Wednesday, 2024-09-11

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albeuI would like to run ptest with a read-only /usr but It look like most test expect to be able to write there :(10:55
albeuBeside the overlayfs hammer would it be realistic to copy the test to /tmp before running it?10:56
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RPalbeu: the ptests are very different and recipe specific so that is near impossible to say without just testing10:59
albeusure, but isn't it something that would be good to strive for in the long run. Assuming /usr as writable is really a date concept11:00
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RPalbeu: there are lots of good things to strive for and not a lot of developer time :(11:02
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albeui can imagine11:02
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rburtonalbeu: test suites that are designed to be installed tend to be well behaved and not write into /usr.  test suites which we have to rip out of the build tree and patch so they don't try running binaries from the build host expect to be ran in a source tree...12:13
albeuBut shouldn't they support running from the build dir? So could we run them from /tmp/xxx while using /usr/lib/xxx/ptest as source dir12:15
rburtonalbeu: they're being ripped out of source trees, all bets are off. feel free to send patches to make them use a tmpdir to write temporary files in, and log files into /var/log or something.12:16
albeuI had a look at the tar test and it somehow worked, some test failed/unexpected passed but I have no basis to compare12:16
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khemRP: I sent a CVE fix for python -
khemits not super critical but since its python I thought I will tell18:21
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RPkhem: thanks, I've queued it20:19
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