Friday, 2024-10-11

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kanavinrburton, python 3.13 throws 'illegal instruction' in armv5 (but not regular arm or arm64)08:58
kanavinrburton, how can I quickly get to the bottom of it, if you know?08:58
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RPkanavin: is there a kernel message triggered? sometimes those can help09:40
rburtonkanavin: throw a gdb on it09:43
kanavinrburton, yes :) just was wondering if I can get that more directly as gdb is pretty heavy-handed09:44
kanavinRP: will check09:44
rburtondmesg might be useful but iirc it doesn't actually show the value of the IP which is annoying09:44
pbielHi guys, do you avoid using GPL-3 software running on your products? If so how do you handle e.g. libstdc++, do you use it or replace with libc++?09:46
kanavinpbiel, libstdc++ has a special exception that exempts you from fulfilling gpl obligations09:47
kanavinpretty much everyone does not think there's a problem09:48
kanavinalso see
pbielYes I know, but I'm just curious because our genius product managers are still pushing us to stay away from gpl3 "just in case" so I was wondering what does it look like in other companies09:50
kanavinshow these links to them09:50
pbielI'll do this09:50
kanavinthey're probably not aware of the 'gcc exception' or similar exceptions in other components09:51
kanavinif you do have a pure gpl3 component, such as bash, you do need to ensure it's not in the product image09:51
kanavin(development and testing image is probably ok)09:52
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kanavinrburton, mrc is the offending instruction11:01
kanavinthey added a bunch of code in 3.13 cycle that wants to use it on all arm11:01
rburton'move register to coprocessor' huh11:02
rburtonkanavin: can you get a backtrace and identify what bit of python is doing that?11:04
kanavinI already have, just need to copy paste from a different machine11:04
kanavinor let me just point to git, hold a sec11:04
rburtonkanavin: intial response is 'disable mimalloc on armv5' :)11:07
kanavinrburton, yeah but a) it doesn't explain why mrc ist verboten; b) there's another spot in code where they added it:
kanavinI can try of course...11:08
rburtonin fact it shouldn't be used by default at all, apparnetly11:08
rburtonah are you trying a build without the GIL?11:08
kanavinI'm just using defaults  :)11:09
rburtonyeah i think he was slightly mistaken there's quite a lot of clauses11:09
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rburtonwelcome to the wonderful world of old arm cores, their crazy instructions, and making qemu and gcc agree11:10
kanavinrburton, if you want to play with it
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kanavinI guess qemu might be slightly mis-configured?11:12
kanavingcc has nothing to do with it... it's inline assembly from python11:13
rburtonkanavin: our resident python master is, feel free to mail him.  i've a horrible feeling you'll need to figure out what the mrc call is trying to do and compare the qemu machine11:13
rburtonthe asm might be making assumptions that are not valid for armv5 and it needs to be guarded more11:16
kanavinbut arm docs say it's all supported everywhere :-/11:21
kanavintrying mimalloc disable now11:21
RPkanavin: FWIW we're going to "pause" typhoon today so we can power down things and check there is nothing we've missed in the transition to the new data centre11:21
kanavinso it's decommissioned entirely?11:23
RPkanavin: the aim is to be doing everything on valkyrie, yes11:24
kanavinI'll just stop using it then, thanks :)11:24
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kanavinI kind of enjoyed being the only one on it :D11:24
kanavinpet autobuilder :)11:25
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RPkanavin: you'll like the new one, it is much faster11:25
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kanavinRP: I wonder where the fastness comes from? more cores, and/or faster disks?11:28
RPkanavin: way newer hardware ;-)11:29
RPkanavin: even the performance test builds are literally twice as fast (they're not the same hardware as the workers)11:29
RPsee the weekly status report for links11:29
kanavinso I can't use the 'compiling' xkcd comic as often then :)11:30
RPkanavin: just tweak rust a bit more often ;-)11:30
kanavinyocto is in its own league here11:30
rburtonkanavin: Diego says please file and bug and send him the link. It might be our problem but it can be discussed there11:37
rburtonMy manager wonders if our qemu is a bit toolimited11:37
kanavinrburton, I kinda want to first see which targets qemu thinks support mrc, and which ones do not11:37
kanavinit does work fine on qemuarm11:37
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kanavinrburton, I do get a python prompt with mimalloc disabled \0/11:43
kanavinwhich means armv5 can't have the shiny new no-gil11:44
kanavinmercy me. code archeology is the number one skill with yocto isn't it. They don't teach that anywhere.11:45
kanavinnew task: how to find mrc support and conditions for it in qemu source tree11:45
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kanavinrburton, so where to file the bug? qemu or cpython?13:04
kanavinor maybe yocto bugzilla?13:09
RPkanavin: start in YP bugzilla and then move if/as/when we find the source of the issue?13:12
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luc4Hello! Is there any tutorial/doc on how to install and use plymouth in yocto? I updated from nanbield to scarthgap and I cannot make it work anymore...13:58
gmorell /w 214:06
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RPkhem: around? there are meta-oe fetch failures it would be good to fix on the AB15:08
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khemRP:hmm which recipe is it lemme check15:40
khemxmlrpc-c hmm15:41
khemI think it should already be fixed in latest master -
RPkhem: when was that merged?15:43
khemthe error log shows 1.59.01 version so I am assuming it was running on master before today15:43
khemthis morning15:43
RPkhem: ok, lets hope that goes away then!15:43
khemRP: I have started a new build -
khemthis should tell us15:46
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RPkhem: that one seems fixed, failed in eds this time :/
khemRP:yeah and I dont understand the fetcher error The URL: ';name=archive' is not trusted and cannot be used16:45
khemwhy is that ? its https URI16:46
RPkhem: lets rerun it. It might mean it mirrored on the first run in that build but the server jobs didn't catch up16:48
khemrestarted, lets see16:49
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khemfailed again at same point :(19:49
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RPhalstead: I think there may be something odd going on with the source mirroring. - for evolution-data-server-3.54.0.tar.xz20:12
RPhalstead: that doesn't appear to be making it into the downloads mirror. Or perhaps this is because it is currently checking the mirror from typhoon?20:13
RPthat might "make sense"20:13
halsteadRP: The downloads mirror is still at typhoon. I can fix this with an extra sync.20:14
RPhalstead: I guess it will change soon so it may not be worth it, not sure20:14
RPhalstead: I paused the typhoon workers earlier while it was quiet btw20:15
halsteadRP: I saw that when I went to do it this morning. :)20:15
halsteadRP: I think I'll keep typhoon working until the kirkstone rc is done. Just in case. Yeah?20:16
RPhalstead: I'd not worry, we're always going to have this problem20:16
RPif we delay that release, we delay it20:16
RPyou've things you need to move forward with...20:17
halsteadOkay RP. If that's fine I'll just keep moving forward. I suppose we can fix anything we need to without falling back at this point.20:17
RPhalstead: I suspect we'll have to20:18
halsteadRP: Cross-geo source mirroring is in progress.20:38
RPhalstead: thanks!20:41
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