Tuesday, 2024-08-27

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RobertBergeris there a way to figure out where exactly the exception happened? https://pastebin.com/1nVrPW2015:03
RobertBergerno matter what I put in line 390 it's always there, but I doubt it is ;)15:03
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moto-timoIs YP advocacy meeting skipping this week?17:04
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mischiefwhy is it that when i change dependencies in a recipe, it seems like bitbake does not detect it?19:42
mischiefi keep having to rm -rf build/cache to pick up recipe changes..19:42
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RPmischief: it should see the filestamp changed on files and reparse :/19:56
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mischiefRP: that's what i thought, but i don't know why it fails20:40
mischiefi change something like.. RDEPENDS, and expect that to cause do_package to rerun, but it doesn't and it only fails at do_image later (since im trying to put things into PACKAGE_EXCLUDE)20:41
RPmischief: any kind of weird filesystem for the recipes or weird mount options? Any weird include structure you're changing the value through? or are you just editing the recipe file directly?20:57
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mischiefseems to happen on both a ubuntu container (nspawn) and a normal ubuntu host. both are using plain ext4, with relatime, and i edit in vim.. i've seen it editing includes or recipes directly.21:07
mischiefwonder if it's something weird in vim21:07
mischiefif i wanted to check, what timestamp is the recipe file compared against?21:08
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RPmischief: a timestamp bitbake has in the cache for the recipe21:09
RPiirc anyway21:09
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mischiefi suppose that explains why wiping all build/cache fixes it21:11
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khemRP: the bluez issue with ppc still remains with my v3 patch :( on AB22:58
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