Tuesday, 2024-08-20

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Guest35are there any issues with "https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core" ? i am not able to clone ,ping or even open it in the browser07:05
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mckoanGuest35: it's down. I forwarded a note to OE channel07:17
mckoanGuest35: now it works!07:30
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Guest35yes it works now.. !!  many thanks08:01
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fotteHi everyone08:43
fotteI am trying to get my devicetree copied into /boot/ on my rootfs - does anyone know, if there is a standardized way to achieve this? Any help is appreciated.08:44
mckoanfotte: I don't have enough details to answer, however look at the .WKS file08:48
fottemckoan: my old wks file took kernel-image, dtree, rootfs and bootloader to build an sd-card. Now I want to create a rootfs which contains the kernel and devicetree for creating an update-bundle (using rauc). After commenting out >>RRECOMMENDS:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base = ""<< my kernel-image is located under /boot/ in my rootfs. However my devicetree is not - I believe I am missing something. I dont want to use the wks file, since that stage is to late08:51
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fotteI found the variable "KERNEL_DTBDEST" in "poky/meta/classes/kernel-devicetree.bbclass". This is set to "boot" (from KERNEL_IMAGEDEST). But this is not the 'boot' on my rootfs.08:59
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mcfriskfotte: check bitbake -e output with your image. there are too many ways for layers, machine, distro and build configs to change things.09:02
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swinchenHi all. Quick question - I am interested in keeping my image with release artifacts, but would also like to store away debugging symbols for a rainy day. It appears as though the SDK does create a debugging sysroot, but it is very time consuming to build.  Is there another option that is lighter weight?12:46
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mcfriskswinchen: package repo contains debug symbols by default in -dbg packages. Unless recipe build scripts tripped away -g from CFLAGS. Just archive the package repo from tmp/deploy/[ipk|rpm|deb]12:58
swinchenmcfrisk: and I suppose if I wanted all the debug symbols together in a rootfs I could use something like this:  IMAGE_GEN_DEBUGFS = "1" ,IMAGE_FSTYPES_DEBUGFS = "tar.bz2"13:03
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mcfriskswinchen: or install those debug symbols that you need on demand from the package repo. works with images and SDK.13:06
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Jones42_ahoy, I'm having some issues understanding https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/plain/meta/classes-recipe/uboot-sign.bbclass14:59
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Jones42_Looking at the "Default value for deployment filenames": are UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE and UBOOT_DTB_BINARY just device tree binaries? (i.e. without u-boot)15:00
Jones42_I'm a bit confused because the similarly named UBOOT_NODTB_IMAGE / UBOOT_NODTB_BINARY seem to be the u-boot binaries15:00
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