Thursday, 2024-09-26

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jwinarsktlwoerner: Nothing is seen until the weston desktop; which is what I wanted.  I added the following to `/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini` ->
jwinarskThe large size mode reported does not work, and why it reports 3x is not clear ->
jwinarskI believe there is a limitation with the Synopsys Design Ware HDMI block; perhaps similar to TI SoCs IIRC.  I once read an explanation on it.02:50
jwinarskLikely the boot chain is taking first available mode via EDID query depending on monitor resolution likely would not work.  So either force the mode to a lower resolution in the bootchain, kernel config, weston, or use a smaller monitor.02:50
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ak77_my qemu native (qemu-system-x86_64) got built without display gtk option. where can I enable it ?06:29
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ak77_huh. one has to uncomment a line in generated local.conf to enable gtk ui frontend.07:15
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qschulzjwinarsk: I believe this is being fixed by Jonas upstream? If you have some link for this explanation you once read, I would like to have it :)08:41
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guest92is there a way with yocto to only compile device tree instead of compiling completer kernel09:24
mcfrisk_guest92: DEPENDS = "dtc-native" in recipe and call dtc to compile?09:26
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guest92mcfrisk_ you mean in an extra recipe or recipe for kernel09:33
mcfrisk_many non-kernel recipes do just that, DEPENDS += "dtc-native" and then compile some binary blobs which end up in various places.09:37
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guest92mcfrisk_ thank you very much09:40
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qschulztlwoerner: do you own some rk3288 and rk3328 by any chance? it seems like upstream TF-A supports those now09:48
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DvorkinDmitryKirkstone branch: file /etc/systemd/network conflicts between attempted installs of systemd-1:250.5-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon and systemd-conf-1:1.0-r0.bs7e33tfa12:15
DvorkinDmitryI am installing /etc/systemd/network/ at systemd-conf_%.bbappend recipe12:15
mcfrisk_DvorkinDmitry: different permissions on /etc/systemd/network ?12:21
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yoctonabelloni: I've got a valid review on the doc series I sent yesterday, do you prefer a v2 of the series or a new patch on your master-next?12:59
yoctonqschulz: thanks ;)12:59
tlwoernerjwinarsk: okay thanks, that's what i'm seeing too (no text messages during boot)13:04
tlwoernerqschulz: rk3288: the last time i tried my tinkerboard it didn't boot, never bothered to investigate since i don't use it for anything13:04
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tlwoernerqschulz: rk3328: yea, lots! nanopi-r2s, rock64, and i use rock-pi-e for a couple projects13:06
abelloniyocton: you can send v213:06
yoctonabelloni: ok!13:07
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qschulztlwoerner: cool, maybe you wanna try upstream TF-A for the rk3328 as well :)13:24
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qschulztlwoerner: well, it seems like you've already done the work and I hadn't read properly :)13:29
DvorkinDmitrymcfrisk_, interesting idea! works!13:30
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vmesonBug review meeting if interested:
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moto-timozeddii: coming across docker errors again for customer... should I add features/bpf/bpf.scc and features/netfilter/netfilter.scc to KERNEL_CACHE_FEATURES in and send a patch or add to docker.scc in yocto-kernel-cache and send a patch? (on the fence about IP_VS)15:29
zeddiiThere's so many bits and pieces that have been yanked into docker.scc, but it would be better to use the feature fragments via include. but honestly, either is ok. I need to refactor a lot of things into features anyway, so I could loop back and fix it later.15:30
moto-timozeddii: agreed, I'm just thinking I should try to improve the situation... I personally like the include  features in scc route better as well15:35
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moto-timozeddii: once again, I am running but that smells like it is expecting things that perhaps should be optional... like a docker-extended.scc or somesuch.. meh15:37
moto-timozeddii: obviously I could make that green and give noob users the best out of box experience, but it becomes kitchen sink15:38
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zeddiiyah. I don't adhere to that exactly. some things are kitchen sink, and are better triggered conditionally.15:38
zeddiitwo kitchen sinks independently15:38
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tgamblinrburton: I can't seem to reproduce that failure with python3-dtc :/16:35
tgamblinbuilt xen-image-minimal with my patch applied, it fails at the end on xen-image-minimal do_rootfs because it can't find some kernel modules, but no lopper complaints16:36
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khemI have all the available ptests in meta-python working for qemux86-6419:29
khemin future I will ask anyone sending meta-python patches to run the ptests for relevant recipes19:29
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rburtontgamblin: annoying19:43
rburtontgamblin: try to delete the build tree and try again from sstate, it might be related to that19:43
rburtonmoto-timo: can you tell if is a genuine test suite failure in toaster, or broken AB setup?19:48
moto-timorburton: since a lot of tests passed, I am inclined to think the AB setup is ok. Selenium would have busted way worse if it wasn't.20:09
moto-timorburton: I've seen at least one of those fail myself locally before, so the test cases might need tweaking. Unfortunately, the errors don't tell us much. Some folks do screen captures of the browswer window to see what messages are displayed. but then we'd need to teach AB how to do that and how to export as artefacts (the html report could also be exported as an artefact but I forget how useful it is)20:11
rburtonmoto-timo: good to know, thanks20:13
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moto-timokhem thank you for all that work. I agree we should enforce ptest requirements (unless the dependencies are just insane)20:25
khemI will add it to one of CI jobs I have20:26
moto-timoIt’s been on my wishlist since I first enabled the per recipe ptests20:26
moto-timoyocton: don’t you have a class/test that would report recipes that had a /tests folder or similar? hints that the recipe should have ptest enabled20:28
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yoctonmoto-timo: yes we do20:53
yoctonmoto-timo: you want "unimplemented-ptest" in QA warnings20:56
moto-timoI need to add that to my AUH runs.20:57
moto-timokhem: we could recommend folks add 'unimplemented-ptest' when we respond with please enable ptest in your meta-python new recipe20:58
tgamblinrburton: still nothing. qemuarm64 xen-image-minimal, xen in DISTRO_FEATURES, my patch applied. Do you have a link to the failing AB run?20:58
yoctonmoto-timo: for python recipes, it will try to detect pytest usage. Keep in mind that it can easily have false positives and negatives.21:03
moto-timoyocton: understood, but at least it is there and "easy" to turn on21:04
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DvorkinDmitryWhile building the Kirkstone: Please define 'CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE', but DTB (file) and the CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE is on its place!21:38
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tlwoernerout of curiosity, is there a schedule or a set day for when scarthgap might get updated?22:24
tlwoerneroh... in meta-openembedded22:25
khemtlwoerner: armpit does it once a month22:32
khemusually it is same week of month I am not sure what he is targetting for scarthgap22:32
Croftonlast commits are dates end of August22:34
khemthanks, yeah each week for one release we have 3 active releases22:35
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tlwoernerokay, thanks. i'll ping Armin22:47
khemWe should put that info in wiki as well22:49
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