Monday, 2024-08-26

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mckoangood morning06:36
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rfuentessand of course, I start my monday with my yocto's build directory in bad state xD08:28
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frosteyesI did a mail to follow up on my question regarding the sdk / and the change to not include soft dependencies -
frosteyesif you have any input to it :)08:42
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kanavinRP: other than rust/mesa, we should be in good shape for package versions for upcoming release, once my batch merges.
kanavinhopefully we'll catch up with rust upstream too as looks like ppl are working on that09:51
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frosteyeskanavin: thanks for your input on the SDK part.10:46
kanavinfrosteyes, cheers10:46
frosteyesAre you in Vienna next month? - Yocto Developer Day?10:47
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kanavinall week10:51
kanavinI'm doing two talks as well10:51
kanavin and
frosteyesNice. Hope to meet you there. I will be there 16 - 20 September..10:54
kanavinI'm so looking forward to roasing vendor blobs without source and vendors that normalized the practice10:55
kanavinthrough decades of well funded demagoguery about 'intellectual property'10:55
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kanavinroasting :) e.g. criticizing10:58
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RPkanavin: looks good. The WARN/ERROR_QA issue is one we need to look deeper into :/11:11
kanavinRP: I did observe that once you change it, everything rebuilds from zero (easy to replicate with something trivial e.g. unzip-native). Somehow it invalidates all the tasks.11:12
RPkanavin: right, I don't doubt it, I just think we need to dig deeper into that issue and resolve it if we can11:12
kanavinRP: I suspect insane.bbclass inserts a dependency on WARN/ERROR_QA into every important task e.g. do_patch etc.11:13
RPkanavin: we should only be querying it with bb.utils.contains() which should mitigate that a bit11:14
RPOnce we fix it, we need a QA test as well :/11:15
frosteyeskanavin: looking forward to hear it. I know the problems with vendor blobs.11:16
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jclsnTrying to check if a variable exists with if [ -n ] in the do_install() script, but it does not work. If I omit the test, the code in the scope is executed, so the variable is there. Is this not how you test for variables declared in the recipe?11:23
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RPjclsn: variables are expanded into the shell code before it executes so that won't work11:45
RPjclsn: you probably need to for a value comparision11:45
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jclsnRP: to for?11:59
RPyou probably need to use a value for comparison12:00
RPnot sure how I used the wrong word! :/12:00
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JaMaRP: kanavin: were you talking about with WARN_QA/ERROR_QA?12:25
JaMabb.utils.contains doesn't work there, because what we look for in WARN_QA/ERROR_QA isn't constant string, but a variable12:26
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RPJaMa: that is the issue, yes :/12:35
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jclsnRP: I am just going to omit the check. Nothing fails when I do12:54
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kaljIs there any way to tell the value of MACHINE from scripts running in the image?14:21
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khemRP: I have two packages left for basename fix in oe-core bluez5, quota for which I have to send the basename patches to their upstreams and then we can upgrade musl to newer release as well. We have been holding it for over a release now I think it will be good to move ahead14:32
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RPkhem: please send the patches ASAP as we're at feature freeze14:46
khemwill send today14:46
khem9 out of 11 got merged upstream and are already part of versions in master branch they have made full circle :)14:48
SaurRP, abelloni: I am trying to figure out why Alexandre is still seeing errors with v2 of my systemd.bbclass patch. Can either of you run the following on any of the failing hosts and tell me if that gives any output (it shouldn't): sh -c 'find /foo -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 2>/dev/null | read DUMMY && echo "Not empty"'14:54
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RPSaur: FWIW I did retest that series with similar results :/15:10
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RPSaur: that command on opensuse154-ty-3 where a build failued gives no output15:11
SaurRP: It is just so odd that it still fails exactly the same as before for you, while the updated patch succeeds both on Fedora and Ubuntu for me.15:11
RPSaur: the selftest errors are resolved, what isn't is the runtime test error15:12
SaurYes, I know. But for me, the v2 patch solved the runtime tests too (when run on my Ubuntu host).15:13
RPSaur: I'm afraid I don't know. Technically it is as public holiday here so I'm trying not to dive too deeply into anything!15:14
SaurRP: Oh, I didn't know. What holiday is that?15:15
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RPSaur: Summer bank holiday15:21
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khemRP:patch series for musl is out on ml17:53
khemalso makes my yoe/mut branch diverge a bit less now if it goes in :)17:53
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yoctonHello, apparently meta-oe's libgsf depend on the HTTP optionnal support in oe-core's libxml2. The HTTP support is disabled right now, and so, libgsf fails to build ( line 11838). Do you think that is enough to activate HTTP support in oe-core's libxml2?20:34
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yoctonOh there is an upstream patch for this, nevermind!20:43
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khemlibxml2 has broken its ABI sadly with 2.1321:27
khemrelease backward compatibility is a bit of toss21:27
khemI have managed to handle meta-openembedded layers but there might be wider impact on other layers which I dont use in my projects which I am not aware of21:28
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