Friday, 2024-10-04

khemRP:ah should I resend ?00:11
khemRP: the problem is seen when its build built from same devtool external build second time00:11
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khemsetup devtool build and do a build - then delete TMPDIR/* and do the build again and it starts to rebuild clang-native :(00:12
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khemwithout devtool first build and then delete TMPDIR/* and rebuild, this rebuild uses clang-native from sstate fine00:14
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tlammiHi all. I bumped our pipelines to use a newer poky and it breaks our scripts using oe-depends-dot. The pipeline calls the tool: "oe-depends-dot --depends -k <image>.do_populate_sdk". If I drop the ".<task>" suffix the invocation works. How should the script be used?04:48
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RPSaur: that code doesn't work properly :(07:19
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RPSaur: I think it only breaks with memory resident bitbake07:24
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RPSaur: the code is flawed, back to the drawing board :(07:38
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Guest71Hello, when doing08:50
Guest71bitbake <kernel_recipe> -c menuconfig08:50
Guest71I am getting quick flashing screen and then it exits reporting no errors.08:50
Guest71So The issue is not related to starting a terminal but rather the menuconfig that quits at start. How to get this menuconfig output? The recipe logs just show the "starting terminal" logs but not the actual output of the "make menuconfig"08:50
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RPGuest71: put a ";sleep 10" onto the command run in the terminal to try and get to pause. Video record the screen?09:40
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RPSaur: I've revised the patches. Still thinking about how to improve the selftests09:51
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Guest71good idea, thanks09:55
Guest71I see "make: *** No rule to make target 'menuconfig'.  Stop." interesting..09:59
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RPGuest71: running in the wrong directory? no kernel sources?10:03
RPGuest71: sounds like you have a lead at least!10:03
Guest71RP: when doing make menuconfig in devshell it works.. no idea what's up. I think I will end up using devshell10:04
mckoanGuest71: are you in a remote ssh shell?10:07
Guest71mckoan: no10:07
Guest71I think it is related to my kernel recipe.. googling the issue leads to some NXP forum posts, but without real solutions :)10:08
mckoanGuest71: is this akernel recipe?10:08
mckoanGuest71: is it a cutom kernel recipe or is coming from a BSP/metalayer?10:09
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Guest40hello, small problem with recipe tegra-minimal-initramfs:10:36
Guest40NOTE: Copying overlay L4TConfiguration-rcmboot.dtbo to /mnt/18/home/patrick/workspace/orin/build/tmp/work/guidance_jetson_orin_nx_specs-poky-linux/tegra-minimal-initramfs/1.0-r0/bup-payload10:36
Guest40| ERR: flash variable set not defined10:36
Guest40| ERR: flash variable set not defined10:36
Guest40| ERR: flash variable set not defined10:36
Guest40| ERR: flash variable set not defined10:36
Guest40| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.10:36
Guest40ERROR: Task (/mnt/18/home/patrick/workspace/orin/meta-tegra/recipes-core/images/ failed with exit code '1'10:36
Guest40I can see the error, however it lacks the specific flash variables that are NOT set, so no idea what I am NOT  setting here10:37
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andheI'm trying to upgrade an imx based system from dunfell to kirkstone running weston on top of sysvinit and this commit is causing problems:16:57
andhethe weston init scripts checks if this variable is set and bails out as it thinks weston/wayland is already running16:58
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andhesystemd is mentioned in the commit message, so would it make sense to add this file on systemd systems? or just add condition [ -d /run/systemd/system [16:59
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usvihow do I build latest systemd 256.6 for my kirkstone build? I downloaded under my file hierarchies and set PREFERRED_VERSION_systemd = "256.6"  but I get error messages17:35
usviWARNING: preferred version 256.6 of systemd not available (for item systemd)17:35
usviWARNING: versions of systemd available: 1:250.517:35
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usviMACHINE=am335x-evm bitbake -e "systemd" | grep ^FILE=17:38
usvidisregard that17:39
usviok the -e picks up workdir/../tisdk/sources/oe-core/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_250.5.bb17:41
usvils -1 workdir/../tisdk/sources/oe-core/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_*17:42
usviI have both there and preferred version set, but still problem17:42
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AdrianFusvi: Probably it's better to take the latest poky with the latest systemd or use the systemd version coming with kirkstone18:46
usvito complicate things, I am married to Texas Instrumets tisdk yocto, I have their kirkstone from like over one year ago18:49
usviok now it did not complain anything18:50
usviI probably had it on wrong local directory, sorry18:50
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usviok the build of systemd succeeded it seems21:14
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