rfs613RP: maybe time to rust it up? :P12:59
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moto-timorburton: not me. Do it14:05
moto-timoI’ve been wanting that for a long time now14:07
rburtonmoto-timo: its a bit horrible :)14:10
moto-timoTear off the bandage14:12
rburtoni was oddly proud of my perl linenoise to extract the backend from the toml but if it glues into insane then i need to use python14:13
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RPrburton: please ;-)14:21
rburtonRP: can i add 're' to the global imports for classes please14:23
RPrburton: it probably won't be good for performance as it will make people compile regexs in inline python14:24
moto-timorburton: I already had most of it done in python in the setuptools3.bbclass, the issue was our ancient supported distributions such that it needed a fall-back to no tomllib, tomli or toml. And I just didn't get around to writing that last fall through to "I'm an ancient distribution with no business trying to build modern python3, but you need it so here"14:24
RPI have wondered about it but I'm not keen14:24
rburtonmoto-timo: "parsing" with a re is good enough14:25
moto-timorburton: I know. Time. tick tock14:25
rburtonalmost done just need prove to myself that the skip works14:26
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moto-timobut I am ready to not have to review every upgrade or new recipe coming into OE/meta-python for whether it has pyproject.toml or not.14:26
moto-timoNew recipes need to be using devtool add!14:26
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rburtonmoto-timo: JPEW: tlwoerner: any plans for a bmaptool release?14:34
tlwoernerrburton: no plans, but we could make some. not sure very much has changed14:35
rburtonthe build backend has changed and the six dependnecy disappeared14:35
vmesonFor anyone using the cve-check class, we really need help with:
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vmesonIf anyone wants to have some fun with pseudo and io_uring, please take a look at:
smurraykhem: HEAD of the scarthgap branch in meta-riscv seems to be an accidental backport of a UNPACKDIR change?15:11
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rburtonmoto-timo: posted pyproject thing15:32
moto-timoSaur: it would be great if you can help review rburton's pyproject "thing"
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Guest13hello. might be a shot in the blind, but has anyone setup rust recipes that use private crates in their cargo.toml?16:35
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khemsmurray: hmm, yes an oversight, since user did not close the scarthgap PR18:27
khemshould be corrected now18:27
smurraykhem: okay, thanks18:28
mischiefRP: seems if i use BB_SRCREV_POLICY="cache" i get thousands of task hash mismatch errors. o.O18:39
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mischiefcan i somehow keep enough symbol info in binaries to produce readable backtraces, without fully removing stripping?19:22
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jonmasonRP: just traced CMDLINE_CONSOLE back to your "Initial population" and don't see it being used anywhere.  Is this legacy cruft or am I missing something?19:28
jonmasonin 13 months, it'll be 20 years since you made that commit.  Should we have a party?19:29
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RPmischief: I've not used that code for a long time so it is possible it got broken :(20:32
RPjonmason: I'm sure that once did something but looks like it doesn't now!20:34
jonmasonRP: cool, I'll add a patch to my series to rip it out20:35
moto-timoI have a file I want to conditionally include when a layer is NOT present, I have it working for that case, but if "include " is blank, it's a parsing error. Any other ideas?20:37
moto-timoI'm trying to avoid having to put the conditional into all the variables being set in that .inc file...20:38
moto-timocurrently using `include ${bb.utils.contains('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS', 'unwanted-layer', '', '', d)}`20:40
moto-timowhich is fine for my use case, but will break if that layer IS present20:40
RPmoto-timo: I guess you want to avoid a dummy empty include file?20:41
moto-timoRP: huh, that's valid. thanks20:42
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marexdid the linuxkernelcves website go away ? This ?22:35
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marexRP: do you happen to know what happened to that linuxkernelcves ?22:43
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RPmarex: it shut down as it was obsoleted by the kernel itself becoming a CNA22:59
marexRP: so ... how does OE handle the kernel CVEs since 6.6.29 ?23:03
marexRP: I ultimatelly did find which does confirm the CNA thing indeed23:04
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