Saturday, 2024-10-12

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thomas25I've enabled Shared State Cache for my yocto builds and I'm following the official documentation and doing the same stuff but still looks like not much is pulled from SSC, instead almost all is being built, is that normal?11:40
thomas25building on crops/poky:ubuntu-22.04 container on macos host11:41
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Guest65strange problem flashing an orin nx 16gb : the root filesystem on the nvme is not refreshed, examined all I could think of but to no avail11:43
Scorpithomas25: bitbake -S printdiff <recipe> might help12:04
thomas25Scorpi ok, this is hello world yocto for me, so I printed tasks for given target via `bitbake -g` now I'm troubleshooting for a random target in there via `bitbake -S printdiff <recipe>`12:16
thomas25btw, am i right to expect to get most of the objects from cache server if i target yocto 5.0.4 on crops/poky:ubuntu-22 image? i.e. i'm guess a popular target with a popular dev container12:17
thomas25as for target arch, i've tried aarch64 and x64 both require a lot of build (i was expecting the opposite)12:17
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rber|res@thomas25 - you mean the first time it builds a lot right? If you build the same thing again it does not.14:52
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thomas25rber|res yes, but, isn't there a remote shared artifact cache server? it's what i understand from the docs and the local.conf ?16:10
thomas25it also sounds weirds because who are eligible to store cache information? how is it trusted? etc16:10
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rber|resI am not sure it's up and running yet.16:21
rber|resHere you can find some info:
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thomas25I mean, isn't this a public shared build artefact server SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://.*;downloadfilename=PATH"16:50
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rber|resdo you set PRSERV_UPSTREAM?17:47
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RPmcfrisk_: - I wonder if this is the same issue the barebox patches ran into and we need to disable kvm on arm ?21:42
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