Saturday, 2024-10-05

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khemusvi: systemd 256 on kirkstone might give you more heartache than you think, unless this is a large scale project, I would refrain from doing such mix and match00:45
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usvikhem: this is just so that Lennart cannot tell me my version is too ancient when I file a bug report05:25
usvithis will not go to production, no worries05:26
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usvifunny think. everything seems to be building, but from here I need to use S = "${WORKDIR}"  instead of  S = "${WORKDIR}/sources"06:03
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khemusvi: try to reproduce bug with yocto master branch06:38
khemthat might be easier ?06:38
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PhoenixMageHi guys, what recipe should I be appending with KERNEL_DTC_FLAGS to turn on devicetree symbols? I assumed the kernel recipe would be the one but apparently not...06:47
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usvikhem: yes, that would be the best. and you were right, systemd 256.x was actually not as easily buildable as I thought10:17
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khemRP: new AB seems ~25% faster comparing meta-oe job build times16:49
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RPkhem: nice. I've been meaning to look at the performance metrics and compare those too17:57
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IuliuSorry if this was asked before, I could not find any good answer. Is there any way to have bitbake stay "as a server", or some option in the current server mode such as on successive build it does not reload the recipe list, to save time?19:09
Iuliuit is particularly time consuming when rebuilding repeatedly a recipe..19:10
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RPSet BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT for the benefit of the logs in case they look there...20:54
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DvorkinDmitryI've created my own image_cmd... but it makes several images at one call. How to create symlinks correctly for each of them?22:59
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