Thursday, 2024-08-15

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guest92khem I asked you yesterday a questo05:58
guest92khem install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles06:01
guest92 install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/app-1.0/app-volatile.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles/99_app06:01
guest92#content of of app-volatile.conf06:01
guest92 d root root 0755 /var/log/app none06:01
guest92Can you please tell me why am I getting error with new yocto executing this code as this worked in old yocto. I'll appreicate your response06:01
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Noorhello all11:44
NoorMay I know what does this warning to show up "WARNING: base-files-3.0.14-r89 do_packagedata: Error talking to server: Timed out waiting for server"11:45
RPNoor: you have a hash equivalence server configured which isn't contactable12:11
NoorRP is this due to high number of PARALLEL_MAKE/BB_NUMBER_THREAD?12:12
Noorwe face this issue on freshly installed host only12:12
Noorwe face this warning on freshly installed host only12:12
RPNoor: it could be if it is intermittent12:17
RPit would be high numbers of BB_NUMBER_THREADS as PARALLEL_MAKE wouldn't affect it12:17
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RPjonmason: you have remembered you have two high bugs?14:32
jonmasonRP: yes, and need to update them14:34
jonmasonI _think_ I have an idea why one of them is not working14:35
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jonmasonRP: just updated 15562 (systemd sbsa-ref failing to boot).  Do you know if other machines are seeing this issue or just sbsa-ref?18:13
jonmasonit's worded like there are others but no listing of them is made18:13
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khemRP:I am seeing a systemd wreck on a arm64/imx8/coral board, its using kernel 5.4 I dont know if that combo of systemd 256 and kernel 5.4 is regressing, would like to hear from others too19:18
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mbuluti have a recipe A that installs a systemd template unit and a recipe B that DEPENDS on A and instantiates the template20:04
mbulutdo_package however complains about not being able to find the service unit / template20:05
mbulutthe template exists in package B's sysroot though20:05
mbulutany idea what else i could check?20:05
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mbulutdo_package: Didn't find service unit 'foo@foobar.service', specified in SYSTEMD_SERVICE:foobar. Also looked for service unit 'foo@.service'20:08
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mbulutbut there is a recipe-sysroot/lib/systemd/system/foo@.service20:09
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mischiefprobably the class only deals with units installed by the recipe20:34
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mbulutadded some debug prints into systemd_check_services() in systemd.bbclass to find out...21:15
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mischiefis it possible to build two kernels for one machine for use in different images in one invocation of bitbake? e.g. bitbake core-image-uses-kernel1 core-image-uses-kernel2. we'd like to see about using two different Kconfigs for different images..23:35
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