Monday, 2024-09-16

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mckoangood morning07:09
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MayurHello guys,09:26
MayurI have a custom linux board booting with Yocto and having type C interaface.09:26
MayurWe want to activate/connect USB-TO-ETHERNET adapter and start SFTP.09:26
MayurWhat type of things/drivers/settings/kernelConfigs must be enabled and which logs should i check when i plug the adapter inside type C interface?09:26
MayurThank you in advance.09:26
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Jones42Mayur: "type C" == USB-C ? check dmesg, lsusb and ip / ifconfig to see what's already working09:38
Mayurok. thanks for quick response. can you tell me which exact kernel drivers are loaded dynamically when we plug the adapter? which i can check via lsmod09:41
Jones42Mayur: I don't know anything about your hardware. I suggest to plug it into a known-working system and check the logs there.09:54
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luc4Hello! Has anyone ever tried to use functions like eglCreateImageKHR and glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES in a Yocto image? I suspect those should come from mesa, but are not enabled in the recipe. Not sure though...11:08
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TyakuHello, I have an issue, I don't know if someone can help here as this is maybe not related to yocto. In our board we have hostapd and we are not able to configure AP on channel 12-213:28
Tyaku12-13* even with country code = FR. I try to set this: 'iw reg set FR' but 'iw reg get' always return "00 Global"13:28
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TyakuI think I have something miss configured low level, possibly driver, In the menuconfig I don't see 'unchecked' option related to 'cfg80211' & regulatory13:30
TyakuNote: I have installed hostapd, iw and crda for my tests.13:31
Tyaku'COUNTRY=FR crda' returns 'failed to open db file: No such file or directory'. After strace, I see that it try to open '/lib/crda/regulatory.bin', '/usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin' and '/usr/local/lib/crda/regulatory.bin'. I found an issue here  So I'm going to install wireless-regdb13:34
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TyakuOh damn, maybe I can't install it, like issue said: 'package wireless-regdb-2022.02.18-r1.all conflicts with wireless-regdb-static provided by wireless-regdb-static-2022.02.18-r1.all13:37
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TyakuIssue solved14:05
Tyakucrda_3.18.bbappend -> RDEPENDS_${PN} = "udev wireless-regdb"14:06
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khemTyaku:add wifi to distro features and machine features would add it automatically to images inheriting core-image18:09
khemvmeson: cargo build is broken on riscv64 for me. I am in middle of clang19 upgrade so it could be related but I wanted to ask, does wrs team build/test on riscv64 I know we do not do it on AB18:13
vmesonkhem: yes, we (WR) do build riscv64 but things have been a bit busy. We noticed the cargo issue a month ago but I only brought it to our TC team's attention today.18:57
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vmesonkhem: it's worse than that - cargo/riscv64 broke just before July 12th!18:58
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khemyeah rust and riscv are two fast moving trains19:06
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Dvergatalhi guys I'm switching currently from kirkstone to scarthgap and have notices that KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD is no longer producing me modname.conf files in /etc/modules-load.d/, what can be the cause of this issue? something has changed?22:10
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khemDvergatal: are you using signed modules ?23:01
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Dvergatalkhem: nope23:13
Dvergatalkhem: I have noticed that it has changed in kernel-module-split.bbclass23:14
Dvergatalmodulesloaddir ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', '${nonarch_libdir}', '${sysconfdir}', d)}/modules-load.d"23:14
Dvergataland now it is for systemd /lib/modules-load.d23:15
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khemright but that should be fine since systemd looks into /usr/lib/modules-load.d23:21
khemquest for stateless systems23:22
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Dvergatalkhem: yup I have some other issue causing me the modules not to be autoloaded23:43

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