Wednesday, 2024-09-25

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rber|resHey - I am playing with the yocto-check-layer tool and it looks like if you change a signature in your layer (e.g. bbappend) your layer fails. Why?07:48
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mcfrisk_RP: do the master-next test runs look good? no more failures from systemd uki changes?08:32
rburtonmcfrisk_: RP is away this week, i'll dig out the latest -next build shortly and see what broke08:34
mcfrisk_rburton: ok, thanks08:37
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* rob_w finally back to setup some fancy fresh new toolchains,,, love that part the most08:44
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LetoThe2ndrob_w: feeling like android much?09:08
rob_wnot in a long time, no09:08
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rob_wwhy ur asking ?09:08
LetoThe2ndrob_w: "fancy toolchains" has basically been the android theme (in our tiny embedded bubble) at OSS+LPC :)09:09
rob_wah sorry09:09
rob_wi actually love yocto in the positiv way of my wording09:10
LetoThe2ndrob_w: all good!09:10
GranjowHello again. I'm trying to generate custom GRUB menu entries with LABELS and APPEND, but I need different kernel parameters for different entries. Looking at grub-efi-cfg.bbclass, it looks like this is not possible, and I wonder if either I don't understand it or if there generally is no point in having multiple labels because they would all do the09:10
Granjowsame anyway?09:10
rob_wdoing the same thing again , sounds generally doubtfull09:11
GranjowFollow-up question is: how do I create a GRUB configuration with different menu entries AND different kernel parameters? Do I have to change grub-efi-cfg.bbclass, or is there a different way?09:12
rob_wGranjow, maybe check how poky/meta/recipes-bsp/grub/ does it and bbappend to that ?09:16
Granjowrob_w: It does an inherit on grub-efi-cfg.bbclass, and from what I know, I cannot un-inherit and I cannot override the .bbclass unless I patch poky directly, but I need to modify the .bbclass to fix it?09:18
rob_wwhat i ses is that grub-bootconf is to create a grub.cfg , if that isnt what u want09:21
Granjowrob_w: It does, but it does not generate it in a useful way09:32
GranjowIt can generate multiple entries, but they are all the same except for the name, which is useless09:32
qschulztlwoerner: ah, well... starting gst-launch with video decoding on weston in scarthgap crashes with a segfault09:38
mcfrisk_Granjow: I know the pain, had to patch grub-efi quite heavily to do what we wanted.09:50
mcfrisk_Granjow: you can check and for the ugly hacks09:51
mcfrisk_not sure if adding extra boot entries with different kernel command lines is any easier with systemd-boot09:52
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Granjowmcfrisk_: Thank you! Gives me some inspiration! And maybe I'll send a patch for poky …11:30
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qschulzdoes anyone else have atrocious git clone download speed for linux-yocto?12:33
qschulzi'm at 26kbps12:33
qschulzkBps sorry12:33
Granjowqschulz: I get 11 MB/s when running it now12:40
qschulzGranjow: which timezone/continent are you? I just restarted it and it's still 32KBps from Europe12:41
qschulzare you in :)12:42
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qschulzGranjow: mmmmmm, 30MBps from my office's server12:44
Granjowqschulz: Switzerland12:53
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* qschulz shrugs12:55
GranjowI'm trying to install a yocto from USB stick, but as soon as the live system boots, it finds neither keyboard nor the usb stick it booted from. How can I debug this? The serial console is not of much help without a keyboard13:04
rob_wwhere would i hack to get DL_DIR include the downloads/ dir again when i use file:// SRC_URIs ? scarthgap seems to miss that path on those13:06
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qschulzrob_w: i don't understand what you're trying to do, can you provide the actual thing you want to do?13:08
qschulzGranjow: very likely a kernel issue? maybe you have built the USB drivers as modules and they aren't installed in the initramfs/rootfs?13:09
rob_won kirkstone, i had me recipes use a simple SRC_URI like file://my.tar.bz2 and just have that package in my build/download/ dir13:10
rob_wscarthgap seems to only include meta-layer paths for my tar.bz2 and miss out the download dir13:10
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qschulzthere usually is a .done file associated with every file in DL_DIR13:13
qschulzit contains some data (463B according to ls)13:13
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Granjowqschulz: We actually disabled some USB_XHCI features in the kernel to support the Siemens 227E, just testing if that broke USB on the new hardware. How can I check if the USB drivers are in initramfs, can I just extract the initrd file and see it there?13:16
qschulzGranjow: you can check with lsmod if some modules are loaded13:17
GranjowWhen I look at usr/lib/modules/6.6.30-intel-pk-standard/modules.builtin in the initrd, there are some usb drivers, not sure if that is relevant and if it is, which one is the right one13:17
qschulzGranjow: I don't think the modules are supposed to be in /usr/lib rather in /lib13:18
Granjowqschulz: how can I check that … without keyboard … ok, I'll just put it into the 80-setup-live which runs in the boot phase13:18
qschulzGranjow: ssh? serial?13:18
Granjowqschulz: I dont have a serial interface, and it stops at “waiting for removable media”13:19
Granjowso no IP and ssh yet13:20
Granjowlib/modules/6.6.30-intel-pk-standard/modules.builtin also contains some usb drivers, again no idea what they are good for :)13:20
qschulzGranjow: won't be able to tell myself either :)13:21
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rburtonGranjow: definitely you either don't have an initrd, you're kernel isn't using the initrd, or the initrd is missing a load of modules.  if you're really unlucky you've managed to build an initrd that can't load modules, master was like that for a few weeks but is fixed now.13:49
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Granjowrburton: I'm on poky scarthgap-5.0.3, was it affected as well? I think the kernel is using the initrd, because I can extract it with unmkinitramfs on my host and there is a script in /init.d/ which I modified, and the modified version is also started when booting from USB stick.13:52
rburtonthe easy fix is to just put the needed drivers into the kernel instead of as modules13:52
GranjowI have almost no clue about kernel modules unfortunately, can I check if it fails loading modules and how do I generally know which module I would need?13:52
GranjowOk :) how do I know which drivers I need?13:53
GranjowMy new image is about to complete its build, so I can add an lsmod in the startup file, and if it is not too long, I can still see it on the screen13:53
rburtonan actual serial port is usually easier than usb if your board has one of those13:54
GranjowUsing Siemens BX-21A, 3 Ethernet ports, but no serial port :(13:55
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GranjowOh. Cool. It was the drivers we disabled for the old hardware which are now required for this hardware. The image I just built includes these again. It boots so much!13:57
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GranjowThough, it does not detect any of the 3 ethernet adapters, so I anyway have to look into kernel drivers :D14:02
rburtonif your hardware vendor doesn't provide a list of all the hardware and the kernel options they need to work then ask them for that list14:02
rburtoni was so pleased with i found a board that actually had that in the hardware overview14:02
Granjowrburton: That sounds like something that would make my life much easier in that regard. Will do!14:03
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qschulzrburton: people complain about Device Tree but at least I have a way of figuring out what kind of drivers I need based on the compatibles :)14:11
qschulzwondering if there's something similar for the ACPI world14:11
rburtonit would be nice14:11
qschulz(especially since there seems to be Aarch64 systems now support ACPI?14:11
rburtonsome, yeah14:12
rburtonhas anyone written a tool to scan a devicetree and automatically list the modules that match?14:12
qschulzrburton: likely14:12
qschulzI have one of my thousands open tabs which explains how they added runtime checks for driver probing based on device tree14:12
qschulzcollabora or linaro folks are working on this14:13
GranjowJust to still understand the approach. There is a manual which says Marwell 88E1512 is used. According to $searchengine it is spelled Marvell and not Marwell. There is e.g. and I found out that there is a kernel configuration reference which lists marvell drivers:14:13
Granjow now I have to find one and add the kernel configuration and it might work? (might, because the marvell.c only contains the 88E1510 explicitly)14:13
rburtonqschulz: i also want to glue the module metadata that lists the firmware it loads into package dependencies, so if you install a kernel module it pulls in the firmware automatically14:15
rburton(does need rewriting linux-firmware first though)14:15
qschulzGranjow: it is possible your PHY simply isn't supported yet14:16
qschulzthough.... if marvell have done their job properly and it is compliant with one of the ieee standards for Ethernet PHYs, the generic driver could handle it14:17
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qschulzif you want more features that aren't part of the standard, or it simply doesn't work, then you'll need driver support14:17
qschulztry to figure out the ID of the PHY through mii/mdio tools14:18
qschulzor if you have access to some datasheet you can get it from there14:18
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qschulzGranjow: seems like your PHY could be compatible with the 88E151014:20
qschulztable 67 and 6814:20
qschulzthey don't seem to say anything about a different identifier for the PHYs in that datasheet14:21
rburtonlove that its 2024 and people are still having to google and read data sheets to figure out if hardware is supported on linux and if so what the modules to use are14:22
qschulzrburton: i'm actually surprised there was a publicly available datasheet for a marvell PHY )14:23
qschulzrburton: let's take a moment to thank vendors to provide job security to the whole industry14:24
qschulzstraight from my unopened tab, haven't read it14:27
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Granjowqschulz: Cool, will try! So if the PHY identifier is identical, that means the driver should be compatible because hardware detection is done based on this identifier?14:46
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qschulzGranjow: correct, it's reading the PHY Identifier as part of the standard, applying a mask (defined in the driver) and if it matches, it uses that driver14:46
rber|resis there any good reason why we pull tarballs via http and not https in some of the recipes?14:48
Granjowqschulz: Ok, interesting! :)14:52
qschulzGranjow: interesting is what happens when you have two drivers matching :D14:53
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Granjowqschulz: lol – what happens? Random? Alphabetic? Nuclear Fusion?14:54
qschulzGranjow: I actually do not know, I hit this once when migrating support of one PHY to another driver but didn't investigate14:55
Granjowok :)14:55
qschulzconsidering the probe order isn't guaranteed to be deterministic, I would assume that the PHY drivers registering in the subsystem are not necessarily in a guaranteed order and thus, chaos ensues14:56
qschulzone boot one driver, another boot another driver (not necessarily 50/50 :) )14:56
qschulz(i have nothing to back this claim though)14:56
GranjowThough, if both drivers work, would it really be an issue? :)14:58
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qschulzGranjow: very unlikely they both work, at least the same way with the same set of features, bugs, etc...15:00
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NishanthMenondumb devtool question, since my search foo is failing me: -> there are two uris there - but when I use devtool modify linux-yocto, I just get the  linux-yocto.git and not yocto-kernel-cache. wondering if there is a better way of using devtool ?15:05
NishanthMenon^^ I mean to work on yocto-kernel-cache15:06
Granjowqschulz and rburton, thanks for your help! Will try the new driver on Friday, kernel ignores my configuration today :)15:06
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qschulzrburton: re: tf-a recipe before v2.12 is released... shouldn't we just add a recipe in meta-arm?16:59
qschulzif yes, AUTOREV, no AUTOREV?16:59
rburtonnot autorev by default17:00
qschulzI know you mentioned devupstream17:00
qschulzbut I don't see it applying here17:00
khemautorev throws whole build under the bus17:00
qschulzwell... actually, probably for the lts branches it could make sense17:00
qschulzkhem: care to give a few more bits on that?17:01
qschulzfor context, there's RK356x and RK3588 (initial) support in TF-A17:01
qschulzno release yet, and I know migrating meta-rockchip to it will take some time as I need to rework a few recipes with a few assumptions we made to make things easy17:01
qschulzso I want to test before the v2.12 is released17:02
qschulzor at least have the opportunity to do so17:02
qschulzI imagine i'm not the only one who would ever want to build a non-release build of TF-A to prepare for stuff17:02
qschulz(after all, TF-A is releasing like twice a year?)17:02
rburtonyeah, i'd like to be able to throw a 'git head' build in our CI occasionally17:04
qschulzso, instead of keeping this on my disk, I asked rburton if he was open to contributions on meta-arm :)17:04
qschulzrburton: I guess we could have a _git which is stable and a devupstream in _git that is autorev?17:05
khemdo it via a config metadata17:05
khemit will be parsed and bitbake will puke if it can not access17:06
rburtonyeah i think even as a default in devupstream it will still cause a network op17:06
qschulzah, that I didn't know... mmm that's bad17:06
rburtonbut you can set a sha and if you want autorev its easily changed from local.conf or similar17:06
rburtonpaging jonmason as we're talking about meta-arm :)17:06
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jonmasonif there are going to be two recipes that are _git, one with and one without autorev, then why not keep a versioned one and do the devupstream in the
qschulznot sure to follow, are you suggesting renaming v2.11 recipe into _git and have devupstream in there?17:12
rebojihii, i tried adding libgpiod to my yocto build, and i have the (libgpiod) v2.1.2, but when i try to use gpioset and so, this message comes up: gpioset: invalid line value: 'gpiochip2' . does anyone know if I have to add another package or change version?17:13
jonmasonqschulz: your proposal was " _git which is stable and a devupstream in _git that is autorev", that is 2 recipes, right?17:13
qschulzjonmason: one file but two recipes from bitbake PoV yes17:14
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jonmasonOkay, I think I'm missing something fundamental17:18
jonmasonSo, this seems to be a problem of everything git based17:18
jonmasonshould they all be's, so that people can run the latest code?17:19
jonmasonsaid differently, why is this something that is unique to tfa?17:20
qschulzjonmason: with _version being _git isn't a requirement17:21
qschulzI would say it makes sense when a project doesn't go releases and is versioned by git17:22
qschulzor if you're in between versions17:22
jonmasonI understand that, but if everything is "free float" that is git, even if it's versioned, then why not switch to it17:22
qschulzwe already have multiple recipes in meta-arm for tf-a, the lts variant and the latest version17:22
qschulzjonmason: failing to get the argument but it's getting late so maybe a case of brainfarting :)17:23
jonmasonI think the disconnect is on my end17:23
qschulzconsidering we already have 2 versions of the same recipe, adding a third one and handling all of this in one recipe file seems like some very difficult to maintain recipe17:24
qschulzand **I** wouldn't even know how to do this properly17:24
jonmasonmeta-arm/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/ is really just SHAs with a common inc file17:24
qschulz(there's devupstream BBCLASSEXTEND but even that isn't that entirely clear to me how to properly make use of it, seems to be very permissive)17:24
qschulzjonmason: correct, same for 2.11.017:25
jonmasonso the maintenance of multiple isn't hard for versioned17:25
jonmasonand you want a 3rd that is a
qschulzI want to be able to build something that isn't a release17:26
jonmasonand devtool is too much?17:26
jonmasonlike, you want it in your layer or something?17:27
jonmasonand bbappend with SHA is not good?17:27
qschulzok I see :)17:27
jonmasonagain, I'm probably just not understanding17:27
qschulznow we can start talking since I understood your point :)17:28
qschulzso, it essentially boils down to "i'll do it once, does anyone want that in some layer or do I just keep this to myself"17:28
jonmasongotcha, you are already going to do this...17:28
qschulzAND, I assume meta-arm **MIGHT** have some interest in automatically testing before the release happens17:29
qschulzhence why I was suggesting this to rburton during the YP Dev Day last week17:29
jonmasonhe tells me nothing17:29
jonmasonjust makes fun of my new flowing locks of hair17:29
qschulzwell, he paged you just now ;) :D17:29
qschulzrburton: how dare you17:30
jonmasonoh crap, oe happy hour17:30
qschulzwill sign off then, let's discuss some more another day :)17:30
jonmasonnaa, just joining now17:31
jonmasonI mean, I'd be happy to see the patch and am not necessarily against it17:32
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qschulzit's not because someone does some work that it's valuable to other people though ;)17:33
qschulzand I also understand that adding one more recipe (or a variant of it) is adding some more work to already busy maintainers ;)17:33
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jonmasonkhem: your TC_CXX_RUNTIME change seems to fix it (took forever to build though).  I'll roll through CI to verify21:14
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