Thursday, 2024-09-12

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aelrayHi, I'm trying to download files from a local http server in a recipe. Is it possible to make wget use the auth information provided in my .netrc? For fetching via git it seems that the .netrc content is used.08:09
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luc4Hello! When creating images for single-task embedded devices, do you typically use X11, Wayland or no window system at all? I see all these options are available in Yocto. Is there a relevant performance difference in your experience?08:25
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marexdepends on the task ...09:26
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rburtonluc4: no window system means you make your own unless your needs are incredibly minimal. x is on the way out, if you have reasonable hardware that is capable of running wayland then something using that is a good idea.  we desperately need to somehow port sato to wayland, just need to find the time...10:10
luc4rburton: in my experience, I've never used X11 or wayland on embedded devices. I typically only use DRM/KMS. I was wondering if this is only me or if this is still the typical approach.10:34
luc4rburton: when the device is assigned to a single task, with a single app on the screen, I'm unsure how much overhead X11 may bring.10:36
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rburtonthats why wayland with a really minimal compositor is a great idea10:47
rburtonif your single app doesn't need anything clever _and_ you're already using DRM directly, then that's fine10:47
rburtonqt, i imagine?10:47
luc4rburton: yes, Qt10:48
luc4rburton: I am considering X11 or wayland to get a working VNC server.10:49
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rburtongo chat in #wayland or whatever, but you can pretty easily run a weston compositor that just runs your single app fullscreen and also has vnc10:51
rburtonas you're using qt that's going to be a trivial port10:51
luc4rburton: thank you!10:52
rburtonthere's a 'fullscreen' shell or something for this exact usecase10:52
luc4rburton: can I build it with yocto, right?10:53
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luc4rburton: were you referring to kiosk-shell? Am I on the right track? Thanks!11:04
rburtonerm maybe yeah11:04
rburtonkiosk sounds right11:04
luc4rburton: thanks!11:05
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Jones42Ahoy, i'm trying to trim down and clean up a project that's based on some very bloated NXP Demo BSL. are there any resources to look into or do you have any good advice in that direction?12:13
Jones42I've seen the bootlin minimal yocto project and the stuff from dh-electonics, but I'd rather succesively trim stuff away than to start from the ground up.12:14
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rburtonJones42: easiest to start from the ground up if its based on a demo bsp12:20
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khemluc4: with QT you have eglfs, ideally for single app systems that works pretty well14:36
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luc4khem: I know, I've been using it for years. That is why I was asking if that is what is typically used in embedded systems or if now wayland is preferred.14:38
khemhowever, if you have needs like vnc etc. as you seem to indicate then using X11 is viable option, with wayland remote display is kind of missing there you can use xwayland to use vnc on wayland systems14:38
luc4khem: I suspected that. Thanks for confirming.14:38
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luc4khem: I had a quick look at X11 on my platform, but I have the say the performance is pretty bad.14:39
rburtonyeah don't use x11 if you can help it14:39
rburtonif you use eglfs now but need more features, use wayland14:39
luc4rburton: I'm trying to learn a bit about it but it seems pretty difficult to setup14:40
khemyeah perhaps writing a remote desktop agent for wayland might be useful instead14:40
rburtonweston has a vnc server built in14:40
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luc4so far my solution is to read from DRM directly, but my C code is extremely slow14:41
luc4X11 VNC is excellent, but fps decreases quite a bit and xorg takes almost 100% CPU14:41
luc4and I mean, not while using VNC14:41
khemluc4: KDE/plasma6 is using pipewire based implementation on top of wayland+kwin14:43
khemit might be worth exploring that14:43
khemoh weston has vnc ? thats cool I did not know that14:43
rburtoni did tell you it had a built in server earlier today :)14:44
khemoh rdp shell I see14:44
khemso it uses freerdp neat. All you need is to add -Dbackend-rdp=true14:45
khemto meson14:45
khemand we do have rdp packageconfig for weston14:46
luc4rburton: no doubt about that, thanks. And I also already followed documents from that author. Still, setup in Yocto does not seem simple for me.14:50
luc4rburton: that author also had a git repo with layers, but no luck so far. I'll have to work much more on this. Thanks though!14:50
khemluc4: there is meta-sirius and this blog post might help
luc4khem: thanks14:52
luc4to begin with, I tested wayland on another existing image on the same board -> terrible performance14:53
luc4I hope that has something to do with the DE somehow14:53
khemcheck your image is h/w accel enabled or not14:54
khemand also board needs a GPU with 2D/3D support for best results14:55
luc4khem: yes, that is a raspberry pi. Everything is available and properly works outside wayland.14:57
khemluc4: well, if you are expecting 60fps with wayland then it wont, I think around 25-30fps is what I have seen with video playback on pi314:59
luc4khem: KMS/DRM work great, excellent performance. X11 is less good. Wayland even less than X11. But I'll investigate further, there may be something I do not know.14:59
khemwhich graphics driver are you using ? it is vc4 or userland ?14:59
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luc4khem: it depends on the app. I'm using a benchmark app. 40fps on KMS. That is acceptable for me.15:00
luc4khem: vc415:00
luc4khem: my yocto image, my app and VNC work great when I make use of the good old dispmanx. I'm migrating to full kms, and that is pretty bad so far.15:01
luc4unfortunately DRM/KMS is bringing a lot of difficulties15:02
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khemyeah vc4 is right choice these days15:05
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khemsee if you are using fkms or kms device tree15:09
khemthat can make the difference15:09
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KanjiMonsterwould it make sense updating systemd to latest point release on kirkstone (v250.5 => v250.14)?15:11
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rburtonKanjiMonster: arguably, yes15:14
luc4khem: I was using fkms and I'm moving to kms.15:17
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khemfkms generally works and kms is supposed to be the future as of now so yeah it might help15:45
khemin the past couple of years kms has come along but we have been going back and forth on kms/fkms since it kept not working fully at times15:45
rburtonzeddii: posted two kernel cache patches which will let us bump genericarm64 to 6.10 without warnings15:47
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JaMarpiOS switched to full kms a while ago, so I guess it is getting more attention now than older fake kms, we're also still on fake one, because of some hardcoded snd output assumptions (which also changed between fake and full)15:48
zeddiirburton: ack'd. merging and will send kernel bumps shortly15:52
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rburtonzeddii: oh meta-yocto-bsp appears to be missing a 6.10 bbappend entirely so none of the reference bsps upgraded right?16:01
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zeddii_rburton. correct. we didn't bump them, since 6.6 was staying around.16:11
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rburtoni'll remove the explicit pin from genericarm64 so its like the others at least, it won't try to build 6.10 if there's no append anyway16:12
zeddii_yah. we will be bumping them all in the not to distant future though. just not for this shortly arriving release.16:12
rburtonoh they're all pinned16:13
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khemJaMa:btw. they called it 'firmware' kms :)16:19
* khem sees zeddii_ 'a tail is growing longer :)16:20
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zeddii_irc is not playing nicely with me today!16:24
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Jones42rburton: thanks. Not what I wanted to hear, but thanks ;-)16:35
JaMakhem: iirc it used to be called fake and full before in rpi-config, but it's long since I've last looked at it16:38
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khemyeah whatever it is, graphics never ceases to amaze about the hacks people do16:39
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JaMalegacy was no vc4, fake kms is vc4-fkms-v3d and full kms just vc4-kms-v3d16:40
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khemyeah legacy uses dispmanx another closed source botchup16:50
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khemJaMa: but the committer is not marketing person for sure :)16:51
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khemJaMa:are you able to use kms reliably these days17:02
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JaMakhem: the only issue I know from webOS with kms are the snd output changes (which block switching from fkms to kms, so it wasn't very well tested yet)17:25
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JaMahardcoding "b1" and "b2" card names in "open" config (which means rpi fkms specific) is terrible idea, but they don't listen17:27
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khemok, I had sisues with rpidistro fork of vlc but that was a while ago17:33
khemah I can not correct typos, this is IRC17:34
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JaMawe're not using vlc at all, NIH syndrome (and some more valid historic reasons) are strong :)17:47
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Guest3getting the following error trying to compile a vey very basic image (core-image-minimal) bb.parse.ParseError: ParseError at /data/orin/meta-tegra/conf/layer.conf:27: unparsed line: 'addpylib ${LAYERDIR}/lib oe4t'17:51
Guest3kirkstone branch17:52
JaMaGuest3: you're probably mixing newer branch of meta-tegra with older bitbake17:52
Guest3let me check the branch of meta-tegra I have checked out17:53
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Guest3JaMa:  the darn thing was still on master... could have sworn ... Thanks for pointing this out17:55
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khemJaMa: yeah vlc was my home media player btw. I was trying to see if the rpidistro version is any better than upstream19:45
khemand it indeed was atleast on fkms19:45
Jones42Has someone already successfully tried to build a signed dm-verity roothash partition according to the discoverable partitions specification?19:50
Jones42There's surprisingly little information out there. Apparenly one should put the hash and the signature in a serializes json object:
Jones42but I've yet to see any tooling or script that does that... :/19:52
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