Monday, 2024-08-05

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mckoangood morning06:50
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alessioigormckoan: to you too06:52
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ederibaucourtHello, it seems HTTPS is no longer working on
ederibaucourtWhen I connect to it with any device or browser, I get a warning because it is not encrypted12:40
mckoanederibaucourt: Advancdd - Accept and continue12:41
mckoanederibaucourt: I mean, it works12:42
ederibaucourtApparently certificate from just expired Mon, 05 Aug 2024 11:58:39 GMT12:43
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Saur_Home63I guess halstead will handle it once he gets online later.12:47
mckoanederibaucourt: right12:52 still works, if you're just after meta-openembedded or other things that are mirrored there12:56
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SchlumpfHi, is it known that the certificate of has expired?14:52
mckoanShaun_: yes. Waiting for halstead14:53
Schlumpfok, thx14:56
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halsteadederibaucourt: Shaun_: mckoan: renewed certs are in place now.15:19
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mckoanhalstead: thank you. have a nice day :-)15:29
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enteI have a problem with devtool16:47
enteI do "devtool modify foobar" and it just tells me "ERROR: Failed to start bitbake environment16:47
enteany ideas?16:47
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yoctonente: "devtool --debug modify foobar" maybe?17:02
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enteyocton: other than some plugin load messages at the top it doesn't print any more information than before :(17:06
yoctoncan you run bitbake in the same shell?17:10
enteyes, bitbake works fine17:11
entethis is dunfell in case it matters17:11
yoctonI would "strace devtool modify foobar" to see what syscall fails and why (but that's my answer for everything...)17:18
enteI wonder if it would hurt to print error messages17:29
entethere isn't really a syscall that fails17:30
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yoctonente: well, I'm out of ideas :-/ sorry18:08
entelet me set devtool on fire then18:11
vmesonente: if the fire hasn't started, try: "strace -f devtool modify foobar"18:17
vmesonadd the -f to follow forks.18:17
enteI don't have strace in the docker container so I attached it afterwards to both processes18:18
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Saur_Home78In my experience, strace'ing a Python application rarely helps...18:43
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entetoo many messages about futex bloatex18:46
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cabazon30Hey, I have 16GB rootfs and I'm trying to create bootable ISO image to start the system off USB stick. I found openembedded-core/scripts/wic but I'm not sure what's the best usage of that tool. Should I source my bitbake environment first and then wic will capture the environment itself?22:32
cabazon30or should I point wic to all images individually (kernel/ramdisk/rootfs)22:32
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