Tuesday, 2024-09-17

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jstephanhello all! I would like to update this wikipage https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TipsAndTricks/LockSharedState08:31
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jstephanI requested an account, I am now logged in, but I can't edit the page, with following error: "The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: Bots, emailconfirmed."08:32
jstephanhow can I confirm my email?08:32
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mckoan_jstephan: halstead ^09:09
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Guest60Hello everyone. I want to upload to sstate cache objects from failed builds because sometimes they fail due to network or repo issues, and in that case, rebuilding everything second time is unneeded. Should I be aware of any issues or specific precautions for the introduction of such change?09:27
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RPGuest60: seems reasonable to me...10:28
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Dvergatalguys I have noticed in linux-yocto kmeta which contains a bsp directory with intel-x86 and my question is how can I use this intel-x86-64-tiny.scc from there in order to build kernel with this configuration?10:39
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Dvergatalbecause from what I have read I should be able to choose it by KMACHINE variable10:59
RPDvergatal: meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_6.10.bb:LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE = "tiny"11:01
RPDvergatal: I'd look into that11:01
DvergatalRP: I meant that not even for a standard one configuration is setting11:04
DvergatalDvergatal: because previously we were using defconfig which I would like to change11:04
DvergatalRP: ^11:04
RPKERNEL_FEATURES:append =" path/to/intel-x86-64-tiny.scc"11:06
RPDvergatal: that maybe. I don't quite understand what you're asking though11:06
DvergatalRP: yeah this is it what I'm doing11:07
DvergatalRP: I'm setting KERNEL_FEATURES:append = " bsp/intel-x86/intel-x86-64.scc" and also KMACHINE = "intel-x86-64" in my machine.conf file11:08
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Dvergataloooo now it works11:11
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DvergatalOK finally I got it working mutch better :D12:53
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DvergatalRP: btw. if I'm not using any longer my defconfig but it is auto generated from KMACHINE how should I use KCONFIG_MODE? should it be set to "--alldefconfig" or "--allnoconfig"? I have seen the description for it in linux-yocto-custom.bb but to be honest do not understand it....12:57
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jonmasonRP: rburton says he already committed to covering next week15:51
jonmasonof course, he doesn't fully know what I just signed him up for15:51
RPjonmason: cool. I was struggling to remember exactly what we'd discussed16:00
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wdouglassI'm trying to add a rust package to an older yocto build (kirkstone), and when i do `devtool build <my-package>`, it seems that the package builds successfully (cargo and rustc finish), but then bitbake-worker sits eating 100% of a core for more then an hour. Is this a known issue? am i doing something very obviously wrong? how can i troubleshoot this (or get status of the bitbake-worker process to figure out what's causing it)?16:28
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jonmasonkhem: have you seen this "FileExistsError" when building the kernel with clang?  https://gitlab.com/jonmason00/meta-arm/-/jobs/7844877100#L405618:03
jonmasonI'm seeing it semi-often18:03
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wdouglassA solution for the log: the problem i was describing above came from bindgen putting the entire binding on one line; formatting with prettyplease solved the issue20:13
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RPjonmason: are two things providing that library?21:07
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mischiefis there an expected way to integrate libnss-systemd2 with glibc nss? doesn't seem to be any hooks to install it into nssswitch.22:53
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