Tuesday, 2024-08-06

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BenBE2I've got a question regarding this recipe: https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/recipe/995/ – As I see it, it adds a patch for the configure and at upstream we are discussing, if we refactor our configure instead to accomodate for that usecase proper, cf. discussion at https://github.com/htop-dev/htop/pull/1512#pullrequestreview-2220454703 - Question is: Where best to discuss this change with from08:42
BenBE2the Yocto project to get some beforehand feedback?08:42
mcfriskBenBE2: htop is in meta-openembedded/meta-oe so contact is openembedded-devel@lists.openembedded.org and maintainer Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com> aka khem here08:45
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BenBE2mcfrisk: Thx for these pointers.08:54
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RPBenBE2: we don't like carrying patches so finding a way to work with upstream on issues like that is something we're very happy to do/see!08:56
BenBE2Having been working with FLOSS for >20 years, I figured moving things upstream would be a nice way to go. Currently drafting a mail to khem. Not on oe-devel ATM.09:03
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RPBenBE2: we have been making a push to try and discuss patches upstream but we've quite a backlog. https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/non-release/patchmetrics/ (Patch Upstream-Status Counts) shows we are slowly improving!09:32
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jdiezwhat's a good way to copy the deploy/ dir to a webserver? `rsync -az` will often copy too much because it looks at the modification time of files (which are touched by bitbake even if the contents don't change), `rsync --checksum` requires a full read of the deploy dir on both sides10:47
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BenBE2RP: The patch in question is marked Inappropriate, thus not strictly necessary for porting upstream, but having the build system accomodate this kind of selection too doesn't hurt.12:28
BenBE2jdiez: If you've got the memory: --checksum to a second local directory, only than -az to the remote12:29
jdiezBenBE2: good idea, thx!12:30
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RPBenBE2: that could just mean the patch isn't appropriate in its current form12:50
RPBenBE2: anyway, my main point was just to say thanks for thinking about this and we do support it and are happy to see it!12:50
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entejdiez: if you use rsync via ssh, rsync --checksum should be fine because it can spawn another rsync process on the remote side14:08
enteand that shouldn't require copying everything to checksum it locally14:08
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jdiezente: but both sides need to read the complete folder if i understand it correctly14:22
rburtonsurely both sides need to read _their_ copy14:27
rburtonthen they can compare checksums14:27
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rburtonmesa update: clang is only  needed for intel drivers if vulkan is enabled15:37
rburtonso that's an interesting option15:38
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rburtonmoto-timo: py removal patchbomb sent16:37
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rburton(and addition to meta-py)16:46
cabazon78Hey, I have a custom minimal image now that boots fine on QEMU with SeaBios and boots fine with Lenovo laptop with UEFI but I have to turn off secure boot. Do you know what do I need to do to be able to boot on UEFI platform (x86) with secure boot on?16:47
moto-timorburton: thank you for making the world a better place16:48
rburtoncabazon78: look up meta-secure-core16:48
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rburtonyou "just" need to sign your bootloader etc16:49
rburton"just" is doing a lot of work - the entire point of secure boot is that you don't boot arbitrary code...16:49
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cabazon78in the UEFI options I see the submenu 'secure boot keys', so perhaps I could overwrite the original key?16:50
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rburtoncabazon78: you use a presigned stub loader to get into grub17:09
cabazon78rburton would that be the one on efi partition? boot.efi?17:14
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BenBE2Is there a quick tutorial for writing recipies for python3 packages when that package needs to build some native libraries? (DearPyGUI in my case, available on pip, but no binaries for my target platfom)18:03
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RPBenBE: when it comes to native libraries the build systems can vary so much it makes such a guide hard to write/maintain :(19:40
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BenBERP: In the case of DearPyGui it's setup.py which calls CMake: https://github.com/hoffstadt/DearPyGui20:07
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jdiezI'm trying to use gcc in a target (qemux86-64) in this case. I've installed packagegroup-core-buildessential. trying to compile a hello.c throws this error: "x86_64-poky-linux-gcc: fatal error: cannot execute 'as': execvp: No such file or directory". there's no `as` package as far as I can tell. what am I doing wrong?21:40
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