Friday, 2024-08-16

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smurraymischief: the 2 ways I can think of right off are: 1) have a differently named kernel recipe for image #2 (maybe just a stub recipe that includes the original), and 2) use a multiconfig for image #2 that sets an override (or maybe leverages BB_CURRENT_MC) that can be used to tweak the kernel configuration01:22
smurraymischief: both of those options carry downsides01:24
smurraymischief: life is much easier if you can get away with keeping the differences to different sets of module packages and/or devicetree01:25
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smurraymischief: thinking about it some more, you would not want to use an override for option 2, as it'd likely trigger rebuilding you wouldn't want.  So setting a variable using the BB_CURRENT_MC value would be the way to do it01:39
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mischiefsmurray: unfortunate. involving multiconfig seems like a pain02:55
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mischiefto date we dont use multiconfig, and we have something like 15 machines, so.. that'd be doubled-ish for mc?02:56
mischiefi was looking at setting some kconfigs that would cause potential security or performance concerns like the various DEBUG options or PROC_PAGE_MONITOR as examples.. some may be controllable via device tree as well but then there's the problem of selecting the device tree, and some aren't. so two kernels for two different images seemed like a better route.02:58
jwinarskDoes anyone have 'import pycurl' working?  I'm on scarthgap.  The module gets listed, but the import fails03:28
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jwinarskIt's for dart package management03:36
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RPjonmason: I think we saw a smaller number of issues (1-2?) on qemuarm or qemuarm64. SWAT is unfortunatley behind :(08:41
Guest89Hi everyone! can anyone guess what error I am getting08:48
Guest89|   GEN     Makefile08:48
Guest89|   CALL    /home/deb/Build/tmp/work-shared/mas/kernel-source/scripts/checksyscalls.sh08:48
Guest89|   LD      .tmp_vmlinux.kallsyms108:48
Guest89| arm-metz-linux-gnueabi-ld.bfd: kernel/fork.o: in function `copy_process':08:48
Guest89| fork.c:(.text+0x2a18): undefined reference to `.L493'08:48
Guest89| make[2]: *** [/home/deb/Build/tmp/work-shared/mas/kernel-source/scripts/Makefile.vmlinux:37: vmlinux] Error 108:48
Guest89| make[1]: *** [/home/deb/Build/tmp/work-shared/mas/kernel-source/Makefile:1165: vmlinux] Error 208:48
Guest89| make: *** [/home/deb/Build/tmp/work-shared/mas/kernel-source/Makefile:234: __sub-make] Error 208:48
mckoanGuest89: please use pastebin08:53
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Guest89mckoan I appreciate your reply08:54
mckoanGuest89: what are you trying to do?09:03
Guest89mckoan I am building linux within my yocto image09:04
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jclsnIs libgpiod not sufficient to get the gpioinfo commands etc?09:12
jclsnah libgpiod-tools is split into its own package09:13
mckoanGuest89: directly in work-shared? No way09:17
Guest89mckoan I don't really comprehend why do it do in work-shared I am just doing "bitbake image". Do you think it's a problem? Could you suggest how could I solve it09:20
mckoanGuest89: I don't have enough information, sorry09:24
Guest89mckoan I thinbk I am building a kernel module that is why it does it in work-shared09:32
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Jones42regarding the TEMPLATECONF: won't overwrite files that are already in build/conf, right?10:16
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RPJones42: correct10:43
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Dvergatalhi all I have a question I'm switching currently from kirkstone to scarthgap and I have noticed issues with TARGET_VENDOR variable causing issues on scarthgap, meaning that I have it set for our company name and for some packages it throws an error UnrecognizedVendor during compilation of e.g. python3-cryptography13:07
Dvergatalam I missing something?13:07
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guest92Hi Everyone! is it possible in yocto to build one recipe with one version of gcc and others with other? If yes, how could I add it in individual recipe to do that13:18
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RPDvergatal: it is supposed to work, is there anything "interesting" about what you're setting it to like extra dashes ?13:41
RPguest92: possible and a long time ago that used to happen with the kernel but it isn't easy. You can see how meta-clang uses a different compiler for some recipes for example13:42
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guest92RP do you have any recipe in mind from meta-clang?13:48
RPguest92: it isn't simple since you can't just build a different version of gcc, you need all of the other gcc's runtime libs and so on too. There isn't an easy example of that13:49
guest92RP did you mean something like musl13:49
RPguest92: I guess if I was trying it now I'd consider a multiconfig where one recipe was built in one multiconfig and the rest in another13:50
guest92RP do you mean on different layers?13:51
RPno, I don't13:51
DvergatalRP: -WelotecGmbH13:51
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DvergatalRP: just this13:51
RPDvergatal: I have a nasty feeling something thinks the -W is a compiler warning flag :/13:52
DvergatalRP: me too13:53
RPDvergatal: it should work but who knows what weird parsing different recipes have :/13:53
DvergatalRP: i will check if only -welotec will work because for -poky it works13:53
RPDvergatal: definitely worth a try13:54
Dvergatalok bbl than13:54
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guest92RP I appreciate your response. I'll have a look on onto it and get back to you.13:57
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DvergatalRP: so it did fix the issue16:07
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RPDvergatal: that is interesting. I guess there is something about capitals in vendor that don't work well. Perhaps we should just make that a QA check?16:42
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mbulutam i right assuming that the linux-imx kernel recipe does not support config fragments?17:40
mbulutdo i have to patch the defconfig if i want to manipulate kernel options?17:40
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DvergatalRP: perhaps, how can I help?18:34
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cabazon17Hi, my package requires golang to compile. Should I add 'go-native' to DEPENDS or rather use inherit ... syntax?21:01
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mischiefcabazon17: you should use the class.21:17
cabazon17mischief this one - ./meta/classes/go.bbclass ?21:20
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cabazon6do you know of any recipes that use golang to build? I would love to check them out21:54
cabazon6I guess I could follow this one - meta/recipes-extended/go-examples/go-helloworld_0.1.bb21:55
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mischiefyou need to be careful about things like go for license tracking. yocto does not have a good way to track licenses of the modules.22:29
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