Monday, 2024-08-19

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mckoangood morning06:58
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fotteHi everyone. I want my rootfs to contain /boot/ the kernel & dtree. For the kernel I found that i needed to "un-set" >>RRECOMMENDS:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base = ""<< to install compressed kernel image to rootfs. I could not find out how to do the same for the dtree. Is there a default-way to do it?07:27
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rber|resHi, Who can help me with writing a new selftest? can be copied and extended to show that devtool -f finish ... does not work09:46
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Guest44Hi, since a few days i always get the error that "The postinstall intercept hook 'update_gtk_immodules_cache' failed" in my images do_rootfs task. I don't know what i changed to get this error, i was triying to create an initramfs out of my image when it happened the first time. In the logs it tells me cannot create immodules-cache because of10:10
Guest44nonexistet directory. To me it looks like a misconfiguration but i have no idea where i should look for the problem. I already tried to cleanall and cleansstate but it didnt help. Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem or where i should look at?10:10
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Jones42Guest44: depending on your level of desperation, you can always try the nuclear option: delete tmp, deploy and cache11:21
Jones42Guest44: but it probably would be smarter to look at the log.<task> and run.<task> files to get more information11:21
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guest92is there a way in yocto to check, which package or recipe is including another recipe or package so to exculde it from there to hinder its build12:22
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pbielHi, I'm migrating from kirkstone to scarthgap and I've got a question regarding out of tree kernel modules. On kirkstone, when I installed my module it was placed in /lib/modules/kernel_ver/extra however on scarthgap it is installed in /lib/modules/kernel_ver/updates. Why is that? Why was the directory changed?14:14
rfuentesshi, one question. When writing a recipe and touching the  do_install:append() . It is posible to use something like  "for x in range(val_a, .. val_z)" ?14:15
rfuentessI understand is a pseudo python script but can't find an entry on tutorial about what I can do or not14:16
rfuentessSo, I have 7 install lines that may be reduced to one  if this is feasible14:16
zeddiirfuentess. if the task is already a python one (which do_install) is not, you can absolutely write python in it. but do_install is typically shell. You could always add your own python task or function that is called before/after/from do_install if you really need to write python14:19
rfuentessah, ok. But I could do then something similar using shell ? (I'll try )14:21
zeddiiyah. anything that is valid sh (dash) syntax or python is allowed in tasks of the appropriate types.14:28
rfuentesszeddii: thanks, I just got confused with which one was for do_install xD14:30
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brglHey! For some reason building a core-image-minimal with sysvinit and musl doesn't work for me with the following error:15:30
brglERROR: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Postinstall scriptlets of ['init-ifupdown', 'busybox-hwclock', 'busybox-syslog', 'modutils-initscripts', 'eudev', 'run-postinsts'] have failed. If the intention is to defer them to first boot,15:30
brglthen please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN} ().15:30
brglDeferring to first boot via 'exit 1' is no longer supported.15:30
brglI'm at current master:15:30
brglmeta-poky       = "master:67efcf3102b31581cb95f9c4b1a1aedff7464a53"15:30
brglAnd using a very simple config:15:30
brglMACHINE = "qemux86-64"15:30
brglDISTRO = "poky"15:30
brglEXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks"15:30
brglINIT_MANAGER = "sysvinit"15:30
brglTCLIBC = "musl"15:30
brglAny hints?15:30
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timblaktuNew here, looking for TheYoctoJester to ask a question about mender support on var-som-mx8mp. I see that only its father the mxm8mm is in your board support index:
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mbulutit appears that THISDIR is expanded to the directory where the parsed recipe is located, even when the variable is referenced from a class -- is there a way to construct a path relative to the class file?18:52
mbulutok, poky solves this by defining a 'COREBASE' variable in meta/conf/layer.conf -- gonna blueprint from that19:01
Saurmbulut: We define the following in our layers:19:11
SaurLAYERDIR_foo := "${LAYERDIR}"19:11
SaurLAYERDIR_foo[vardepvalue] = ""19:11
Saurwhere foo matches the BBFILE_COLLECTIONS name for the layer.19:11
mbulutSaur, thx -- i was looking for sth like that!19:22
mbulutthat said, reading about 'vardepvalue' you're using there, i can't claim to have understood what the documentation tries to tell me about it:19:23
mbulutvardepvalue: If set, instructs BitBake to ignore the actual value of the variable and instead use the specified value when calculating the variable's signature.19:23
mbuluti guess i'm lacking knowledge of what a variable's signature is and how it is used (i should get more busy with bitbake internals)19:24
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mbuluti mean, i understand that you force an empty string into the variable signature calculator but i don't understand why this is necessary19:39
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cabazon67Hey, I have a recipe for an internal tool that uses golang to build. I'm using inherit go and setting export GO111MODULE="off". However the build fails due to Yocto's go not being able to see libc6-dev headers like unistd.h or netdb.h. Do you know if I'm doing something wrong? Perhaps, I should add libc6-dev or something similar to DEPENDS20:11
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