Friday, 2024-07-26

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Guest12Hello, I have a question regarding the default Yocto Linux kernel configuration. I noticed that the systemtap.scc fragment is included in the standard.scc kernel fragment, which in turn enables CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO in the kernel configuration. This setting significantly increases the size of kernel modules and prolongs build times. Could you please05:54
Guest12explain the rationale behind including systemtap.scc in the default configuration?05:54
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jdiezhi folks. I'm running into a strange error, saying that no SPDX file can be found for `initscripts`. This is on unmodified poky scarthgap, but I had previously built kirkstone in this build directory. The actual error:06:20
jdiezERROR: run-postinsts-1.0-r0 do_create_spdx: Cannot find any SPDX file for recipe initscripts, False sstate:initscripts:core2-64-poky-linux:1.0:r0:core2-64:12: sstate:initscripts::1.0:r0::12:06:20
jdiezthe strange thing is that I'm not even building for core2-64-poky-linux (aka qemux86-64), but I did that earlier. I also tried `bitbake -c cleanall initscripts`, but that didn't help. Any clues?06:21
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luc4Hello! Is there a guide somewhere on how to add pulseaudio to a Yocto system?07:44
mckoanluc4: no, and may be not so easy. Add to your image pulseaudio-server.07:50
mckoanluc4: however we have a quite good experience with that07:51
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luc4mckoan: thanks! Do I also have to start the server manually?07:56
mckoanluc4: you can create your SystemV or systemd service07:58
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luc4mckoan: I found this: Is this what I should install maybe? I see it also mentions systemd.08:07
ray-sani try to build nodejs. if i tell bitbake to compile on 32 CPUs, it fails reliable every time. if i reduce the build to 16 cores, it suceeds. thats kinda odd. anyone here experienced similar behaviour?08:11
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ray-sanah, maybe my compiler gets OOM nuked, i guess this may be an issue :D08:20
mckoanray-san: it is a known broblem with nodejs. You have to reduce core numbers08:26
ray-sanmckoan: i guess, increasing available RAM also helps?08:27
mckoanray-san: usually not08:28
mckoanray-san: see BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE08:29
ray-sanodd...ok than move on with just 16 cores, i got time :P08:30
RPray-san: if you're running out of memory ram will help. You could just dial down PARALLEL_MAKE for the nodejs recipe08:43
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ray-sanRP: ah you can overwrite this variable in a recipe, didn't know that08:46
RPrburton: that spdx/testsdk patch doesn't work, it breaks buildtools for reasons I don't understand :(08:52
RPah, I do understand now :/09:06
landgrafmckoan: in codebuild env nodejs compilation crashes with OOM on 8vCPU/16GBs instance, I had to switch to 36/70 one if nodejs updated  and it works reliably.09:06
landgrafsetting of BB_NUMBER_THREADS for nodejs causes codebuild timeout :-/09:07
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mckoanlandgraf: thx09:25
JaMalandgraf: set P_M for nodejs to less then number of cores if you don't have 2GB RAM per core09:34
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mcfrisk2 GB of physical RAM per core is quite often required to build complex SW stacks09:53
mcfriskper CPU thread, not core09:53
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luc4Hello! I created an image including pulseaudio. I tried to start it with "sudo systemctl --user start pulseaudio" but I'm getting "Failed to connect to bus: No medium found". Any idea why? Is it talking about dbus?10:40
landgrafyes, it is10:42
rburtonluc4: if your app/environment/whatever runs as a non-root user then that user can start a pulseaudio daemon.  upstream recommend user daemon, not system-wide daemons.10:43
luc4rburton: If I try to run it as a user I get this horrible log: "W: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.\n*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated\n*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated".10:45
luc4rburton: however yes, my app runs as a user10:45
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luc4oh... should I configure /etc/pulse/client.conf first maybe?10:48
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Guest13how do i add an environment variable to a recipe?11:42
Guest13i want to add something before this command runs:
Guest13can i do it on the recipe side instead of bbclass?11:43
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rburtonGuest1147: export FOO=bar in the recipe12:08
rburtonRP: the cve 'database malformed' problems, have you only seen those in oe-selftest or other jobs too?12:10
RPrburton: only selftest12:12
rburtonthat's interesting12:13
rburtonparallel fetches, maybe?12:13
RPrburton: I'm wondering about some kind of race, yes12:14
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luc4Hello! I'm getting a crash in pulseaudio. Is it possible that alsa-lib is built using 64bit time structures while pulseaudio is not? According to the build logs this seems to be the case, but I cannot find confirmation in the bb files.13:52
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rburtonluc4: that would be unfortunate if so.  what release?14:02
luc4rburton: yes, I can see it was an exception:
luc4rburton: I'm on nanbield, and pulseaudio was an exception14:03
luc4rburton: then I see that change14:03
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vvnsemantic question, when crafting an OE-based project, would you consider bitbake a layer?14:38
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mckoanvvn: bitbake is a tool, not a layer.
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rburtonvvn: layers are directories which contain .bb files and have a conf/layer.conf in.  bitbake has none of those, so no15:11
marexHey uh, so how does OE handle linux-yocto CVEs since 6.6.29 with the new kernel CNA stuff ?15:11
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rburtonmarex: the same way we did before - keep up to date with stable point releases15:14
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marexrburton: but uh ... what about the CVE_STATUS thingie ?15:21
marexrburton: so far it was somehow generated, but now there are no more entries ?15:21
rburtonrecent CVEs actually have CPEs set eg
rburtonso there's less of a need to manually set them15:22
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JaMarburton: if you meant these 2 last scheduled builds: then both failed because of infra issues :)16:28
JaMaFailed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out16:28
JaMaWARNING: The free space of /tmp (/dev/mapper/debian11--ty--1--vg-tmp) is running low (0.000GB left)16:28
halsteadI can fix one of these.16:31
JaMano rush (just becaue of webOS OSE builds) but if it's breaking other builds as well than yes please16:32
JaMaI was just wondering if there are some other webOS builds, because rburton just sent e-mail that it did build last week and will do another this weekend (while it was triggered 14 hours ago)16:34
rburtonJaMa: there was one last week that actually passed (once it got a rekick)16:40
JaMaI see only the one from 2 weeks ago16:57
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JaMathen failed due to 7 days ago and due to disk space from 15 hours ago16:59
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vmesonhalstead:  Nrpt would like a bugzilla account.17:58
vmesonsomeone (me, Nrpt, anyone) should update:
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halsteadSure. I can do both18:37
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vmesonhalstead: perfecto!18:52
halsteadvmeson: wiki updated and bugzilla error is now descriptive. I also think I've done it in a way that should continue to work going forward.19:06
vmesonhalstead: LGTM. Thanks again.19:07
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