Wednesday, 2024-08-21

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MattWeb82I'm looking into using katacontainers from meta-virt and noticed some "broken, patches accepted".  Figured I ask here while we dig for more details / fix it00:38
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mckoangood morning07:01
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alessioigormckoan: to you07:06
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landgrafis docs.y.o down?09:42
landgrafHTTP request sent, awaiting response...09:43
landgrafs/down/veeeery slow/09:44
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mckoanlandgraf: fast as usual here09:54
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fottemckoan: mcfrisk: Just in case anotherone asks the same question: The solution to get the devicetree into the rootfs (and therefor into the image), was a simpel IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " kernel-devicetree" - in my case.09:57
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mckoanfotte: thank you for sharing it10:04
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landgrafmckoan: and ?  both browser and wget take ages to open (tested from two different locations)10:11
landgrafin fact wget is trying to download the page for more than 20 minutes now variables.html?highlight=preferred_version   6%[+===>                                                                                   ]  63.48K  --.-KB/s    eta 3h 1m10:12
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Guest13hi. assuming i have to build a yocto image for a system that has different requirements (e.g, different services running, configurations, etc...) X and Y.10:13
Guest13is there any standard way of handling this? is creating separate layers for those the right approach?10:13
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mckoanlandgraf: no problems here10:18
mckoanGuest13: depends (TM)10:18
mckoanGuest13: usually different services running, configurations, etc... can/should be in the same layer10:19
mckoanGuest13: usually a new layer is needed when you have a new set of features with the same purpose10:20
Guest13And what is the preferred method of "controlling" which services I am gonna run? Is there some sort of tool for "profiles" ?10:22
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rber|res@flotte Yes this works, but then again it is most likely machine dependent, so you might want to have a look at my blog here:
rber|res@Guest13 I would say that different services running/packages installed should be a an image recipe, configurations depends what you mean by that10:53
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Guest13rber|res but do all software modules go into the image? how do you control what is running at runtime? my goal is to be able to switch from X to Y (so everything has to be in the image)10:55
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rber|res@Guest13 if you install a package it typically contains also the startup scripts. You could have different images with different packages installed.10:55
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rber|res@Guest13 All software modules you define an your image recipe go into the image. At least at this point you should know which services should run. Typically if you install a service it is started by default.10:57
rber|res@Guest13 You mean you want one image and then configure it manually? That's not quite the idea, but it is possible.10:58
rber|res@Guest13 do you have an example for switching from X to Y?10:59
Guest13Well yes and no. X services can be enabled by default. But if I want, I should be able to switch to profile Y so i can re-use the board computer for another purpose if needed10:59
Guest13If that makes sense11:00
rber|res@Guest13 With the Yocto Project you create your own custom distro, so you can do whatever you like, but typically you would ONLY install the packages, which are needed on your target.11:01
rber|res@Guest13 This would probably mean that if your target board is used for different project, than you create 2 different images.11:02
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MattWeb82I'm looking into using katacontainers from meta-virt and noticed some "broken, patches accepted".  Figured I ask here while we dig for more details / fix it14:14
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khemdenix: says ftgl is failing to build you touched it last time do we still need this recipe15:10
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khempep-517 created implicit dep on cython which means .c files will be regenerated no matter if one want to use release tarballs and use the bundled .c files and cython offers no option like --sysroot so it happily encodes absolute paths into .c files, what a mess15:36
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khemIt would have helped if the logic in backend would sense the existence of .c files and not rebuild them if user wanted to do so15:38
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denixkhem: my change to it was global -
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rfs613a bit surprising to me: switching from SSD (SATA III 6gps) to NVMe (PCIe x4) did not change my yocto build times at all. I figured it would be at least partly I/O bound, but evidently not.15:44
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qschulzrfs613: did you benchmark both?15:56
qschulzalso which gen of PCIe15:56
qschulzand are you sure the link is negotiated on 4 lanes?15:56
rfs613qschulz: the drive is GEN4 but perhaps my mobo doesn't have all lanes enabled or working15:57
rfs613I ran the same build on both (keeping the downloads directory, but wiping everything else sstate-cache, tmp-myboard, etc)15:58
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rfs613mobo document says it supports PCIe x4/x216:00
qschulzrfs613: you can benchmark your disks with fio16:01
qschulzrfs613: which gen on the mobo AND CPU :) ?16:01
qschulzlspci -vv and look for LnkSta:16:02
rfs613ah i was just digging into the "nvme" tool16:02
qschulzrfs613: be careful with fio, it can be run on block devices too, like dd, and thus be destructive16:02
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rfs613qschulz: LnkSta: Speed 8GT/s (ok), Width x4 (ok)16:04
qschulzgen4 4 lanes then16:04
qschulzmaybe the nvme isn't a good one? you can try to benchmark with fio16:05
rfs613hmm, i have another one though, that's only 2.5GT/s and x116:05
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rfs613now i have to figure out which one is which ;-)16:06
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khemrfs613: linux does good use of using ram as buffer, how much ram do you have ?16:28
khemsecondly, which filesystem did you put on them hopefully same16:30
rfs613khem: both ext4, both 1 TB total, both made with same mkfs.ext4 command16:41
rfs613khem: machine has 32G and yes, about 27G of that shows up as buffer/cache typically16:41
rfs613qschulz: did quick read test with hdparm -t, shows 535 MB/s for SATA (about what you'd expect) and about 2400 MB/s for the NVMe16:42
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JaMazeddii: around? doesn't seem to wrok well when PREFERRED_VERSION is set to e.g. "6.6.%", you remove the '%' but not the trailing dot and ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'yocto-cfg-fragments-6.6.-native'. Close matches: yocto-cfg-fragments-6.10-native yocto-cfg-fragments-6.6 yocto-cfg-fragments-6.6-native17:50
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JaMazeddii: possible fix sent
mischiefis there such a thing as combined features for machine+image?18:44
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mbuluti have sth weird going on with one of my kernel append recipes: the recipe hierarchy is linux-imx_5.15.bbappend -> linux-imx_5.15.bbappend ->, where the middle one is in some intermediate layer20:30
mbulutin my append i provide a defconfig which i specify in SRC_URI and same goes for FILESEXTRAPATHS -- business as usual20:31
mbuluthowever when I try to access my defconfig via ${WORKDIR}/defconfig it's not there!?20:33
mbulutand when i inspect WORKDIR in the file system, the file is indeed not there? any idea how i could have managed to break something that fundamental?20:35
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mbulutinspecting the output of `bitbake -e linux-imx | grep ^FILESPATH` i can see my recipe folder20:42
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JaMambulut: latest oe-core? if yes, then check UNPACKDIR not WORKDIR21:56
mbulutno, it's kirkstone21:56
JaMadid you check with bitbake-getvar or bitbake e, that it's in SRC_URI?21:57
mbulutyeah i did21:57
JaMaread log.do_unpack21:57
mbulutsee my previous message, the folder is in FILESPATH21:58
mbulutwhat shall i look for in log.do_unpack?21:59
mbulutmy recipe basically just provides some kernel config delta files to the linux-imx recipe22:00
mbulutthe delta files are provided using SRC_URI and FILESEXTRAPATHS + a DELTA_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG variable that tells the upstream recipe "here are my deltas"22:02
mbulutbut it can't find them in WORKDIR, although as said, i've done the usual things to do when adding files to a recipe22:03
mbuluti've put bb logs in the upstream recipe and my delta files just don't exist in that context (heck, they don't even exist in my bbappend when i try to access them from there)22:05
mbulutohhhh fuck, no they aren't22:07
mbuluti had only checked FILESEXTRAPATHS22:07
mbulutthey indeed aren't in SRC_URI22:07
mbulutis something overwriting SRC_URI?22:08
JaMabitbake-getvar will tell you22:09
mbulutJaMa, thx mate that helped a ton! i didn't know about that command22:15
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mbuluti see 9 operations on the variable and if i assume correct to read it from top to bottom, some .inc file just = assigns to it so my stuff is gone22:17
mbulutbut shouldn't my bbappend be processed last? how is that even possible?22:18
JaMadepends where the .inc file is included or if it uses some override etc, you can also use :append to defer appending your SRC_URI entries later, "bitbake -e" shows the same information as bitbake-getvar22:19
JaMabut you won't see if if you just grep for the variable (that's why in most cases I store the output in file, because you never know what next variable you might get interested in while reading the variable history)22:21
mbulutisn't :append equivalent to += except for the convenience space in the latter?22:22
mbuluti thought they were -- good to know22:24
mbulutchanged it to append and i see my files now! at least in the variable22:25
mbulutthx a huge ton man22:25
mbuluti was going almost nuts on this22:25
JaMalearn to use bitbake-getvar every time something seems wrong with metadata, it's always right and helps with trivial cases like this or even with more complicated ones (or forgotten modifications in some long forgotten file)22:27
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mbulutyeah thx, i'll definitely stick that behind my ears22:31
mbuluti was using bitbake -e already (though i didn't know about the bitbake-getvar) but as you said, i almost always used it followed by a grep ^MYVAR as i didn't know that the output revealed information about the modification history of a given variable22:33
mbulutthat's very useful to know22:34
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josch91JPEW, tlwoerner: what is the current status of bmaptool? The last activity from you seems to have been in May. I'd like to contribute but would need some feedback for the 4 pull requests I filed. Thank you!23:19
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