Monday, 2024-09-23

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Guest28I have added a layer and within a recipe. I have added recipe name in local.conf. with bitbakes command show-layer I can see the layer, however with bitbake's command show recipe I don't see any. What could have might gone wrong10:56
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qschulzGuest28: check that the path of the recipe within the layer matches paths defined in BBFILES in conf/layer.conf11:34
qschulzif it is there, check that the recipe doesn't have a COMPATIBLE_MACHINE incompatible with the MACHINE you're trying to build with ATM11:34
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Guest28qschulz I have no field COMAPATIBLE_MACHINE in my recipe. The path is correct.12:02
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qschulzGuest28: could you share your layer.conf and the output of the tree command at the root of your layer?12:26
qschulzin a pastebin somewhere so we can try to debug this further?12:26
Guest28qschulz can this help us12:31
qschulzGuest28: the path is incorrect :)12:33
qschulzrecipe-we866cx should be recipes-we866cx12:33
Guest28qschulz thank you so much for your hawk eyes. That was it. It was silly of me couldn't see the obvious. That you very much12:36
qschulzGuest28: I've been there a few times already so was expecting that kind of issue :)12:37
Guest28qschulz that shows experience speaks itself. Thank you indeed12:37
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DvergatalHi I have seen this log and alex88 asking about initramfs being generated by dracut, because I'm also willing to use it for luks encrypted rootfs as rd.luks.uuid parameter is not working for me on normal initramfs image but maybe somebody was already doing that and knows how to solve it?15:54
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jdiezhello, I am running into a fetch issue with a recipe generated by `cargo-bitbake` (from meta-rust). I get this error: "Unable to resolve '' in upstream git repository in git ls-remote output for". I believe it happens when trying to expand the ${AUTOREV} in the SRCREV for some of my git dependencies. You can see the recipe and error message here:
jdiezups, that got cut out. paste:
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jdiez(this is actually a .inc file that gets included by the package's .bb)19:38
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kanavinjdiez, meta-rust is obsolete, don't use it20:19
jdiezI'm not using meta-rust itself, but the `cargo-bitbake` tool to generate bb recipes from cargo packages
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jdiezor is there another way to do this? my package has many rust crate dependencies20:20
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