Sunday, 2024-08-04

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jdiezI have a recipe that installs files to `/opt/ros/humble/...`. I modified the recipe to install these files to (e.g.) /foo/opt/ros/humble. building the recipe works, its work/arch/pkg/sysroot-destdir gets populated with the `foo/opt/...` files as expected.10:47
jdiezhowever, I have another recipe that depends on this one, and it seems the `tmp/work/arch/otherpkg/recipe-sysroot` doesn't get populated with the expected (/foo/opt/ros/...) contents. /foo is in SYSROOT_DIRS.10:48
jdiezI've cleanall'd both packages, no luck. I've also noticed that the tmp/sysroot-components/arch/pkg doesn't contain foo/opt/ros/... Why might this be?10:50
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jdiezsolved it; I was overriding the recipe's prefix without adding ${base_prefix}11:10
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