Tuesday, 2024-09-24

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kanavinjdiez, check how oe-core recipes do it, e.g. librsvg04:51
kanavinthere's a class they inherit that implements creating a list of crates in the recipe out of Cargo.lock in the source tree04:51
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Guest12Our organization wants to import SPDX files created by Yocto using INHERIT += "create-spdx" into Synopsys Black Duck. The produced files can be imported, but they don't create any visible components at the Black Duck side. Synopsys told us that Black Duck needs the SBOMs to include a package url reference in order to import them correctly, and06:17
Guest12apparently the SPDX files created by Yocto don't have these references. What would be our options for fixing this issue and successfully importing the files into Black Duck? If anyone has done this, I'd love to hear any experiences and things to pay attention to.06:17
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rob_wis scarthgap not accepting SRC_URI=file:// from just the download dirs anymore ?06:29
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ThomasRoosGood morning, does anyone have a link to a doc etc. or image that is tiny? Any reference? Ty!06:45
khemThomasRoos: core-image-minimal with DISTRO = "poky-tiny"06:52
ThomasRoosThank you!06:53
khemGuest12: do you know if what blackduck is expecting is part of SPDX spec ? if not then its a custom thing, you still might be able to do it by modifying the spdx generation infra in yocto but it will be yours local, I am not sure if upstream here will accept it06:55
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ThomasRooskhem does poky-tiny also use libmusl? Or is this a different switch?07:01
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Guest12khem Package URLs (purls) are included in the SPDX specs as follows:07:13
Guest12And what Black Duck produces itself into SPDX files it creates looks like this:07:13
Guest12"externalRefs": [07:13
Guest12                {07:13
Guest12                    "referenceCategory": "PACKAGE-MANAGER",07:13
Guest12                    "referenceLocator": "pkg:maven/org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12@1.7.13",07:13
Guest12                    "referenceType": "purl"07:13
Guest12                }07:13
Guest12            ],07:13
rfuentesshi, do you have recommendation for reading about rust + yocto ? particularly linking binaries from different recipes07:15
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GranjowHi! I am trying to debug our installer, and currently I'm wondering where install-efi.sh ends up. When I look at the image which I install, there is the bzImage (probably Kernel only?), an initrd initramfs (which only contains a GenuineIntel.bin file), and the compressed rootfs file, which does not contain the install-efi.sh. So it must be12:57
Granjowsomewhere else, but where? :)12:57
Granjow(We used to use a customised version by overriding a .bbclass, but this does not work anymore with scarthgap, and now I'm trying to reverse engineer how it originally worked and then somehow change it for scarthgap)12:58
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GranjowOk, so I cannot just use cpio to extract it, I have to use unmkinitramfs, then I get the whole initramfs in a directory13:06
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sofsalHi!! Does anyone knows how to use or what is needed to be able to create systemd-nspawn containers in a yocto image?13:21
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rburtonsofsal: meta-virtualisation has image-oci.bbclass to create OCI images from your image recipes. the fun bit is getting an image into an image :)13:35
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khemThomasRoos:yes it uses musl and does not use syvinit or systemd and has few other tweaks to reduce size, you can still get it cut down more13:37
ThomasRooskhem great - playing around with this - do you know if systemd works with musl and how big such a image would be? Ty!13:39
sofsalrburton: Thanks thanks! I'll check it out, i thought that having systemd as init manager was enough to be able to use nspawn containers but it wasn´t hahahah13:42
rburtonsofsal: oh it is, if you want to do stuff in the image. just be sure to install the systemd-container (iirc) package for the actual binaries13:43
khemsofsal: yeah systemd comes with lots of bells and whistles, we do no enable all of them by default13:43
sofsalokokok i'll look into it, thanks a lot both of you!! i appreciate the help :)13:47
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tlwoernerrburton: thanks for the shoutout! :-D15:35
tlwoernerand thanks to everyone who has helped with meta-rockchip, especially qschulz15:35
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qschulztlwoerner: I don't have the context, but I'll take a thanks when I get one :)15:41
qschulztlwoerner: fighting with 6.11-rc6 on my RK3588 Jaguar not allowing me to use HDMI somehow, and then I can test the video decoding for realz15:41
qschulz(fakesink works fine on FHD videos H264, vp8 and mpeg2 :) )15:41
qschulz(on scarthgap)15:41
qschulzI'll try to find some time to prepare for upstream TF-A in advance since RK356x and RK3588 have some amount of support now15:42
khemThomasRoos:yes systemd does work with musl, I have been a lone warrior to keep it going but now there are some other folks e.g. chimera linux and some alpine folks interested in it as well.15:42
ThomasRooskhem thank you!15:43
khemThomasRoos: consider 10M roughly added to image with systemd but then technically you can drop some utilities like syslog utilities etc. so overall gain/loss in a working image will be less15:43
tlwoernerqschulz: i can't get hdmi working on my rk3566 (radxa-zero-3e) even though jwinarsk says it is working on their setup15:47
khemI wanted to fix a benign looking ptest failure py3-a2wsgi recipe and here I am sitting with 3 new recipes two pdm recipe upgrades and still no light at the end of tunnel, maybe its an abyss :)15:48
qschulztlwoerner: the issue is that i'm sure it works in some ways since it's Heiko's branch in our internal git server which he uses for development on RK3588... and heiko's the rockchip maintainer in Linux :)15:48
qschulztlwoerner: i suspect a PEBKAC or heiko forgetting to push the defconfig changes required to make it work, but I couldn't see what's the issue from a quick menuconfig :/15:49
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khemtlwoerner: on meta-rockchip, I have not tried it in a while, but last time I had issues with gstreamer h/w accel not working, is that part of your daily driver15:49
tlwoernerqschulz: maybe i should switch to Heiko's kernel fork for the radxa-zero-3?15:50
qschulzkhem: I just added support for this feature, so it should work now, provided you're using upstream or something recent enough15:50
qschulztlwoerner: the kernel fork isn't public :)15:50
qschulztlwoerner: but I assume trying out master (or at least v6.11 from last Sunday?) could help15:51
tlwoernerqschulz: okay, i'll try it15:51
* tlwoerner is looking forward to getting hdmi working on radxa-zero-3 :-)15:52
qschulzFWIW, we have some weird HDMI issues on multiple SoCs with one specific HDMI display on RK3399 and also downstream RK3588 (haven't had the time yet to test upstream RK3588 + HDMI-TX patches, I usually let those tasks to Heiko)15:52
tlwoernerthan i can try out making some tiny kiosks-type devices15:52
qschulz(we = Cherry)15:52
qschulztlwoerner: looking forward to seeing some pictures of your setup :)15:53
qschulzI know you've been trying to use the small Radxa boards recently, so wondering what that looks like :)15:53
* tlwoerner should spend more time blogging15:53
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qschulztlwoerner: if you have the original kernel from your vendor, maybe try that as well, just to make sure the HDMI isn't broken on the HW level?16:30
jonmasonkhem: it looks like u-boot is compiling with clang.  Is there a test I should do more than just compiling it for qemuarm64 and making sure it boots?16:30
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khemjonmason: that will be a great start !16:31
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jonmasonkhem: cool. it works.  I'll send you a patch to remove it from nonclangable then16:32
khemI think there are assumptions about hardcoding gcc toolchain for some componets including u-boot16:32
khemjonmason: glibc is the major component which is left I guess now16:36
jonmasonneed to add efivar to non-clangable16:36
khemefivar hmm16:36
jonmasonI'll post the error in the commit message16:37
khemEFI stuff should work well with clang - MS uses clang as primary compiler these days16:37
jonmasonkhem, just replicated.  it cannot find 'libclang_rt.builtins.a: No such file or directory'16:43
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jonmasonbut I did find libclang_rt.builtins-aarch64.a16:44
khemhmm do you have it in sysroot ? yeah16:44
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jonmasonis it ia matter of symlinking or something?16:44
khemso I guess it should be fixed to add arch16:44
khemactually we can have multiarch clang toolchain installed so assuming no arch suffix may not be scalable16:45
khemespecially for cross compiling16:45
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tlwoernerqschulz: i have multiple boards, and multiple cables. the cable works fine, and all 3 boards i tested were the same (no signal)16:48
khemjonmason: what does do_compile look like ? is it specifying the library on linker cmdline or using -rtlib=compiler-rt option16:49
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jonmasonso, not coming from do_compile16:50
khemjonmason: I am wondering if -rtlib option is resolving wrongly than its a clang problem16:51
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jonmasonoddly, I do see it set twice, but same values16:54
khemhmm interesting16:56
khempaste the full log.do_compile somewhere with all verbose cmds in it16:57
jonmasonkhem: here is the standard log, https://pastebin.com/PUqmScu716:59
khemrecipe-sysroot-native/usr/lib/clang/19/lib/aarch64-poky-linux/libclang_rt.builtins.a: No such file or directory17:02
khemits trying to look for it in native sysroot relative to its own install location17:03
khemis it on meta-clang/master ?17:03
khemok now, I wonder why I dont see it in yoe world builds17:04
khemfor qemuarm6417:04
jonmasonI'm building for qemuarm64-secureboot, with some extra crap in there17:04
khemhmm should not matter17:04
jonmasonthe long story is that linaro is adding uefi secureboot for qemuarm64-secureboot, and this is a package that is needed.  I had them add clang for CI and it's only blowing up here17:05
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khemthere is a patch in meta-clang to basically inform the compiler about OE's unique sysroot stuff but it seems something is not working17:14
khemLet me see if I can reproduce it here as well17:14
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jwinarsktlwoerner: I recall having to set mode in weston.ini.  I think max the hardware supports is 1920*108017:59
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tlwoernerjwinarsk: as your device is booting, does the text from u-boot and/or the text from linux booting show up on the monitor (before switching to video mode)?18:03
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jwinarsktlwoerner: I'll check when I'm back in the office19:35
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