Wednesday, 2024-08-14

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qschulzI've been asked how to "build an SDK with symbols in libraties (e.g. libstdc++)"09:33
qschulzI see that the SDK should already install dbg-pkgs?09:34
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qschulzis that only for target packages maybe and not sysroot?09:35
qschulzdoes anyone have hints at what to look at?09:35
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mkoniarzHi, how to set root password in rootfs Yocto build? i tried: INHERIT += "extrausers"09:56
mkoniarzEXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "usermod -p $(openssl passwd -1 <my_password>) root;" but this didn't work, also i tried add custom /etc/shadow in my recipe, but this file is replaced09:56
qschulzmkoniarz: use the commands we provide there to create the password10:30
qschulz(the printf one)10:30
qschulzstore the output in a variable as well10:30
qschulzbecause having a hardcoded password is a bad idea but having it in plaintext is an even worse idea :)10:31
mkoniarzunpardes line: 'inherit extrausers' - in local.conf10:42
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mkoniarzqschulz: unparsed line :( what I'm doing wrong?10:45
mkoniarzINHERIT += " extrausers" do not work10:46
mkoniarzok, in recipe it is OK, but no in local.conf....11:00
mkoniarzI'm trying11:00
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mkoniarzit wont work - /etc/shadow still default, no root password :(11:33
qschulzmkoniarz: try with core-image-minimal with only poky meta layer to verify everything's fine11:44
qschulzmkoniarz: I';m also wondering if this isn't debug-tweaks in EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES by any chance?11:45
mkoniarzEXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES:remove = "debug-tweaks"11:47
qschulzalso empty-root-password it seems11:50
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ray-san2i am curious, what are you guys using for build automatisation? i am playing around with buildbot, but i am not quite happy that piplines in buildbot are defined in the master configuration12:42
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qschulzray-san2: the project itself is built with buildbot but I have no experience with those. I've set up Jenkins two years ago but we migrated to GitLab CI/CD about a year ago I think12:44
qschulzIs there a specific question you want to ask?12:44
ray-san2qschulz: no specific question (yet), i am just curious and looking out for maybe better ideas before i invest too much time into buildbot :)12:46
ray-san2was looking also into gitlab, my issue there was, that for getting pipelines there to work, your source code has also to be in the same repo, but i have already a solution for git. but maybe syncing to external repos would be an option12:49
tgamblinray-san2: I use for automating a few builds locally. Its appeal is minimalism though, not features12:50
ray-san2tgamblin: thanks for the input, i will look into that12:51
qschulzray-san2: didn't get "your source code also has to be in the same repo" part12:54
qschulzray-san2: FWIW, we use kas for setting up everything, they also have containers for building on too-old or too-recent host distributions12:57
ray-san2qschulz: i am using a "git solution" from a different vendor, so all source code and recipes are sitting there. and build jobs are defined in a .gitlab-ci.yml inside of the repo, but as i have said, these files aren't sitting in a gitlab repo.12:58
ray-san2qschulz: i am using also kas, but i had to build my own docker image because i need access to the hosts docker socket during the build of some images, and afaik this doesn't support kas-container or however the script is called12:59
qschulzray-san2: what prevents you from mirroring the git repo into gitlab just for the CI?13:03
qschulzray-san2: you can always try to contribute stuff back to kas-container, they are usually open to contribution IIRC13:03
ray-san2qschulz: i guess nothing really, i guess gitlab can do this syncing/mirroring automatically, like gitea and such?13:04
qschulzray-san2: seems like a pull is a paid feature13:05
ray-san2meh :(13:06
qschulzyou can always have your own script doing this in a cronjob or have your "git solution" push to that gitlab repo too13:07
ray-san2this may be an option...maybe trigger a sync via a webhook or something like that13:13
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ldywickiI've tried kas with gitlab ~3 years ago and had it almost working. I managed to get it to the stage where it was running kas itself, without container mainly to avoid complications with docker in docker (dind). I can't remember now if I attempted with kas-container or not. Its sometimes hard to manage all the yaml spaghetti. ;) I found working blueprint with github used by
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qschulz also has some workflow13:24
qschulz uses gitlab and kas13:25
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fotte_2Hi everyone. I got a question regarding OVERRIDES. From an example I found, i believe that override-chaining is possible like so: 'VAR = "foo"\n VAR:override-one = "foo-one"\n VAR:override-one:override-two = "foo-two"'. When any override (MACHINEOVER... DISTROOVERRI...) now contains "..:append = ":override-two", than my variable will have the value "foo-two", is that right?14:25
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qschulzfotte_2: only if "any override" also has override-one14:27
qschulznot sure what you're trying to achieve with VAR:override-one:override-two = "foo-two", can you explain?14:28
qschulzor maybe provide a real life example?14:28
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guest92Hi everyone! I have a question regarding to volatile memory. How can I add in my recipe to write logs in volatile memory. It gives me error15:24
fotte_2hi qschulz. I had trouble understanding some examples provided by meta-phytec, but now it makes some sense - especially regarding15:27
fotte_2that "qschulz> fotte_2: only if "any override" also has override-one"15:28
qschulzfotte_2: see it as "stacking"15:28
qschulzfotte_2: though append, prepend and remove "stop" some level of "Stacking"15:29
qschulzit's honestly a bit difficult to explain :/15:29
qschulzthis is me and my presentation15:29
qschulzi made a few mistakes in there (specifically missing/spurious whitespaces IIRC)15:30
qschulzso if something is a bit odd, just ask and i'll check15:30
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khembitbake operators are something ! I did not realize its quite a bit :)15:33
khem100 slides almost15:34
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qschulzkhem: and they sadly all have a purpose :(15:35
khemgolang's operators fit into single page :)15:36
qschulzkhem: though tbf, I write my slides so that nobody needs to attend the talk, so there's a lot there and some slides are present multiple times for...15:37
khemyour slides are superb btw.15:37
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khemI am just introspecting w.r.t OE here15:37
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qschulzthanks I really appreciate it15:38
khemguest92: which logs do you want to divert to volatile memory, bitbake's or the resulting app's ?15:38
guest92khem resulting app15:39
khemqschulz: we need more of this stuff documented and recorded btw.15:39
khemguest92: for that bitbake and OE might not be in picture, you have to tool that in your app15:39
qschulzkhem: that kind of recording is what you meant?15:40
khemvolatile memory is /tmp usually on linux systems if they implement File Heirarchy standards for FS layout15:40
khemqschulz:yeah any way that new users can learn from15:40
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qschulzkhem: I really have no clue how we could write proper documentation for all the cases. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time but it just doesn't materialize in my head how to do this on paper15:42
khemmegamanual is the place but then pick a subtopic and do an explainer15:42
qschulzkhem: there was someone who sent on the ML about a sandboxed playground of bitbake, that could maybe help people do some experiments and us provide some examples that people can run from the browser too15:42
qschulzkhem: well, most of it should be in the bitbake manual15:43
qschulzwhich i'm not sure many people are aware of15:43
khemyeah something like
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guest92khem     install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles15:45
guest92    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/app-1.0/app-volatile.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles/99_app15:45
guest92    #Content of app-volatile.conf15:45
guest92    d root root 0755 /var/log/app none15:45
guest92this was content of old recipe which doesn't work anymore15:45
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qschulzkhem: from the ML, seems to be ?15:46
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fotte_2@qschulz: thanks for the slides :)16:12
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mbulutany reason why the following should fail when executed in a recipe?19:40
mbulutcurl -sS -D - -o /dev/null19:40
mbulutcurl: (6) Could not resolve host: auth.docker.io19:41
mischiefmbulut: network is not allowed, probably19:43
mbulutbut how can package sources be fetched when network is not allowed?19:44
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mischiefmbulut: it's allowed on fetch only, i believe :-)19:46
mbuluti added do_compile[network] = "1" to the recipe and not it's able to resolve the host :)19:48
mbulutnot = now19:48
mbulutmischief, thx -- it seems like you saved me some hours of sleep19:49
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mischiefmbulut: it's not really a good idea to do that. you now get to keep the broken pieces :-)20:13
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mbulutwith broken pieces you mean any stuff i download without sideways of the fetcher?20:15
mbulut(ignore the 'without')20:15
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khemideally one would fix the build of the package to move this fetching part to SRC_URI if possible and check if the artifact exists then dont fetch is during do_compile such a patch can be upstreamed too21:29
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