Sunday, 2024-08-25

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frosteyesHello folks. I am working on upgrading a system from Kirkstone to Scarthgap, and noticed a change from 4.1 (Langdale)19:01
frosteyespackage_manager: Change complementary package handling to not include soft dependencies19:01
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frosteyesInstead of changing the default to "NO_RECOMMENDATIONS, it has changed so we constant has same behavoier19:04
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frosteyesCausing that I am missing some packages in our SDK..19:04
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frosteyesIs there a way to get access to the "recommended" packages, where I can add them to the new DEV_PKG_DEPENENCY ?19:20
frosteyesfor the dev package19:20
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frosteyeshmm - seems to happen in the process_depchains - process_depchains part20:10
frosteyesWould have written - pkg_adddeprrecs part20:10
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